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New inventions in next 10 YEARS!


Active member
In 2011 the icar by Apple Computer and they are getting in the auto business and they expect the "icar" to revolutionize the auto industry.
It will build success of the iphone and ipod with a simplified user interface featuring touch screen steering and a single pedal for accelerator and brake.

The first maintenance free engine and less prone to crashes .....3 models will be available 2 and 4 passenger icars $39,000---$49,000

Canada is close to commercializing a turbine that captures oceans currents
Pelamus Wave Power with a set of subway size floating turbines and convert wave power into electricity and are now doing it off coast of Scotland.

Miniturized medical equipment

Tiny implants to test and diagnose and alert doctors will replace costly doctor visits.
Research in the Netherlands developed a pill to travel to specific parts of the body to unload it.

A pen size device being developed to detect skin cancer without biopsy by the University of TEXAS!!!!!

Nanotech medicine will provide a more targeted delivery to cells than chemotherapy or other treatment and lower doses minimize side effects.

3D printing.....


The first round caused a spike in global food prices and now ADM is creating non edible sources with cellulose ethanol from corn stalks , switchgrass and tropical grass miscanthus WTF ever that is...

NANOTECH computing breakthrough is a dramatic shrink in size of electronics and one teams new transistor allow for processors that will make silicon chips seem gigantic and another team came up with film material equivalent of 250 DVD's in a spase of a quarter.

As Obama said "Times of economic difficulty can inspire extraordinary innovation."\

What an exciting thing to be alive and watch the great innovations daily.
Boggles my mind!:joint:


Active member
Thought about that and it does sound a little scary.

Think I am gonna get the P.U.M.A. anyway....when it comes out.


The Tri Guy
a high powered compression device, to convert the C from CO2 emissions into diamonds.

An IFridge/cooker, so you touch the picture on the door of what you want to eat and 20 mins later it emerges cooked to perfection .

And hopefully a toaster, that makes toast rather than the current choice of hot bread or charcoal.

Charcoal based underwear so that farts dont stink.


I just hope I'm around long enough to see atleast some developments in space travel :D

I'm also interested in some developments in robotics: Lukearm

As well as similar developments using technology as prosthetics such as an electronic retina

Recently I've been reading predictions that mp3 players will be phased out with mobiles replacing them assumedly with much larger hard drives than currently. Maybe that's one of the reasons apple released the iphone.

3D home television is also gaining momentum from what I've read, being developed without the need for 3D specs.

In terms of military I've heard that the US is planning to use previous designs of bomb disposal robots and attaching weapons and I think there could be a change in warfare by way of unmanned aircraft also.
Artificial intelligence for real doll sex dolls. No, seriously though; I was thinking the other day about how people seem to think that technology will increase at the rate that it did in the past 100 years. But in reality, in the past 100 years many fronts where created; so it is merely expansion that we will see. So that means more marketable technologies, gadgets and other stupid things that we don't really need.

I vote for the sex bots and very real grow lights that are tiny, powerful, cheap and hell they might as well produce more energy than they consume.......that would be impossibly awesome! It would be bad ass to have a grow tent with a light, that produced juice for the rest of the house.........since the super efficient and productive solar panels on the tents wall absorbed/generated more than what the light was drawing..........so you basically get free electric.

Guest 88950

Konarka, they developed a printable solar ink. they have developed different inks to capture the different wavelenghts of light. they have liscensed their technology to a central florida company, Sky Shades i think, that is integrating it into fabric sun shades.

Fiberforge, they "re-invented the wheel" when it comes to carbon fiber and thermoplastics industry. they re-invented the carbon fiber lay-up process, eliminating the man hrs involved in CF. their product was developed for the Hyper Car, initially pitched to the major auto makers (in the usa) but they told them to develop their idea and then come back. now those auto companies are facing Ch 11 bankruptcy.

Carbon Nano Tubes, this and all Nano-technology will change how we live our lives. i cant really explain what Carbon Nano Tubes are other that they improve materials used to make products.

Light tuneable plastic magnets. not really practicle yet but very interesting.

i know these are not New inventions but they will be the foundation of many future products.

Technology breeds Inventions

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i know these are not New inventions but they will be the foundation of many future products.

Ya, that was why I was trying to assert; that the next long stretch of time will mostly be if not entirely, just building up on foundations of past inventions/information learned. I think it takes a very long time to perfect knowledge, seems to really jump the gun and making models that function just makes huge toys. I hope the Governments support research, seems to take a lot of money to make anything work.
In 2011 the icar by Apple Computer and they are getting in the auto business and they expect the "icar" to revolutionize the auto industry.
It will build success of the iphone and ipod with a simplified user interface featuring touch screen steering and a single pedal for accelerator and brake.

The first maintenance free engine and less prone to crashes .....3 models will be available 2 and 4 passenger icars $39,000---$49,000

madre, with all respect due my elders, Tu estas loooca?

Nope, there isn't even a rumor about this... i think someone just pulled your leg...

plus, the first maintenance free car was Toyota ;-)


The Hopeful Protagonist
madre, with all respect due my elders, Tu estas loooca?

Nope, there isn't even a rumor about this... i think someone just pulled your leg...

plus, the first maintenance free car was Toyota ;-)

Here's an article from November of last year about it.....LINK
Here's an article from November of last year about it.....LINK

well, you got me on the rumor part, but that is always going on with apple.

I really got excited when I read Tom Steinert-Threlkeld’s article, “Steve Jobs for President of GM.” He suggests it would take Jobs no more than a year to perfect his iCar, and that it would set the world on fire. I don’t know if it would only take a year, and I doubt Jobs would want the job of President of GM, but it did get me to thinking.


What would an iCar be like? There are a few assumptions we can draw from.

It's not a news article, it's an editorial envisioning what an iCar might be like...

And I won't deny the possibility of a partnership, but again, Cupertino has always reiterated their products are based on SOFTWARE. A good way of putting it is they are programmers that like a pretty package for their code. If Apple did do anything car related it would be based on the interiors and the user experience, NOT anything related to the drivetrain or possibly even the exterior design of the car.

It is simply NOT Apple's area of design expertise...


The Hopeful Protagonist
I wasn't trying to show you up bro :wink:

Your post just got me curious so I did a cursory search, I haven't read the article in it's entirety yet.
Nuclear power plant setup compact enough to service a single family house. I'm talking about a sealed box that would include reactor and powerplant, steam or otherwise, completely self-contained. Plug it in and it produces power for 10-20 years after which you need to refuel it.

There is already something like this on the market but it is huge, unwieldy, sized to service large apartment buildings or something like it.

Sorry, i've been feeling stupid in class so i guess i kinda just went off and had to defend the little knowledge i KNOW i have, haha.

I'm a gadget freak, and am always reading gadget blogs so i can be up on shit(i'm trying for a salesman position at best buy), so if there were any solid rumblings of an iCar i'd see em :p


burnt out og'er
a high powered compression device, to convert the C from CO2 emissions into diamonds.

An IFridge/cooker, so you touch the picture on the door of what you want to eat and 20 mins later it emerges cooked to perfection .

And hopefully a toaster, that makes toast rather than the current choice of hot bread or charcoal.

Charcoal based underwear so that farts dont stink.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaa how about carbon impregnated bed sheets so the spouse don't complain about that old style beer with bratworst & beans "dutch oven" under the covers.


Active member
haaaaaaaaaaaaaa how about carbon impregnated bed sheets so the spouse don't complain about that old style beer with bratworst & beans "dutch oven" under the covers.

Kick him outta that bed till he gives up that bratworst and beans....

I don't even think carbon will help that and definately don't light a joint in that methane gas environ. No vijayjay till you stop it!


Active member
This is not an invention, more a modification. A genetic modification. I think in the future GM pets will be the hot thing. Cats and dogs that glow in the dark. Minature Cows that you can walk on a leash. Any animal that is cute and relatively safe to humans through genetic engineering will be minaturized.

Companies like Monsanto will push to get GM foods the norm. They will start with grass that stays green,stays at a certain height, never has to be mowed etc. Then they will cash in on this home gardening crazy. They will sell GM crops directly to the public, like at Home Depot garden centers. Imagine egg plants that actually taste like eggs, and beef steak Tomatos that actually taste like ... a beef steak.
Will the vegans take the first bite?