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New digs--first attempt


Active member
Thanks for the interest, I was doing ebb and flow for the last 8 months. I thought that I would try to keep it simple, but it bit me in the arse. My evaluation is that it was taking too long for my trays to fill and drain, so the plants would sit in water for about 20 minutes, so they ended up getting too much water. I tried everything, I even hand watered for a full cycle, but failed.
So, I went back to my old ways. I built a new plumbing setup, so I can top feed, like I've done in every other room I've ever done, and so far so good. I am also trying a coco/perelite mix now, so we'll see.
I have one more plumbing rack to build, and I'm going to take photos as I build it, so anyone can build it.

GDW-thanks for the kudos, I appreciate it.


Hey Sonoma,

Sorry, to hear your flood cycle was to long. I usally shorting my cycle to consist of 15 miutes total. That's from the digital timer coming on to total drain of table. Grant it, i'm usally using a 3x3, but will see how a 4x6 pans out once i'm up and running again. Nice to see you got your garden back in order. Was wondering, what's the size of that room your running in? Well, you take care and love your gardens and grow threads. You have a nice weekend and take care.


Active member
Hi Sonoma :wave: , love your setup and pics. Too bad you had some setbacks but hey, anyone who's been growing awhile eventually has bad luck/failures......etc. Just a matter of regrouping and learning from mistakes made. Take care neighbor and keep er green!


Active member
Alright, after all, we're back up.

these pics were taken during the veg cycle a couple of weeks ago. Sorry, I didn't take pics while I was building the plumbing, but I can explain it if anyone cares.

This was taken about a week ago, and I'm a little over a week into bloom cycle.

Now that I have the plumbing all fixed, I seemed to have burned some of the plants, oops. Nothing major, but it happened. :spank:

Also, as you can see I'm trying out different mediums........we'll see.. :laughing:


Nice to have you back. I've always enjoyed and learned alot from your thread!! Could you give us a run down on the strains you're running?


Active member
s15, dankouver, snow cap, Purple kush, fruity juice, some other random ones here and there, but that's the bulk right now. I do have some special ones in there that I made by crossing PK and another indica I had. That should be fun to see.

What are you doing today brain? Are you trying to take over the world? :biglaugh:


Morning Sonoma,

Nice to see the update. Things are sure looking good over there. Can't wait to see these girls in full bloom. Thanks for sharing your grow with us.
Take care,


Hey sonoma, been wondering where you've been. Glad to see you, but sorry with your problems. I'll try to help out if I can.

First, let me show you something and say this. Try and get the problem under control quickly. I've never told anyone this really, but this picture I’m posting. We think this is what got me busted in the day. My Rez tank was to hot. I went out of town for a few days. When I got back into town. I had this funk in it and my place smelled like a dead body was in there for about a week or so. Nasty dead body odor and before anyone ask. Yes, I've seen and smelled a few dead bodies in the middle east.

At the time of this problem for me. I was using BioBizz. The temp got to hot and formed some funk

Help to your problem and this is my 2 cents worth. From what I’ve read at the link you posted. Have you tried freezing bottle of water and placing them in the rez tank to cool temp? This is an easy and simple method used. You will have to play around with the amount of bottles and size to keep the tank at a normal temp, but it works well and cheap.

As for the room and heat issues. Your saying you’re running a ac unit and tapped into the house ac also. Are you max out with the ac unit itself per space or is the light itself to much for it? Just trying to figure out if the lights are the main issue or maybe you should vent more. Venting can work very well, but I’m sure you know this. Any chance you can vent outside or is the room sealed for just ac? Please don't feel like I’m saying your lacking the skills or anything. I'm just trying to get a better idea of the whole setup and see what could be done to correct the problem. How many lights and what wattage? What is the square footage and venting if any? Well, good luck and hope I or someone else can get you back on track. The frozen bottles are the trick for the rez tank.
Take care,


PS, just got my custom panel in and the generator is sitting in a warehouse. Watch out, lolol



Active member
Been a long time, but finally things are going great!! Left my camera at a friend's house, but I've got it back.

Nice panel GDW, can't wait to see the shed that goes with it...Great idea with the frozen bottles.

What I've done is lined the rezi with plastic, changed my food back to GH, re-ducted everything, and it's back in full force....problem solved.....

Don't really know what the problem was, but it's gone, so yipee. Pics to follow....


Hey Sonoma,

Nice to have you back. Thanks for the comment on the panel. I'll make sure to link my thread once I get up and running. It might take me sometime, because I don't know if I'm building a place or going to build a place. Either way, got a good idea and design for this unit. The unit handles a total of 12kW's, but the 240 outlets are setup for 12 600HPS lights for 7200 watts. Plus, I got some 110 outlets to use, but I think 12 lights is more then enough. lolol

Glad to hear you got your issues taken care of. You sure went all out. Changing your full line up of Nutz. WoW. I would have worked at what I had at hand, but good call. Can't wait to see some updated pictures. Well, got to run. Take care and thanks for the update.


Outstanding job,

You sure do have your hands full. Very nice setup and lovely plants. Glad to see all is working out. Been wondering when we where going to see a update. Very nice and awesome job. Any quess, on what you think this room will pull, ball park? Thanks for sharing and take care.


sonoma said:
I'm hoping for 12, but I think it will be 8 or 9. thanks!!

Hey sonoma,

Sounds about right to me. I'd say your magic number is going to be 10. Guess will see soon enough. Great job and love the setup. I'll get you that info once i get going myself.
Take care,

gottt it

Active member
those are 600's in those big ass hoods ??

how many 600 over how many trays ? .. those pics are beautiful godddddddddddd

In Vino Veritas

hi sonoma, wondering in your shed grow how big the poly bags were? they look like 1gal but the plants looked very big at the end so maybe it was 2 or 3 gallon? I'm trying to figure out what to do with my babies in 1gal poly bags..

Holler, hope you and yours are well.

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