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The heart of the Autopot system is the SmartValve MKII. I would recommend just getting the valve so you wouldn't have to worry about pumps AND timers for nutes. A smartvalve is definately cheaper than a pump and timer plus the electrical savings should be considered. Also the plants take water as needed instead of having to work out a timing schedule and most likely you will get better yields using less nute solution due to proper wet/dry cycles. These items can be found on the Futuregarden site. I would post the direct link but IC makes me remove site links b4 i can post my messages...

dav zap

Saint Cannabis - autopot

Saint Cannabis - autopot

Thank you for telling me what the Autopot is. It is new to me. It wouldn't go

with DWC but elsewhere! Cool man. :rasta:

dav zap

DAY 10 Thursday

DAY 10 Thursday

Due to uploading being down, I'll report that the leaves have now elevated

above the pot about an inch and are larger than the diameter of the pot.

Sorry waiting for foto upload feature to return. :wave:

dav zap



This is awkward not having fotos for a grow diary. huh.

The plant is growing large, rapidly. I'll just keep trying to upload, daily.

SORRY> :spank:


Hello everyone.....

Hello everyone.....

dav zap--don't sweat it. It'll be all the better when we see them. I like the idea that both the Earthbox an Autobox are a bit set it and forget it. (not really but speaking relatively) Especially for summer because I like going places... but mostly just summer.

Aaronponic--not much hassle but everything you add is just one more thing to go wrong. Pumps especially the submersibles add heat to the reservoir. I have a number of pumps but don't use them. I add tons of O2 to the reservoir, mixes and circulates itself, huge roots, about the same as when I did use faux aero. Like I said 10% is not worth to me the extra issues. Some are not so lucky as to live in a house or single unit. If those people even had 1 flood.... could be disastrous. Yikes!

dav zap said:
Hello mate. I'm jealous that you know how to do these more involved dro

set-ups! What feeding technique do you prefer, or is it not that simple to

just pick one out of the myriad. Thank-You Aaronponic, dude.

PEACE & POT :wave:

I personally just use a single mag driven submersible pump to top feed 6 buckets (per reservoir). Each bucket is connected via a screened drainage system that links back with the reservoir. The reservoirs sit just outside the flower room, with both the feed and drain lines coming in through small holes in the artificial wall. The solution stays about 65-70 degrees typically, and I have an airstone in the main reservoir.

I like the top feed recirculation design, for its simplicity. 1 moving part if you don't count the air pump. I've had those mag pumps last me for very extended periods of time.
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dav zap

Aaronponic hydroponic

Aaronponic hydroponic

Thank you Aaronponic, for a clear explanation. Must be nice having the rez

outside, huh? Again, I thank-you. :headbange
dav zap said:
Thank you Aaronponic, for a clear explanation. Must be nice having the rez

outside, huh? Again, I thank-you. :headbange

It is as easy as dropping a piece of plastic and running your feed/drain lines through a couple holes in it.

Makes controlling the reservoir temp much easier. As well as convenience for res changes.


Sounds like a nice setup Aaronponic....

Sounds like a nice setup Aaronponic....

Wish I had more room. I would love to have a reservoir outside of the rooms but don't have the space for it. Sure would solve a lot of problems.


dav zap



American College of Physicians has formally spoken out on behalf of

legalizing marijuana for medical prescription. *****

Pretty good. huh. :jump: :laughing:

dav zap



Anybody know whats up with the Upload feature? Its been out for several

consecutive days now.

dav zap

First day SideLights Red

First day SideLights Red

At the end of the first day with two of the new red sidelights in use;

very significant growth accomplished, at least a half inch taller today. :headbange


Great thread, looking forward to seeing the end result as i am planning on using leds for vegging and some red leds to back up my 400 watt hps for blooming.. I think leds may be the future of indoor growing.

dav zap



Greetings dude. You came in at a good time. The new sidelights are

kickin'. In their first day they raised the plants height by about a half inch.
Wow it is ridiculously squat. Is it a lady? It would probably be much much taller if it wasn't.

How much did it cost you for that single light? Do you normally run it without the (glass/plastic?) shield/diffuser?

Good Luck!
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dav zap



Greetings man. the new sidelight was about $60. It really concentrates the

light intensely. I'm liking it. I think the plant loves it. :jump:


Hello dav zap and all......

Hello dav zap and all......

Excellent.... That is one of the shortest plants with leaves that large, I have seen. Good results.... sure hope it's a female. Nice.
