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New inventions in next 10 YEARS!


Active member
This is not an invention, more a modification. A genetic modification. I think in the future GM pets will be the hot thing. Cats and dogs that glow in the dark. Minature Cows that you can walk on a leash. Any animal that is cute and relatively safe to humans through genetic engineering will be minaturized.

Companies like Monsanto will push to get GM foods the norm. They will start with grass that stays green,stays at a certain height, never has to be mowed etc. Then they will cash in on this home gardening crazy. They will sell GM crops directly to the public, like at Home Depot garden centers. Imagine egg plants that actually taste like eggs, and beef steak Tomatos that actually taste like ... a beef steak.
Will the vegans take the first bite?

Already GLOW IN THE DARK cat that was invented by scientist in New Orleons dear....Mr GREEN GENES is his name....a true story actually so google it.

I hate Monsanto for AGENT ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Yes google "glow in the dark cat" and you will read the scientist genetic research and the flourescent cat that lives there now, I am serious about this medical research and its implication is good for medicine. But he glows green in the dark....Mr Green Genes!!!!


Active member
And speaking of grass some ppl here are spraypainting their grass green for the drought we are having. Costs several hundred bucks to have your lawn spray painted here. I wonder WTF that does to the environment????

Cookie monster

I'm thinking star trek medical type tri-corders will be a reallity within 10 years, laser weapons for aircraft i think they are already testing those.

The japaneese will invent the robotic dog that follows your dog around and scoops up the poop.

oh yeah and the hangover pill.