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New Madrid Seismic Zone - FEMA buying up food for 7 million

I know many times people jump to conclusions and make statements that cannot be validated, but there are times in this life in which you must piece together information and educate yourself regardless of the outcome. I literally WANT this evidence to mean nothing. I want to be wrong in so many ways, but all the evidence points to the contrary. You take from this what you take from this, but in the event something like this happens in the near future, it shouldn’t surprise you.

First, watch this video I’m about to link. This guy explains, in-depth the situation as a whole AND provides direct links to his sources. (mods, please do not banish to the video section. this thread is way too important to disregard and move because it contains a link to a video. i understand that videos must be posted there, but the links included are reference points - this is an open discussion regarding the NMSZ.)


FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has recently posted what they call an “RFI for Pre-Packaged Commercial Meals”. The description describes it better obviously:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores pre-packaged commercial meals to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault system for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M meals per day):

- Serving Size - 12 ounce (entree not to exceed 480 calorie count);
- Maximum calories - 1200 and/or 1165 per meal;
- Protein parameters - 29g-37g kit;
- Trans Fat - 0;
- Saturated Fat - 13 grams (9 calories per gram);
- Total Fat - 47 grams (less than 10% calories);
- Maximum sodium - 800-930 mg;


The list continues on describing how much they need, of what type of food, etc. That’s irrelevant. Focus on this statement MADE BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT:

“The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault system for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations.”

That is enough for me to believe that both our government and FEMA (one in the same) are aware of something and/or attempting to create something so disastrous that it would finalize all of their plans they have worked so vehemently for. We all know those in power wish to declare Martial Law in our police state, here’s proof:

Congressman Brad Sherman explaining how those in power will use martial law to scare people into passing legislation – they WANT it – it means a suspension to the constitution and the furtherance of the police state. Watch:


This is the tip of the iceberg. Some say “well, we cannot prevent a natural disaster” – that’s very true. But when we have geoengineering and institutions such as HAARP, it is almost factual that earthquakes can and have been created. Our government makes money on disaster. Rahm Emmanuel is quoted as saying “Never let a crisis go to waste”. This was Obama’s right-hand man. 9/11 was clearly a prime example of our government taking advantage of the citizens in the wake of a disaster – the Patriot Act I & II, the Enemy Belligerents Act, Council of Governors, the TSA, Department of Homeland Security, etc. There are terrorists in this world, as terrorist is anyone defined as causing terror. There is no “Al-Qaeda”. That’s the CIA at its finest as well – if you don’t believe that, you’re simply not informed and don’t have all the facts because if you did, you’d wholeheartedly agree with me. There is a LONG history of our government exploiting disaster, and with the evidence against HAARP, it is clear that HAARP’s activities combined with the gulf drilling/oil spill could very well create the next major disaster that would allow the tyrannical leaders of this nation to install their long-desired dictatorship and we see a true 1984 in our daily lives. Millions could die. 50 to 200 million some are quoting.

The video I linked to the user documents how HAARP’s signals directly relate to the massive animal die-offs as well.

Could the Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Cause A Massive Earthquake Along The New Madrid Fault Line?


“There is a very important aspect of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill crisis that hardly anyone is talking about. You see, it is not just an "oil spill" that BP has unleashed on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. What BP has done is that they have uncorked an "oil volcano" that is violently spewing oil and gas out of the floor of the Gulf of Mexico so violently and with such pressure that it is beyond the capacity of human technology to control it. Millions upon millions of gallons of oil have already been pumped into the Gulf of Mexico, and millions upon millions more will continue to be pumped into the Gulf before all of this is over. So could all of this violent activity on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico spark seismic activity in the region that could potentially be absolutely catastrophic? Could this "oil volcano" cause an earthquake along the New Madrid fault line that is so powerful that it could bring about "the end of the world as we know it" for those living in the area?

Those are legitimate questions.”

A concerned citizen also submitted an eye-witness report as he lives on the NMFZ:

“I live on the new madrid fault. And I can tell you this.

The surface rupture of the roads and highways is out of control.

Also, everyday of the week the structure of my moms home is "cracking" and shifting. You can hear the walls and the surface crack.

Nearby is a dollar general store. In that parking lot there are 3 flagpoles that "vibrate" violently. (not shaking from wind) Each and everyday, the roads "blow" up potholes. U.S. 41 is ruptured severely.

Interstate 65 is also badly damaged. They keep trying to repave them but it doesn't work.
The cline ave bridge at points is closing.

This bridge and off ramps leads right into Inland steel and LTV steel and BP amoco.

So far, I believe 5-7 bridges have been shut down or are scheduled for closing because they are unsafe.

I monitor the earthquakes daily. And as you know there are far too many happening too quickly.

I believe the general public has been misled. In my opinion, the 2012 shift is happening now, but everyone has been conditioned to believe that they still have time to prepare for the main event.

Thats b.s. It doesn't happen all at once.

In Momence Illinois, some of the buildings are beginning to "sink".

In cedar lake Indiana, the same is happening.

The bottom line is this; Buildings are cracking, parking lots can't be fixed, roads and bridges are closing every week, sidewalks are sinking and sinkholes are opening everywhere. At time day or night, you can literally feel the earth "vibrate" below your feet.

I'm in Northwest Indiana, and I believe we are about to get hit with a earthquake of biblical proportions. We are surrounded by propane, natural gas and bp amoco refineries.

And, Im more than concerned what will happen when the new madrid erupts.

best regards


The weather channel hyping the possibility to promote one of their shows:



The FCC approved measures that would allow Obama to seize all media outlets to issue “Presidential Alerts” – keep in mind this is dated 2/8/2011, 5 days after FEMA’s request for food sources must be filled. Something is coming my friends, I don’t know exactly what but if it has anything to do with the New Madrid Fault Zone, we are ALL fucked and so are many of our loved ones and millions of others.

This is a real possibility people, wake up to the shit that is going on in this world and prepare yourself. Store yourself an emergency kit including food for 5 up to 2 weeks to 1 month, including water. Well water or water filtered through an R/O system would be suggested. Create a meeting point with your family incase communications cease – cellular, landline, internet, etc.

Hope is all we have at this point.



Look at where the recent quakes are.

MAP 2.1 2011/02/08 13:08:57 35.273 -92.339 5.6 6 km ( 4 mi) S of Guy, AR
MAP 2.5 2011/02/07 04:10:52 36.719 -89.518 5.6 7 km ( 5 mi) SE of Matthews, MO
MAP 1.3 2011/02/06 17:40:21 35.324 -92.293 5.9 4 km ( 2 mi) E of Guy, AR
MAP 1.3 2011/02/06 00:17:09 35.302 -92.323 2.8 3 km ( 2 mi) SSE of Guy, AR
MAP 1.3 2011/02/05 10:21:37 35.302 -92.324 2.6 3 km ( 2 mi) SSE of Guy, AR
MAP 1.5 2011/02/04 04:17:22 36.498 -89.538 8.4 7 km ( 4 mi) ESE of Marston, MO
MAP 1.9 2011/02/02 08:29:17 36.267 -89.466 6.5 2 km ( 1 mi) E of Ridgely, TN


stone fool
Someody should take your sativa away dude. Fema should have this type of thing for all the possible disaster zones. Yes the ground is shifting in the land of lincoln, I have felt it too, but it ain't a major event.

el dub

I like this part..

quote FTP above: .... we have geoengineering and institutions such as HAARP, it is almost factual that earthquakes can and have been created.



really interesting stuff, thanks for posting. have no idea why people would doubt "our" government would do something like this. perhaps someone needs to take away your indica so you can wake up from that coma.


Active member


Active member
the new madrid fault line only moves .02mm per year compared to the san andrea fault which moves 37mm per year. How are peoples houses shifting that doesnt make sense

Guest 150314

Dude you should watch some of the guys other videos on youtube who posted this bullshit, he drives a camo'ed out 4x4 90's chevy blazer covered in radar scatter camo netting and does a bit of a show and tell with his night vision goggles, gas masks, ghillie suit, camo'ed out SKS with lazer site and AK 74 "hunting" rifles.. he is a nutcase why do you need a tactical folding stock, extended mag, and lazer site on a hunting rifle. He pulls all this shit out to make a youtube video next to his double wide trailer ...


I hope you are all prepared for an "event" like this guy!


There were aliens... and a spaceship... and a probe...

Calm down sheeple. Theres nothing to see here... Move along to your fast food (poison) and remote controls (brainwashing).

NMFZ been overdue so they say... So um yeah might give way any day so I wouldn't be shocked. Just like Cali is doomed to sink or break off.

I personally like the planet x theory myself. When planet x (dark star) moves into our system which is happening now... All kinds of events happen. Magnetic pole shifts along with land coming out of the ocean. Mountains being made. Mountains and land being turned into water. Wicked stuff check it out.
Someody should take your sativa away dude. Fema should have this type of thing for all the possible disaster zones. Yes the ground is shifting in the land of lincoln, I have felt it too, but it ain't a major event.

Actually I've been sober quite long and harvest is only 2-3 weeks away...

FEMA, in theory, is a 'good' institution as it plays a part in emergency management in case of a disaster. Problem is it's run by corrupt officials who take back-office deals and are working towards implementing a police state. FEMA camps are real my friend, there is no conspiracy there. Way too much evidence. Secondly, FEMA is ADMITTING in the request that the food would be for a 'survivor population of 7 million' in case of a disaster on/in the NMFZ....if this is just typical, normal precautionary measures...why aren't they doing it for every single fault in the country, or every single 'prone' disaster zone such as the coastlines (hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.) - what stands out is they reference an exact amount of people (calculated) in a VERY odd area - right where the mass animal die-offs are occurring along with minor quakes happening daily in those areas....not that this is 'out of the ordinary' (the quakes) but to me when you put two and two together, the conspiracy idea goes out the window and it points to something much more sinister.

I like this part..

quote FTP above: .... we have geoengineering and institutions such as HAARP, it is almost factual that earthquakes can and have been created.


the reason i said 'almost factual' is because there is so much evidence and testimony about HAARP, geoengineering/etc that it literally is factual - but in this day and age nothing is 'fact' or 'accepted' by the american people unless that particular institution admits it. IE., nobody believed the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag until our own government admitted it. Nobody believed MKULTRA existed and that our government tested LSD and MDMA on civilians without their knowledge until the government admitted it. the same goes for this stuff. need i go on with countless reports of our government lying to us, harming us and killing us in which they ADMIT it?

i too, liked "almost factual"

see above

the new madrid fault line only moves .02mm per year compared to the san andrea fault which moves 37mm per year. How are peoples houses shifting that doesnt make sense

i'm not the 'eyewitness' so i can't say much. on the other hand though I wish there could be some verification that US 41 and I 65 have been damaged significantly. if we could verify that, then it would lend more credence to this man's statements.

Dude you should watch some of the guys other videos on youtube who posted this bullshit, he drives a camo'ed out 4x4 90's chevy blazer covered in radar scatter camo netting and does a bit of a show and tell with his night vision goggles, gas masks, ghillie suit, camo'ed out SKS with lazer site and AK 74 "hunting" rifles.. he is a nutcase why do you need a tactical folding stock, extended mag, and lazer site on a hunting rifle. He pulls all this shit out to make a youtube video next to his double wide trailer ...


I hope you are all prepared for an "event" like this guy!

First off, just because someone acts or behaves differently than you or the rest of the population does not mean he is a 'nutcase'. Yeah, people do dumb things, but what this guy pointed out in this particular video is factual - there is no debating whether or not FEMA is requesting immediate production of food for a 'survival population' of 7 million....i haven't scoped his other videos out but he could be right, he could be wrong, but i go on the evidence which is why i fact-checked his statements and followed his sources, and everything so far backs up what he has said....not to say his word is prophecy, but he is pointing out facts that could very well point to man's intervention in the way the earth works and depending on what you know and believe, HAARP & their off-shoots could be the cause of the next quake.

also, for reference, if i said "the sky is blue" then immediately said "the sun is green", does that make my original statement of "the sky is blue" false? no. so i can understand that this guy might very well be pointing out factual information while forming 'theories' on other topics...i haven't seen his other videos like i said, nor have i investigated anything about what he's into aside from this video. it's pretty easy to pick out a nutcase and his thoughts are very valid...although he did repeat himself a bit too often when he kept saying reupload, tell everyone, etc. i think informing people of the evidence is very important, but the endgame or the final afterthought will differ from person to person at times.

There were aliens... and a spaceship... and a probe...

Calm down sheeple. Theres nothing to see here... Move along to your fast food (poison) and remote controls (brainwashing).

NMFZ been overdue so they say... So um yeah might give way any day so I wouldn't be shocked. Just like Cali is doomed to sink or break off.

I personally like the planet x theory myself. When planet x (dark star) moves into our system which is happening now... All kinds of events happen. Magnetic pole shifts along with land coming out of the ocean. Mountains being made. Mountains and land being turned into water. Wicked stuff check it out.

I've heard about planet X and things like it but i have never really watched any videos or documentaries about it...will check it out though. It's funny to watch how the people respond to the above information, is it not? Without even having serious discussion, they immediately jump to conclusions, name-call and label people nutcases. Typical brainwashed americans.

BY THE WAY - the guy who made the video is definitely a stoner. if you look at the comments, his one username includes '420', so he almost assuredly blazes.


Kiss My Ring
yep...who else spends their precious time putting together earth-splitting and mind bending apocolyptic visions just for shits and grins?... stoners.
the procurement thing; well connected corporate interests milking the charade some of you elected to 'lead' us into the future...

Guest 150314

Some of the info and points he raises are interesting for sure, I wouldn't go so far as to say his videos present "facts" .. have you researched these things yourself? as far as I can tell he is just showing a bunch of blurry screen shots of documents he found online which doesn't equate to "facts" for me.

He does smoke weed in one of his clips, not that it matters.

I still stand by my earlier conclusion that he is a nutcase, can you give me a valid reason why someone needs to stockpile assault weapons and ammo? he has multiple military issue assault rifles modified with extended magazines, folding tactical stocks, and a lazer scope? Americans like to justify it by saying its a constitutional right to bear arms etc.. a hunting rifle is one thing but assault rifles designed to kill human beings is another.

I like to think I am accepting of different people, like this guy I enjoy spending time in nature shooting stuff and driving my truck or dirt bike but he is just another level, extreme paranoia and lot's of guns are a bad combo.

Checkout his "attacker" targets, he is clearly practicing to take out human beings "very handy to have to know wether or not you will be able to defend yourself"

Green lung

Active member
Thank God your here to save us:thank you:

Your my hero

Thank God you and 420stoner from youtube have figured all this out.

You guys have to be geniuses man I mean How could you guys have figured this all out.

Guest 150314

if you really believe this shit get the fuck off your computer and start preparing for the apocalypse!


what should we do first? well im going to smoke a bowl and when its figured out please give me the run down .
Last edited:


Green Mujaheed
FTP, first question which should come to mind is : Does FEMA already has a crisis plan for the NM fault line area and this request of them is just some "upgrading", or is it a first ?

If it's a first, then better late than never (remember Katrina ?). NMFL can produce pretty big earthquakes, and there is nothing extravagant doing some planning in case, say, a 8-one would struck as they have to plan for the worst.
Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi are under direct threat from NMFL, so that's a lot to deal with.

Look at where the recent quakes are.

MAP 2.1 2011/02/08 13:08:57 35.273 -92.339 5.6 6 km ( 4 mi) S of Guy, AR
MAP 2.5 2011/02/07 04:10:52 36.719 -89.518 5.6 7 km ( 5 mi) SE of Matthews, MO
MAP 1.3 2011/02/06 17:40:21 35.324 -92.293 5.9 4 km ( 2 mi) E of Guy, AR
MAP 1.3 2011/02/06 00:17:09 35.302 -92.323 2.8 3 km ( 2 mi) SSE of Guy, AR
MAP 1.3 2011/02/05 10:21:37 35.302 -92.324 2.6 3 km ( 2 mi) SSE of Guy, AR
MAP 1.5 2011/02/04 04:17:22 36.498 -89.538 8.4 7 km ( 4 mi) ESE of Marston, MO
MAP 1.9 2011/02/02 08:29:17 36.267 -89.466 6.5 2 km ( 1 mi) E of Ridgely, TN

Calm down, you have nothing to worry about here, these are perfectly normal, there have been thousands of them in the past 30 years and a very lot (hundreds ? thousands ?) of these micro-earthquakes happen all around the world everyday.

* December 16, 1811, 0815 UTC (2:15 a.m.); (M ~7.2 - 8.2[8]) epicenter in northeast Arkansas; it caused only slight damage to man-made structures, mainly because of the sparse population in the epicentral area. The future location of Memphis, Tennessee was shaken at Mercalli level nine intensity. A seismic seiche propagated upriver and Little Prairie was destroyed by liquefaction.[9] Local uplifts of the ground and water waves moving upstream gave the illusion that the river was flowing upstream.[10]

At New Madrid, trees were knocked down and riverbanks collapsed. This event shook windows and furniture in Washington, D.C., rang bells in Richmond, Virginia, sloshed well water and shook houses in Charleston, South Carolina, and knocked plaster off of houses in Columbia, South Carolina. In Jefferson, Indiana, furniture moved and in Lebanon, Ohio, residents fled their homes. Observers in Herculaneum, Missouri, called it "severe" and claimed it had a duration of 10–12 minutes.[11]

Aftershocks were felt every six to ten minutes, a total of 27, in New Madrid until what was called the Daylight Shock, which was of the same intensity as the first. Many of these were also felt throughout the eastern US, though with less intensity than the initial earthquake.[12]

About your evil government and their as evil plans, isn't there something in your constitution about the right to bear guns for self-defence AND getting your leaders back to the right path, in case they stray away ? I might be wrong or maybe I dreamed about it, but I remember something about that. Hmm sofa, fridge, computer, car, plants, difficult to renounce to all the comfort and easiness of our lives, eh ? They got us by the balls, so we rant on the net. Easier & safer...

Up to work !

Irie !
yep...who else spends their precious time putting together earth-splitting and mind bending apocolyptic visions just for shits and grins?... stoners.
the procurement thing; well connected corporate interests milking the charade some of you elected to 'lead' us into the future...

nobody is putting "apocalyptic" scenarios together. even the mainstream media is reporting the same shit, which is referenced by the weather channel...not sure if it's linked in the OP.

well connected corporate interests milking? don't think so.

Some of the info and points he raises are interesting for sure, I wouldn't go so far as to say his videos present "facts" .. have you researched these things yourself? as far as I can tell he is just showing a bunch of blurry screen shots of documents he found online which doesn't equate to "facts" for me.

He does smoke weed in one of his clips, not that it matters.

I still stand by my earlier conclusion that he is a nutcase, can you give me a valid reason why someone needs to stockpile assault weapons and ammo? he has multiple military issue assault rifles modified with extended magazines, folding tactical stocks, and a lazer scope? Americans like to justify it by saying its a constitutional right to bear arms etc.. a hunting rifle is one thing but assault rifles designed to kill human beings is another.

I like to think I am accepting of different people, like this guy I enjoy spending time in nature shooting stuff and driving my truck or dirt bike but he is just another level, extreme paranoia and lot's of guns are a bad combo.

Checkout his "attacker" targets, he is clearly practicing to take out human beings "very handy to have to know wether or not you will be able to defend yourself"

first off, referencing the actual RFI report is a fact. there's no 'theory' there. the animal die-off locations are fact also, so are the facts about HAARP...look it up yourself if you don't believe it.

secondly, if you are so blind to not realize that american's rights have been widdled down to nothing and that a complete police-state takeover is literally imminent, then i understand your point of view. otherwise if you have educated yourself on what rights we have lost (where do i begin, the repeal of the glass-steagall act, repeal of habeas corpus, the patriot acts, enemy belligerents act, etc.) then you realize that fighting a dictator and the powers that be MIGHT be something real. as far as military grade weaponry, it's our right to bear arms regardless of magazine size or type of weapon, and having the type of equipment he does is simply protection from prying eyes.

echelon program. that is enough for me to know that my government spies on it's on citizens on a daily basis - not to mention the dozens of other illegal ass things going on such as the fusion centers being setup, DHS installing telescreens, verichip chipping people with RFID chips now, the healthcare act, i mean the list goes on... and again there MAY come a time where defending yourself and your family is a necessity. should you run off saying that it IS going to happen? no. but should you prepare? yes. if i had money and property you bet your ass i'd have a shitload of weapons and off-road vehicles...

Thank God your here to save us:thank you:

Your my hero

Thank God you and 420stoner from youtube have figured all this out.

You guys have to be geniuses man I mean How could you guys have figured this all out.

why you gotta attack me man? you can disagree, but making the statements you make simply make you look like a troll. nobody has everything figured out, it's simply bringing facts, reports and statistics to people's attention and sometimes those facts and statistics point to something...nothing wrong with that...

if you really believe this shit get the fuck off your computer and start preparing for the apocalypse!

nobody said it's the 'apocalypse', and computers are literally our saving grace being that the media is owned and controlled by the same corporations who own our government...all of the information fed to us is filtered and manipulated, and the internet is our last source of free speech and they want to take that down as well - look up "internet 2" and who's behind it.

point of this post is primarily to point out FEMA and their actions and the implications those actions have.


weed fiend
look it up...

do your own research...

I could research monkeys flying out of people's butts. I'm sure there's shit on the internet somewhere?


Active member
In the 40's the government decided weed may make the public pacifists and turn them in to commies. Well by judging the shit talking this forum has given this guy I think they might be on to something. One thing I have noticed with my pot smoking peers is the false sense of peace and love this plant has given them. Im all for free love but what happens if it does come to shit hits the fan senario are you prepared or will you just cower down and love thy enemy. Fuck that Im stoned but also fully loaded. I even have emergency weed.