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new condo - smell


Active member
so i just moved to a new place, and as my luck would have it, ive already gotten a complaint ab the smell.

I dont grow, its just smoke but it sucks to have to be worried about that shit. I smoke alot so its a hassel.

I just bought a HEPA air purifier and put it on my desk, and i broke the volcano back out to limit smell.

i just dont know if it was seeping through the walls or if it was going out the door since i dont know who complained.

my landlord said drugs will not be tolerated and if it happens again he will terminate lease. any suggestions.


Fucking damb. I'd move out or smoke only in your room...it's not "seeping through the walls." Doors, door frames, windows, window cracks, shitty seals. It really helps to understand where your building is located in terms of geography so you can understand how the natural air will be flowing...I'd keep fans blowing away from the hallway/neighbors...keep windows open all the time...i dunno, kinda shitty.

In the dorms the windows were just wide enough you could fit a box fan in and it would stay secure...we used to have 2 box fans stacked blowing exhaust out the windoww...as you can imagine you had to yell across the room to each other as you hit the bowl and the wind tunnel was enough to suck you stuck to the window........i lived in the mountains at the time tho, and when wind would come rushing off that mountain, the force would be enough to stop up both them box fans completely resulting in a tense moment as smoke obviously rushed into the dorm hallway...that was the only flaw...now my buddies who had rooms on the END of the building....they were straight all year..sucked the wide face of our building faced a fuckin mountain..loll...youd get off the elevator in the dorms and BAM! hit with a cloud of blunt...lol..luckily most the kids on our floor was chilll

...an ionizer might work for you...get ready to be vacuuming some dust though


google "unscented biological odor eliminator"... my mom works in a hopsital and when someone dies and stinks the place up this is what they use. the brand is Medi-aire and it works like you wouldnt believe.

good luck dude


Active member
ive had my balcony doors open while i was smoking, that must be how my neighbors are smelling it. idk i just feel like if it was like going through their vent it would be one thing, but for it to be smelling outside is different. idk


google "unscented biological odor eliminator"... my mom works in a hopsital and when someone dies and stinks the place up this is what they use. the brand is Medi-aire and it works like you wouldnt believe.

good luck dude


edit: wait...what's the difference between this and ozium (and please dont say "its unscented)


ive had my balcony doors open while i was smoking, that must be how my neighbors are smelling it. idk i just feel like if it was like going through their vent it would be one thing, but for it to be smelling outside is different. idk

yeah, i can't believe that..........

...and i HIGHLY DOUBT itd be the vent...

...your neighbors are some fucking punks..do you know which ones it was?


Carbon filter and a fan...I thought that would be obvious :dunno:

Sometimes there's an inherent discrepancy between 'obvious' and 'pragmatic' which causes us to overlook creative solutions...

...its not my fault...they taught me this way.

Besides, I don't think that a "carbon filter and a fan" will completely filter all smoke (or scent) particles...there's still a sketchy window, and trust me, when you're smoking and blowing your hits into a box filled with dryer sheets and carbon, you won't be reminded of chill times with Cheech and CHong..


Active member
yeah, i can't believe that..........

...and i HIGHLY DOUBT itd be the vent...

...your neighbors are some fucking punks..do you know which ones it was?

i know man it sucks, last place i lived has an enclosed hallway that stunk and no one ever said shit. This condo is open airways and they still bitch

idk who complained, i wish i did i just got the forwarded letter from HOA to the landlord


i know man it sucks, last place i lived has an enclosed hallway that stunk and no one ever said shit. This condo is open airways and they still bitch

idk who complained, i wish i did i just got the forwarded letter from HOA to the landlord

Hmm...you're sure you've looked around enough to make sure you know where the smoke is going/who could have called?

I'd keep your APT locked tight shut and combine a bunch of filtering methods...carbon filter, maybe a sploof...keep a bunch of incense and candles burning...surely incense cant be against the rules..sure, it might be more "conspicuous," but fuck them assholes..they already are gonna be sniffin for the shit...may as well throw 'em off..all it gonna do is make they face red...


The cat that loves cannabis
You don't grow there you said right?
Unless you have weight there, then myself, I'd basically keep doing what I was doing and they can F off, try to be a little more discrete of course, but the landlord saying he will break the lease because of a smell report???? Tell him try it and see what happens.
They have nothing on you but hearsay evidence from an un-named source.
Tell him you smell crack smoke coming from the condos near you


A foot without a sock...
Sometimes there's an inherent discrepancy between 'obvious' and 'pragmatic' which causes us to overlook creative solutions...

...its not my fault...they taught me this way.

Besides, I don't think that a "carbon filter and a fan" will completely filter all smoke (or scent) particles...there's still a sketchy window, and trust me, when you're smoking and blowing your hits into a box filled with dryer sheets and carbon, you won't be reminded of chill times with Cheech and CHong..

Well, either way they're "on to him" now and something needs to be done to avoid any future problems.

I disagree about the carbon scrubber not working.Designate a "smoking room" and then use it. Worse case scenario, he gets booted and already has a fan/scrubber setup for a grow room.

Sounds like an uptight place anyway...I couldn't be comfortable there.


Trying to have a good day
Probably just best to try to move.If the landlord is starting off the relationship with you saying drugs will not be tolerated next time I will terminate whats it going to be like 6 months down the road.

I would get my affairs in order.Make sure I have somewhere lined up to move to and then I would roll a blunt and go smoke it on the balcony.


Active member
thats the thing, my buddies been living/smoking/selling here for about 3 years he has had no issues.

idk it sucks to have to be worried, but i like nag champa incense anyways and i have a cano, so ill just be smoking with that and incense and a air purifier running.


Active member
If you are not growing, I wouldn't give a fiddlers fart what anyone said. Just do it inside of your house, no body is going to break down your door or anything.



Active member
Do it in your condo, and if at all possible get a small inline fan and carbon scrubber, one from Ebay would probably work fine for your situation. Get a speed controller as well.

Then run it at 30-40% to keep noise down, and blow your hits into the intake.

Attach some 4" dryer hose and you can sit down nice an comfy and smoke without concerns for smell.

I am doing something similar with a spare filter since my wife is pregnant. I smoke in the bathroom and blow hits into the filter, and after open the windows.

There have been cases of a search warrant executed based on someone seeing people smoke a joint in there house, and cops were called, smelled cannabis, but didn't see it so they waited two hours for a search warrant. The house was already a 'nusiance' due to noise complaints regularly however.

I know its a pain, but it would eliminate all smell used correctly, and you could stay in your condo without worry of a knock and talk when you smoke. If you just smoked and get a knock, and are not expecting anyone, DON'T answer the door without checking.


Active member
Not gonna stop smoking, i got it set up now tho. All the doors and windows are closed, and ive been vaping and bong hits.

also got a carbon filter to breathe through




fuck em

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