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New England Growers and Medical Users


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
so I'm getting this clone called M.O.B (Maines Only Bud) or something like that it's supposedly 45 days.... other than that I can't find any info on it. Has anybody heard of it? My friend says it's in high demand, but I'd like to think if it's in such high demand I'd heard about it by now.

FB420 thats sweet you got a plow, easy sailing from now on.....I want to get a plow attachment for my 4wheeler

thats not a bad idea about auto flowers...how is the potency? what strains are good? I have no experience with auto flowering strains

i ran some autos last year. i grabbed mdanzig sour 60 and bluestreak. sour60 was better, but they were both nice. my buddy grabbed some CH9 automatics, im waiting to see how they turn out.. i might b running them this year. i like the autos bcuz they almost guarantee you a finished crop

my friend was telling me about when he would plow on his 4wheeler. he said its fun. so i say look into it!! it will save your back alot of pain and you'll end up with more time in the garden!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
I GOT MY MEDICAL MARIJUANA CARD TODAY!!!! whooooo hooooooo!!! changed my life for the better. really thinking about stopping all the big ops and going 100% legit.

i can legally grow 93 plants in veg 6 in bud. I asked the doc what would happen if i grew 6 600gal smartpots right in the backyard and gott 60lbs total he told me i can have 100+ lbs in the closet drying but no more then 2.5oz in a plastic bag ready to go. god i love the loops holes up here!!! now i just need a few more patients


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
I hear ya with the shoveling, my landlord set me up with a guy down the road.....his plow I guess, shit the bed at the end of Dec.... been doing it by hand ever since, my drive way is about 300 feet long, up a pretty steep hill at the end.
The trick is to tackle it right after the storm.. if you wait and the snow freezes your screwed

Speaking of outdoor, I am thinking of building a hoop house or find, a big, dry, gully in the middle of the woods. Put plastic as a roof for a make shift GH
is that too shady? I really dont think too many people will be out in the woods in the spring... it wont be right at the plots but maybe a1/4 mile away....I just want to get the best head start this year....
I got seismic sensors and trail camera's for every plot this year I plan on camping out near the plots starting at the end of Aug. heard about rippers... and dont want to be a victim if I cant help it.
How does everybody start their Outdoor projects?
outdoor projects... fun stuff... start them early bro you want those things at least 2-3 ft and bushy by may 1st. we have a short season so the bigger u can get them the better off you will be.

if your going for monsters dont put anymore then 2 in each spot.

infared game cameras are a must..

i would start growing them inside then move out? instead of making a place in the woods that could potentially be found. then you lose everything!!! just my thoughts..


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
hey guys
cool article eddie
aero, CONGRATS!!! thats awesome! :tiphat:

thought id add some pics

-=- commercial #2


emerald city

outdoor projects... fun stuff... start them early bro you want those things at least 2-3 ft and bushy by may 1st. we have a short season so the bigger u can get them the better off you will be.

if your going for monsters dont put anymore then 2 in each spot.

infared game cameras are a must..

i would start growing them inside then move out? instead of making a place in the woods that could potentially be found. then you lose everything!!! just my thoughts..
Do to a short growing season this is how i cheat time outside..I do all my veg time indoors then on the 1st of july i put the girls into 5 gallon buckets and recess them into the ground.Within a week they will snap into bud..easy/peasy....An 8 week breed will be done by the 1st of sept ,a[10 week] sour d will finish by oct[away from frost and the rippers]...If there is a securiety issue you can take your 5 gallon bucket's and move it to a safe location...Maybe im just geting lazy in my old age :laughing:...Yes for cheep money securiety cameras are worth thier weight in gold....Back a few years i had a plot that got compremized,first once[stole a Couple plants],back again to take a few more,then i got a securiety system and actualy met them [the rippers] in the woods..They litterally pee'd themselfs when i step out of the shadows with my dog...I kept them stuck in the woods for hours fukking with them.Bet they havent ripped anyone sinse..infared cam's are awesome...E/C


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
thanks MGK

im glad we are getting this rain. all the snow banks are melting away... its a sign spring is coming up. :D i cant wait!! this should be a good year!!

in other news. i got my own BHO tube!!! i was borrowing a friends.... i used a metal turkey baster upside down with a coffee filter as a screen. it holds about a quarter of bud, and produces about a gram of BHO. enough for acouple days :D


Must be nice to be getting rain, nothing but snow my way. Everything was melted when I went to bed, woke up to a foot on the ground and the plow guy stuck in the driveway lol

Anyone else have trouble breathing after smoking oil, whether it be BHO or QWISO? It chokes me the fuck out, can't do it anymore. Those vials came in today, spent 2 frustrating messy hours melting a bunch of QWISO, into 5/8 dram vials. Finally no more razorblades covered in gooey shit all over my coffee table...

emerald city

We drove from the western mountain's down to the coast today..Saw everthing from snow,sleet,freezing rain,washed out driveways to swollen rivers and streams...welcome to spring


things are going good with my first seed grow of the year.

group shot.

New York Power Diesel



wonder woman

there's a few of each in my gallery if you want to see more. there all fem from nirvana, i'm feeding them house and garden a&b with hygrozyme and root's exl. i'll add the top booster and bud xl with big bud from an later.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
bigJT, i take big BHO rips. i just find it hard to hold in sometimes.
ive been smoking pretty much all oil recently. maybe one or 2 bong loads through out the day.

muddy waters. looks great!

as for me, another BHO rip and always sunny in philly is on!


ohla, Hope were all keepin right. Havn't posted for a minute cause iv been buisy. That and the last post i was writing got erased and was long winded about od grows. That is where i try to shine.
Question? Can we start threads or just moderators? I'd like to document my 2011 od grow, but wont be releasing it till its over, mostly for security issues and dont want to jinx it.

I agree random od green house in the woods is not a good idea. But thats one of the many problems with gorilla growing. If you want large vegged bushes you gotta get em out there somehow.

EC, sounds like cameras have worked out for ya. But for some they back fire. They are good at capturing your fingure prints and pictures of you working on or towards plants. And woods savvy rippers tend to be aware of them. Meaning that you can not only loose yur plants but expensive cameras too. These days i go simple. take more time finding the right spot and use several plots towns apart, to cover your ars. The less gadgets and gizmos the better i think youll be.

(Unrelated)Its funny caus i here all the time about people camping and guarding ther plants. Wich sounds good, but in reality what good can come of that? Especially all those who arm themselves. Consider my screen name is 3gun i love firepower and am willing to die in a heart beat to protect my family or defend my nation on our own soil but as far as confratations in the woods or on a parking lot, i'd rather let scum bags be miserable scum bags and hope karma or cathes up with them. I have a very short fuse for scumbags and feel theres enough of them in this world already so it wouldn't be good for me to arm myself if ya catch my drift. I would never want to compramise my life style and all the future can hold for that moment(wrinkle) in time. Let it go, be pissed as hell and mutter shit under yur breath for a few months or so. but you get to try it all over again and learn wicked life lessons.

I would say that dogs are great in the yard to tear someone a new one but in reality you could very well loose yur best friend. Unfortunatly crooks have more rights than you out there. If you sick your dog on them that can cause so many issues. And if it came down to it you may very well have to finish them off. Is that something yur willing to do for some plants? SPREAD EM OUT. LEAVE NO TRAIL. Use natures cover and dip thru the woods like a fox (its kinda fun)

The only time i stay out there is in spring when there is so much work to do. I'll camp in the thick cover a way from plot and leave absolutely no trace. Besides that i go under the cover of darkness where its possible, go when its raining, avoid super windy days if its so windy that trees are comming down around ya, other wise wind can be good.
I always leave my best friends at home unless i scouting new terrain out of season. There are so many senario that can cause issues. I know that is a bummer. And every year i have to talk my self outa bringing my four leg friends. Back in 2000 i had two of my dogs trained on bird whistles so if we split up i didn't have to yell to call them. But alot of times it proved more harm than good compramising my location with more prints more knocked down branches, chasing game etc etc...

got milk? Sorry to say but thats probably yur body tellin you to chill on the fire. You can eat that like yuv done with the cookies. The types of cheese yur refrencing is not as free of contaminents as we would like to think. I actually stopped medicating for a month and a half. Crazy i know. It was the first break in 15 plus years. And it wasn't hard, cause my body and head wer tellin me to chill. it has in the past too, but i wouldn't listen to it. Till i was sufferin. prob dont need a month even but i got to tell ya now that im back on the train, it feels so freekin nice. first time back and it was like high school(what i can remember of it) all over again. Riiiiiiiiped as f**** couldn't even speak properly.lol

Anyway this can go on and on so ill do ya all a favor and stop the ranting. Be stealthy be wise and be lucky!!! Best wishes for the new season!!


Can anyone help me out with this deficiency? I've gotten it a few times and haven't been able to correct it, my guess was calcium... I'm using the cutting edge lucas formula 8/16, potting in 3 parts pro mix hp, 1 part worm castings, 2 tablespoons of dolomite lime per gallon. Next grow ill be making huge batches of tea, seems to be the way to go. Appreciate any help



Well-known member
Hey JT, it seems to me your showing calcium AND phos def. most likely due to excessive nute lock out. Phos is picky an its window of uptake is smaller in respects to other nutrients throughout the ph scale. 8/16 is ALOT of food.

i mess with the lucas ratio in lower doses in hydro going on 2 years. BUT, my soil moms have never been happier. I Dont think every plant can handle 8/16, unless it was a monster and in a monster size container and with monster lighting an maybe some good air exchange or co2 added. Then maybe she could handle 8/16 every feed.

without knowing more about the growroom environment, development stage, genetics, size of plant an medium.... im going with your feeding them to much love. An theres probably lockout from excessive nute build up ; and or causing ph to be out of an acceptable uptake range.

pic 1 calcium, pic 2 3 an 4 look like phos def to me. Or 234 are caused by the medium being continually to saturated.

most i feed my plants during day 25 30 to like day 45 flower is 5/10 or 6/10. plus pk at 3-7 mill dependit on stage an if it looks like there calling for more P.

2.5 -5 mill per gallon of cal mag depending on veg an on into flowering stage. 2.5 usually, then if cal spotting appears i run it 5 mil for a couple feedings. some plants want more cal then gh seems to offer at these lower ratios. but then again, running nutes with to high of a ratio when plants arent absorbing is worse off. then the nutes stay behind an even low amounts of the next feeding aren't absorbed properly.

I'd say your probably feeding to much. Excessive nute are at the root zone

Im no lucas ratio master, but it has taught me a new way to grow. An to ME it is a better an easier understanding of how the plant feeds through out its life cycle. My Plants LOVE the gh style lucas ratio, and organic additives. Micro is basically your N, an your bloom is basically your PK. add an take away these throughout its life cycle an you can grow some healthy productive plants.

Bwell an b-safe

Can anyone help me out with this deficiency? I've gotten it a few times and haven't been able to correct it, my guess was calcium... I'm using the cutting edge lucas formula 8/16, potting in 3 parts pro mix hp, 1 part worm castings, 2 tablespoons of dolomite lime per gallon. Next grow ill be making huge batches of tea, seems to be the way to go. Appreciate any help


emerald city

Can anyone help me out with this deficiency? I've gotten it a few times and haven't been able to correct it, my guess was calcium... I'm using the cutting edge lucas formula 8/16, potting in 3 parts pro mix hp, 1 part worm castings, 2 tablespoons of dolomite lime per gallon. Next grow ill be making huge batches of tea, seems to be the way to go. Appreciate any help

hows your water supply? ec/ph....next what the runoff numbers from your plant ec/ph..That should give you some idea of whats going on..
By chance are you on a well??? My 2c is either to high ph or some type of lockout,maybe to much calcium..
good luck..E/C

emerald city

I am on a well. Ill edit this post with my EC/ph before adding nutes, after, and runoff numbers. Thanks!
I was wondering if your problem correlates to the spring run off..In the past couple weeks my h20 has gone from 150 ppm to 250 ppm...Most of it is surface runoff with a high content of road salt ..Salt tends to take place of ferts and show signs of lockout...Could be an overabundance of calcium carbonate naturally occuring thats messing with the proper balance of K/ca/mg...........Ive noticed with my water problems that anything over 200 ppm and ive got issues the closer to 100 ppm i get the better off my girls look..
Be interested to see what your numbers turn out to be....
wATer quality me thinks is the biggest vaiable,in growing good MJ, besides genetic's.....E/C


Well-known member
Well water didnt even cross my mind. Right on EC. i can see the variable there. Very good point..

BIG JT, you should try going to lowes or depot, Whirlpool makes a nice under sink 2 stage filter that works awesome. Dont think going RO is necessary. That 2 stage filter works very good. i first installed it casue i cant stand burping up chlorine. An i now bought another for the grow room. Now i dont wait 24hrs for chlorine to evap before a rez change. the 2 stages flows pretty good to.

With all the diabetic drugs,estrogen from birth control, an penecilins, growth horomones an what not now showing up in our drinking water supply. an never mind the salts from the road ways now. Insecticides pollution etc etc... Shits fucked up. Clean water will be a price to pay on day i bet.

Just good practice to drink out of an use the water to cook with from the filter. your soppposed to drink a good ammount of water every day, but what if the water had trace toxins. who knows what that could lead to later down the road. You think your helping yourself by drinking water, but your really poisoning your body. off rant

Good luck getting the room back inline..
