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New guidelines for drug offences


ICMag Donor
Cant do much about the numbers but just tidied up these two potential nightmares , easy to get complacent

Tend to collect dried sugar trim till i have a good amount to process , search of the kitchen and freezer yielded over two kilo of sieve feedstock and a considerable weight of solids and extracts.

Got rid of the digi scales i had for a legitimate hobby , and the box of 10 000 little ziplock bags i have been packing the freebies in.

Also now have all weed related stuff and images off the laptop and working from a tiny memory stick , should have done that from the start.

Not sure what the courts would make of a kilo of seed in the fridge , wonder what the best defence would be if they pushed it.
Hand written labels going back ten years could also be used against you.

Christ , i,m getting paranoid now .....


Active member
Wouldn't worry about this nothing's actually changed unless you can be inder 9 plants with no veg/mother room. If you can't keep your habit below that level (I can't) nothing's changed.

The change back to allowing medical defense is excellent but I doubt they'd buy it if you've got more than 28 plants.

Also noticed in another thread they seem to be going by nimber of lights in a round about way.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
9 plants is tough even for my tiny ass setup - but i'll take 40g per plant all day long because i get nearer twice that :D

has anyone got the full wording/text where it refers to mother plants and veg indicating a farm/factory operation ??




great news for medical meth users

I wonder how many home grows are happening in the UK at the moment.
* Approximately 300,000 people grow their own cannabis in Britain.

dont know how reputable site/stats are



has anyone got the full wording/text where it refers to mother plants and veg indicating a farm/factory operation ??


As far as I'm aware, It doesn't refer to veg/mother plants at all, in any of the literature published. People are making assumptions.

What it does mention is an "isolated incident" could be a mitigating factor. "Ongoing/large scale operation as evidenced by presence and nature of specialist equipment" could be an aggravating factor. Doesn't mean they will automatically treat you like a factory for having two cabs though.

Factors increasing seriousness said:
Statutory aggravating factors:
Previous convictions, having regard to a) nature of the offence to which conviction relates and relevance to current offence; and b) time elapsed since conviction (see shaded box at page 19 if third drug trafficking conviction)
Offence committed on bail
Other aggravating factors include:
Nature of any likely supply
Level of any profit element
Use of premises accompanied by unlawful access to electricity/other utility supply of others
Ongoing/large scale operation as evidenced by presence and nature of specialist equipment
Exposure of others to more than usual danger, for example drugs cut with harmful substances
Attempts to conceal or dispose of evidence, where not charged separately
Presence of others, especially children and/or non-users
Presence of weapon, where not charged separately
High purity or high potential yield
Failure to comply with current court orders
Offence committed on licence
Established evidence of community impact

Factors reducing seriousness or reflecting personal mitigation said:
Involvement due to pressure, intimidation or coercion falling short of duress, except where already taken into account at step 1
Isolated incident
Low purity
No previous convictions or no relevant or recent convictions
Offender’s vulnerability was exploited
Good character and/or exemplary conduct
Determination and/or demonstration of steps having been taken to address addiction or offending behaviour
Serious medical conditions requiring urgent, intensive or long-term treatment
Age and/or lack of maturity where it affects the responsibility of the offender
Mental disorder or learning disability
Sole or primary carer for dependent relatives
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Something else I've noticed is the omission of the medical mitigating factor VG discussed earlier in the thread, "Offender is using cannabis to help with a diagnosed medical condition", from the Cultivation section of the guidelines.

Under Possession you have two medical related mitigating factors..

Offender is using cannabis to help with a diagnosed medical condition

Serious medical conditions requiring urgent, intensive or long-term treatment

Under Production/Cultivation you only have one..

Serious medical conditions requiring urgent, intensive or long-term treatment

Completely missed this earlier. Can't believe it's not on there as a mitigating factor for personal growers.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
well spotted, and thanks for posting that.

i guess you'd be up for possession if you were growing anyway?


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I advise everyone with invested interests in cannabis to read the original document.
Knowledge is Power!


Well-known member
I spoke from experience in regards to separate areas for moms, flower etc.

Vg, no you would stand only for the greater offence, ie culti, production etc. you would not serve a sentence for culti then a consecutive for possession.

On my first bust I had 89 plants with around a kg of dried. Managed to get just culti as no proof of dealing, but I do nt think they had production charge then, and a charge of production automatically denotes commerciallity.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
paulo or snap - do you have a link to the full document?

herb - that makes sense, thanks mate!


I know this sounds extreme but think about where you are, some jails are like holiday camps compared to others. Why not think of a nice nick with single cells and tv's, theres a nice one in wales I won't name. Just move within their catchment area so if things do hit the fan you've got a few weeks with your feet up. Almost home from home. Lol.


sounds like their just going for the big boys and leaving the people that need it for personal alone. From everything iv read this sounds like great news for us guys that like just a smoke. Fuck the people making money from it.


sounds like their just going for the big boys and leaving the people that need it for personal alone. From everything iv read this sounds like great news for us guys that like just a smoke. Fuck the people making money from it.

Hey Clive, just a question mate, how where you first introduced to weed??
I am not condoning cash croppers etc, but I personally would never have been introduced to this wonderful plant without the "people who make money from it" so IMHO I respect all growers whether for cash and smoke or for just smoke, we are all one big growing community :tiphat::ying::ying:

mack 10

Well-known member
this is a fuc@ing joke! WTF is up with the UK and pretty much the whole fuc@ing world??


sounds like their just going for the big boys and leaving the people that need it for personal alone.

If that was the case, the medical mitigation discussed above would have been included for personal growers, in addition to being taken into account for those found in possession. The way the guidelines read, the powers that be would rather you went to Amsterdam, purchased 100g of herb at a time, and brought it home to alleviate your medical condition, rather than staying at home, safe and warm, tending to your plants. Doesn't sound a logical option for those with long term, potentially debilitating, potentially degenerative conditions.
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Active member
sounds like their just going for the big boys and leaving the people that need it for personal alone. From everything iv read this sounds like great news for us guys that like just a smoke. Fuck the people making money from it.

How about those growing for themselves but also for someone they care about who uses it for medical reasons and can't grow their own? 9 plants just isn't enough. How about those breeding or just wishing to have more than just a 1 or 2 strains to smoke? What about those keeping mothers? If these new guidlines suit you then great but not everyone who grows their own and are not "making money from it" will fit in these guidlines. Hell the plant numbers I mentioned before from when I was busted were so high because I'd taken 8 clones of each mother to make sure I had a good healthy one of each to preserve. Shot me right over these numbers by a lot.

As far as this fuck those makin money attitude goes I don't see much sense in it. Infact I want there to be allowences for commercial growing. Not everyone can grow so why shouldn't they be able to smoke? You don't expect everyone to grow their own veg, brew their own beer, bake their own bread so why do you think only those who can grow should have access to weed?

We should be working towards weed being something you can produce and buy just as openly as anything else on the highstreet not just being satisfied with restrictions which satisfy our own needs



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