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New grow from start to end, 200 plants.Fighting buddha,mental floss and sage n sour.


Active member
how deep are thoose soil beds and how many liters of soil do u use?
Have u tried other methods? is this the best with less headache? the reason i ask and probally will ask more q's if u dont mind, is that im also gonna make a big indoor setup soon and this looks nice!


Grower for Life
the soil beds are about 40-45 cm deep. in totall there is 10.000 liter soil. I also tried other methods, but i think this is the best one for me, depends on the situation also.


Hello Moppel,

i can't believe i missed this thread. great work youre doing man, i like those earth beds, is it new earth? very nice selection of genetics you have going there.

what are the hoses sticking out of the earth for? watering? does the table water automaticylly, or is it a hand watering setup?

i have to do some planting in the next days too, but not 200, lol. only 160 hehe. running a full table of my trusty WW, the WWA which i was supposed to get turned into WW lol, oh well.

see you in November man, peace out..... :wave:


New member
Sweet & Tasty

Sweet & Tasty

Moppel very nice job with those strains. I hope you enjoy them. I'll be there soon enough to try them. See you at the cup. For everybody else. Please try Chimera's Mental Floss and other strains you will be very impressed. Our Cancer club has nothing but Great views. This thread is also further testimony to his great work. How about some buds shots & close ups of the diff strains? Mental Floss, Buddha and BOG's Life Saver can you fill me in on Your set up. How about the handling of ferts. I know your organic but tell me a bit more.. See you soon
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Active member
Moppel said:
the soil beds are about 40-45 cm deep. in totall there is 10.000 liter soil. I also tried other methods, but i think this is the best one for me, depends on the situation also.

Sounds dope, but i wonder do u process your own soil somehow? or is it bought? Did u heat the soil before use to get rid of unwanted pests? and thats much soil gotta be a pain changing from grow to grow?..

Good luck.

Pop- :woohoo:


Grower for Life
@gaiusmarius, those hoses are for watering,i water the first week (to 10 days) from above and after that i just have to put a hose in those yellow irrigation hoses.

@primal420, Hey man, whats up? Chimera did a good job indeed on the MF and FB. About the ferts : i first give them some rootstimulator only, when they go in those little cups. After that i feed them with Hesi TNT Complex (NPK 6+2+4), and a drop superthrive. When they go to flower they will get Hesi bloom (NPK 4+3+5) and from week 3 to the end they will get batguano (liquid). Here's a link to the hesi website : http://www.hesi.nl/english/index.htm

@Pop, i dont change the soil, i re-use it. I use benificial fungi and bacteries, so it only gets better each time. And the soil was bought offcourse.

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ahh right, thats a cool system. must make it a lot faster to water them. so i suppose that yellow hose has holes in it right? i just been cleaning up my grow table for another go, cut the old cubes off and hoovered all inbetween the slabs and sprayed the whole empty space with pyrethrum double dose, then i dunked all the new clones also sprayed the mothers. got to have a clean start eh? my newest batch of clones is very healthy. all very equal sized and all well rooted and ready to be planted on the coco slabs. anyway enough about my grow lol.

peace out


Grower for Life
Yes ,makes it real easy to water them. And yes, it has holes. I cutted clones myself today, from the HP13 and the SSH. I'll check your grow out, do you have a link?


my last grow thread is the search for that winner Sourdiesel mum, its linked in my sig. it starts very borring with how i grow the mothers from seed, untill i finally get the chance to grow some clones out. its long, though man lol i only just got to harvesting the last Basic Diesel few days ago.


Grower for Life
Hello everbody, today i switched them to 12/12 , they have been vegging for 10 days. I sprayed them with neem oil yesterday (last crop i had mites). Lights just went of when i wanted to take the pics, so i didnt made a lot of pics, i didnt want to disturb them to much in their dark period. Next update i will make some close up shots from each different strain. :wave: :joint:



looking real good in there Moppel, i see you also like to keep the plants short. i also flower my plants very small. as they stretch like crazy anyway, they end up just the right size for the 600 watt lights i use.

i really like the idea of your garden beds of soil, plants must love it to have all that root space. i don't understand why you are adding the water under ground though? why nut have those pipes just peeking out of the earth. i always though cannabis prefered to be watered from on top? but i gues its not important. is it because of the RH maybe?

anyway great set up, really looking forward to following along as things develope.

peace out


Grower for Life
hey gaiusmarius, i water them from them from under the ground , because i find plants do a lot better when watered from the bottem. It's also handier when its a jungle in there.


Nice Work

Nice Work

See you are doing well :wave:

Giving the plants water from the bottom like you do, seems to have better results. Using it in beds of soil with the bacterials, etc make the plant grow better because the roots tends to reach deeper ( more active ) then just giving water from the top. Also it is easy to feed them when using a tensiometer. The soil can be used up to two years when changing the top layer ( 20-30cm ).

I am starting next week a thread with a smaller set-up, but the same principe. I will use 9 plants on a square meter using the same technique. Those 9 plants will be Kalimist, 2x SuperSilverHaze, 4x SourNLxNevilleHaze, G13HazexHaze Heaven and SuperHazeSpecial to compare them.

Keep up the good work :joint:


Grower for Life
Hey Delta9man and MacHaze , nice to see you guys around again.

@MacHaze, give us a sign when you start that new grow.

good luck!


Grower for Life
Flower day 4

Flower day 4


BOG lifesaver

Fighting buddha #1

Sage n Sour

Mental floss (hazy)

Fighting buddha #2

Those big ones in the back are the HP13's.

They are growing pretty fast. The Sage n Sour is still stressed and makes 3 fingered leaves. I threw the mothers away , but i will flower these to see what happens. Yesterday i gave them half strength flower fertilizer.
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
omfg they grown big in 4 days...i see you have alot of workingspace...cant add mutch to this thread coz of my newbe status...only that i have a first harvest soon (9 NLx's)
still sittun in my chair lurking and drooling on your beautifull baby's
if you want you can visit my firts grow..its not hat immens.....but maybe you pro's like to see a newbe do his best..just push siggy

Core :ying:


Grower for Life
yes, they grew hard last days. succes with your nlx, make sure you let them flower at least 9 weeks, not 8.