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New Madrid Seismic Zone - FEMA buying up food for 7 million


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

you and Jesse Ventura have a lot in common.......

I know many times people jump to conclusions and make statements that cannot be validated, but there are times in this life in which you must piece together information and educate yourself regardless of the outcome. I literally WANT this evidence to mean nothing. I want to be wrong in so many ways, but all the evidence points to the contrary. You take from this what you take from this, but in the event something like this happens in the near future, it shouldn’t surprise you.

First, watch this video I’m about to link. This guy explains, in-depth the situation as a whole AND provides direct links to his sources. (mods, please do not banish to the video section. this thread is way too important to disregard and move because it contains a link to a video. i understand that videos must be posted there, but the links included are reference points - this is an open discussion regarding the NMSZ.)


FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has recently posted what they call an “RFI for Pre-Packaged Commercial Meals”. The description describes it better obviously:


The list continues on describing how much they need, of what type of food, etc. That’s irrelevant. Focus on this statement MADE BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT:

That is enough for me to believe that both our government and FEMA (one in the same) are aware of something and/or attempting to create something so disastrous that it would finalize all of their plans they have worked so vehemently for. We all know those in power wish to declare Martial Law in our police state, here’s proof:

Congressman Brad Sherman explaining how those in power will use martial law to scare people into passing legislation – they WANT it – it means a suspension to the constitution and the furtherance of the police state. Watch:


This is the tip of the iceberg. Some say “well, we cannot prevent a natural disaster” – that’s very true. But when we have geoengineering and institutions such as HAARP, it is almost factual that earthquakes can and have been created. Our government makes money on disaster. Rahm Emmanuel is quoted as saying “Never let a crisis go to waste”. This was Obama’s right-hand man. 9/11 was clearly a prime example of our government taking advantage of the citizens in the wake of a disaster – the Patriot Act I & II, the Enemy Belligerents Act, Council of Governors, the TSA, Department of Homeland Security, etc. There are terrorists in this world, as terrorist is anyone defined as causing terror. There is no “Al-Qaeda”. That’s the CIA at its finest as well – if you don’t believe that, you’re simply not informed and don’t have all the facts because if you did, you’d wholeheartedly agree with me. There is a LONG history of our government exploiting disaster, and with the evidence against HAARP, it is clear that HAARP’s activities combined with the gulf drilling/oil spill could very well create the next major disaster that would allow the tyrannical leaders of this nation to install their long-desired dictatorship and we see a true 1984 in our daily lives. Millions could die. 50 to 200 million some are quoting.

The video I linked to the user documents how HAARP’s signals directly relate to the massive animal die-offs as well.

Could the Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Cause A Massive Earthquake Along The New Madrid Fault Line?


A concerned citizen also submitted an eye-witness report as he lives on the NMFZ:

The weather channel hyping the possibility to promote one of their shows:



The FCC approved measures that would allow Obama to seize all media outlets to issue “Presidential Alerts” – keep in mind this is dated 2/8/2011, 5 days after FEMA’s request for food sources must be filled. Something is coming my friends, I don’t know exactly what but if it has anything to do with the New Madrid Fault Zone, we are ALL fucked and so are many of our loved ones and millions of others.

This is a real possibility people, wake up to the shit that is going on in this world and prepare yourself. Store yourself an emergency kit including food for 5 up to 2 weeks to 1 month, including water. Well water or water filtered through an R/O system would be suggested. Create a meeting point with your family incase communications cease – cellular, landline, internet, etc.

Hope is all we have at this point.



Look at where the recent quakes are.

MAP 2.1 2011/02/08 13:08:57 35.273 -92.339 5.6 6 km ( 4 mi) S of Guy, AR
MAP 2.5 2011/02/07 04:10:52 36.719 -89.518 5.6 7 km ( 5 mi) SE of Matthews, MO
MAP 1.3 2011/02/06 17:40:21 35.324 -92.293 5.9 4 km ( 2 mi) E of Guy, AR
MAP 1.3 2011/02/06 00:17:09 35.302 -92.323 2.8 3 km ( 2 mi) SSE of Guy, AR
MAP 1.3 2011/02/05 10:21:37 35.302 -92.324 2.6 3 km ( 2 mi) SSE of Guy, AR
MAP 1.5 2011/02/04 04:17:22 36.498 -89.538 8.4 7 km ( 4 mi) ESE of Marston, MO
MAP 1.9 2011/02/02 08:29:17 36.267 -89.466 6.5 2 km ( 1 mi) E of Ridgely, TN

Guest 150314

My main beef with these youtube conspiracy theorists is how the videos are always crap quality and look like they are made by a 14 year old kid. Even zietgiest a bigger budget conspiracy movie was basically just recycled video footage and random photos found on the internet stitched together.

If your really so concerned about the rest of society who you think are clueless zombies brainwashed by the man and want to get a point across and warn america about what you believe is going on why don't you sell your arsenal of weapons and ammo and make something worthwhile other than these shitty youtube vids that clearly took 20 minutes to put together.

Even if you have 20 assault rifles and a million rounds of ammo a 4x4 and whatever else you need do you really think you are going to evade martial law and spend the rest of your years living in peace in the forest somewhere? If the government does what you think they are doing the first people they go after will be you paranoid gun nuts.


IMHO, this has far less to do with the Gulf Oil Spill and far more to do with the dramatic increase in drilling for natural gas, which invariably includes the process of "fracking" in order to increase production rates.

The greatly increased number of seismic "events" are centered primarily around the injection wells where the "fracking" liquid is introduced under high pressure.

Another side "benefit" to the energy companies use of "fracking" is the contamination of aquifers used for drinking water with natural gas -- your water can actually be set on fire.
i agree with vaped, i find it hilarious that pot smokers instantly think anything that goes contrary to what their government tells them is "a conspiracy" perpetrated by "nut cases"...

...this coming from the very people who smoke a plant that was outlawed by the very same government under racist and falsified propaganda.

like i have said already, nobody is saying that this guy is a prophet or what he says is 100% truth, but he sure as hell has his facts to support him - the RFI report, HAARP logistics, locations of animal die-offs, etc.

people have to learn to read between the lines and clearly many here do not do that. instead of bringing about intelligent debate or providing a countering opinion, they resort to name-calling or labeling someone a 'nutcase' to avoid worrying about the truth of the way things are. it's typical, joe rogan hits the nail on the head with his videos... gotta watch the whole thing and in the beginning he explains how dumb and pacified the majority of americans are...


a bit unrelated, but it rings true to the mindset of many of the posters on ICMAG..

"They can't help it. They're dumb. They don't know they're being bullshitted. They grew up around dumb people, they go to work with dumb people, there's noone in their family that's interesting or asks any questions at all and they just get sucked right into it."

"This society is so greedy, we're willing to go to war, we're willing to go places and send these big metal machines that kill people, and fuck people up, just so we can make more money...and the way our society is set up, i've heard it argued, and argued successfully, that our society runs on war. It runs on the domination of the other parts of the world, and literally that's the only way you can control a gigantic chunk of the globe - you have to keep everybody down - and that's what our society is based on."

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