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New Cloning Method. Only takes 3 to 5 day.


Very nice Zero. I like this idea very much. It makes a lot of sense to give it what it's looking for right away. I had an idea for root connection. Instead of splitting the cutting lengthwise and then tying how about pushing a small needle slightly larger than the root and smaller in diameter than the stem. Then pushing the root into it's new stem.
I also like the idea of an added air stone to the mix. I will be trying this very soon :)
Also was thinking about pushing the pin through sideways at several levels on the clone stem and gently threading roots through to hang out both sides.
I wonder what a seed root would do for us if cut and transplanted to a nice fat stem?Hmm
Got me thinking. Props Zero.kewl


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
It can kill every plant you have and the ones you haven't started yet. If you see slime, you need to jump on it. Should things survive, field strip the garden and sterilize everything before starting another batch.


here is my shot at it

here is my shot at it

I cut the rootball off a lowrider male upward on an angle, and stuck it in the notch of a cutting of Casey Jones.


the top of the donor plant


I stuck the root ball and the coco to just above the join into a cup of ro water and sunk it with a support.

Lets see in a few daze:)


Active member
Very interesting thread, this is something I will try. I'm going to use roots off bagseed sprouts that will be 10-14 days old.
I figure what heck bagseed is cool to play with or for peeps that are getting into grows for the very first time, so no real loss using bagseed sprouts as a root donor for cuttings. Young fresh roots coupled up with a cutting would be alot more easy than digging out old dry/semi dry roots IMO.
In addition young sprouts can be grown to the desired base thickness to couple up with the cutting. I just need to re-read posts here as to exactly at what level the water level has to be at.
Does the water level sit at the coupled up joint between the cutting and the roots or is the water level above or below the coupled joint???



Active member
Oh the other thing that caught my attention about this thread is this, those of us that have been frustrated with trying to root OG Kushes and other hard to root strains can benefit from this, it would be nice to get rooted cuts in 3-5 days as opposed to 2-3 weeks

If this works well enough for many of us I say sticky this thread.


Active member
Well I guess today was my lucky day, I asked a friend of mine if he had any bagseeds that I could have and he gave me several along with 2 bagseed plants that he had sprouted that were on their 2-3rd internode.

I took 2 cuts and trimmed the roots off the 2 donor bagseed plants, took a clean sterile razor and split the stem about 1/4" to 3/8" long on the clone cuts, then I took the razor and shaved the outer layer about 1/4" of the tip of the root donor.

Gently wedged the root into the middle of the cutting and wrapped it with a 1 in. wide self sticking gauze wrap (the stretchy breathable type) kinda stretched wrapped it sorta tight, so that I knew the root was secured in the cutting and the nice thing about it is the wrap secures both the cut in the clone and holds onto the roots at the same time, so whenever I felt like the cutting was ready I would not have to worry about the delicate joint coming apart, that the wrap would secure both while it would be handled later on.

Stuck it a bottle with a air stone (felt like oxygenated water would speed up the healing and promote growth)

Its really easy to use its quicker than wrapping thread or string on the joint ends, so doing multiple cuttings would take no longer than setting up cuttings in a ez-cloner.

As soon as I can get a camera I will post up what they look like.


Mine failed. Could be many things, but probably due to my grafting technique. It was doing fine for the first 36 hours, so I took it out of the water and transplanted ~ wilted quickly. Note to self, try doing it as described in thread!


I hope mine roots . It doesn't look so hot atm

if its in water right now its probly fucked.... and no lights can hit the roots..

also depending on the strain it may take alittle longer to graft for soil... id wait atleast 5 if not 7 days before even thinking about soil...

p.s most of my clones grow new roots as well..... anyone had any luck yet other than myself?? also i dont keep my in water bottles like that.. mine are tinfoiled so no light leaks light leaks will grow a casing on the root. if its been longer than 5 days give the root a small tug and see if a layer of the roots skin pulls off but still leaves a tail...
Wish I would have tried this with the OG Kush, those were the only strains that ever gave me a bit of trouble.

Now why didn't I think of root grafting before?? I'm sure this will work.

Thanks zero.kewl :)


very interesting thread guys, good stuff.

Gonna try this large scale in a few months when i take cuttings for the first time off my soon to be rooted apollo 13 and snowdog cuts.


naruto> got more info on this method? I gather from what youre saying that you split the stem and shove some rockwool in between the slice (rooting gel too)? wrap it so its dark and roots will grow out the rockwool? that is awesome! Im trying that right now and will report back next week!!! if clones fail i imagine the plant would just heal itself and you can try again higher up? you could prob throw these right into flower?

Ive buried a loop of the main top stem after bending it down and had that form its own roots too (2 systems for one plant) - the terminal buds get HUGE this way if u do it by 2nd week in flowering!! a lil scrape on the part going under and make sure its tied/fastened in place until roots can grip, and the main stem keeps growing up and has its own roots AND the main plants roots to draw from! especially useful for tall plants that strecth alot - I never prune only bend/tie/scrog (individual cylindrical trellis)...
peace and happy rooting


Matter that Appreciates Matter
I am trying this w/ rapid rooters under a dome. I took roots from a fresh clone and wrapped the around the cut and put it in a very wet rooter. We will see.

Thanks for this idea!!!

Do you think this would work if I popped seeds and cut the roots from a seedling? Those roots are so hairy.


Active member
Here is how I did mine, Hope it works.


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