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New Bogglegum Grow!!!!


Well i added 5 tee spoons of epson salt to my res for the mag deficiency

so tomorrow we will see if that helps the yellowing of my leaves lets hope so ill post tomorrow after work and tell you guys how it worked or not

Keep it Green

be safe


Hey everyone

Well here are pic of what my plants look like today after 5 tee spoons of epson salt, I dont really see anything diff really does anyone? here are the pic now :)




There isnt much of an update,,, these bogglegums are slow im in the 9th day of 12/12 no sex has shown yet and not sure how long it will take to show there sex if anyone know's please post it here :)..i want to start cloning but i cant till i know which is female and which is male.i did some pruning lastnight and the night before last, and all seem well... i douno but lets get some people in here and posting :) oh here's some pic of my babies :)

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a.k.a_Herb said:
That tall one is going to be a monster, there looking better and better with each new pics. good luck! Herb

Herb thanks for stoping bye,,,, i cant wait till there's some buds on these plants yummmmy!
I wish I would have seen this thread earlier because I've grown bogglegum in almost the exact same way. Boggles love Mag...LOVE MAG!!!! Even my BMR had a slight Mag jones. Also, those roots don't look all that bad if you are using organicish type nutes...How much bubble action are your stones giving off?


BenitoCereno said:
I wish I would have seen this thread earlier because I've grown bogglegum in almost the exact same way. Boggles love Mag...LOVE MAG!!!! Even my BMR had a slight Mag jones. Also, those roots don't look all that bad if you are using organicish type nutes...How much bubble action are your stones giving off?

Thanks for stoping by BenitoCereno hope to see more post from you :)

i have 4 14" air stones in a 5 gal res heh,,,, so i think bubbles is good
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Hey everyone :wave: today i did a res change,, this week i added 1 table spoon of epson salt per gallon of water in my res and i added full straght for mid size plant of PBP, i also added 30ml 0f H202 per gollon aswell,,,everything look great so fair lets see what happend in a few day's ill post pic then.

here are this week pic:



Active member
Hey Mil! I think that the rust spots are indeed a mag deficiency and the epsom salts certainly won't hurt at all but what is your PH in your Res been running at? Many, many times it's the PH that can make the plants look as if there is some sort of deficiency. When this happens in the future ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS look at your PH first BEFORE you start adding supplements for an apparent deficiency. If the PH is in the right range (which I believe is 5.5 - 5.8 for hydro), then you can start to address supplements that might help.

Also, when you do treat the plants for a deficiency, don't expect the plants to respond overnight. Typically, it will take 3-7 days for plants to respond to any changes. That is also the problem. By the time you notice problems you are probably a week down the road from what caused it. Check your PH and tell us what it's running at.


Hey! Rellikbuzz

my ph is 5.3 right now the highest it get's is 5.9 sometimes i let it get to 6.0 then i drop it down



Active member
Well, the PH is in an acceptable range although 5.3 might be a bit sour. PM Texas Kid and include your photos. He'll be able to tell you whats going on. Tell him that I told you to contact him. There is no better source for expert advice on hydro than TK! I still say that it's a mag deficiency which you have already addressed with the epsom salts. Just a side note here, Mil. When you add the epsom salts to your res, be sure to dissolve the salts in a smaller container of hot water BEFORE you add to your res. Epsom salts don't totally dissolve and become available to the plants if you just pour the salts directly into your res.

One other thing. Don't get carried away with the H202. If you are using horticultural grade H202 (meaning 35% strength H202), which is what you should be using, you shouldn't add more than about 3-5 milliliters per gallon. The shit is very, very strong and can screw up your plants if you overdose them. Hope this all helps and be sure to PM Texas Kid!!


Rubbing my glands together
I agree with Rellikbuzz on contacting Texas Kid. The man is an awsome grower and has a lot of knowledge on the Pure Blend line of products. He takes some hellasious pictures too. He's got hydro in his veins.lol In my opinion your ph is to low. In hydro you can run ph 5.5 up to 6.5 with no trouble.You can also have success up to levels to 7.0ph but that is the absolute top of the acceptable range.I guess I've been lucky but I've never had a defeciency on my plants. Knocking on wood at the moment.lol I keep my ph level in the 5.8-6.2 range. Below 5.5 you start to lock out nutes, Above 7.0 you also lock out nutes. The difference in the ph ranges can be astounding. You do basicly have a deficiency even tho you have the correct amount of nutes per gallon of water due to the fact that the ph is starting to lock out some of the elements in the food source. I hope that made sense. The difference in the proper ph ranges can produce vibrant lush green foliage.Outside of the correct range you can cause deficiencies and have stressed plants. Provided that the other factors involved are correct-rez temp, ec/ppm of solution, air to nute solution,air fans blowing in space between lights and plants(not on the plants), etc- raise the ph and your problems should straighten out. You may want to do a rez change to remove all the epson salts you've added so you don't over do it on the mag levels when you correct the ph. I've never used the H2O2 as I've never needed to. Some folks swear by it. I do add Hygrozyme at 8ml/gal as it seems to help the roots. I also use CalMag at 3ml/gallon. Have nothing aganist epson salts just never used it. When I use strictly RO water I add 2ml/gallon of Iron Star just to be on the safe side. The magnetic field of the pump reduces the iron content in most nutrients so I add some to offset that a little. What's important to remember about additives is to add a little at a time and observe the plants over a period of a week or so. If you've add to much the plants will let you know. The same applies if you added to little. I tend to go on and on but I love this hydro thing and don't mind sharing what has worked for me. Start a log book of everything you do to your plants.A log book will give you a record of what worked and what didn't. Find a routine that works and be able to replicate it over and over. When you have your routine nailed down then tweak it for better results. I had a good teacher to start me off and love to see people grow using this method. It's always fun to read the excitement in the threads when new growers have had a successful run. Just my 2 cents. RR


Rellikbuzz,resinryder Thank you guy's for all your info.

But i know whats going on with my plant's, All most all BOG's strain's have a mag deficiency.

i think i got all male :(



yeah, I would like to do a boggle gum grow here soon. I have the beans but not sure if I want to try hydro for the first time or grow outdoors this summer.



Good read with some quick easy solutions. Pure Blend Pro, as good as it is, is not a stand alone nutreint. It is an excellent base and starting point but to get the full benifit you pretty much have to use a few ammendments to get to where you want it. I have tried every combination under the sun and then some to get to mix I am at now.
As a stand alone Pure Blend Pro is calcium and magnesium weak/defecient but all is solved when using "Cal-Mag Plus" as an ammendment to your regime. I use it all the way thru veg and flower cycles. Epson salt had a tendency to jack my ph all outta wack and altough it is a good source for the magnesium it doesn't even come close to delivering as complete and fortified dose of many trace nutes as Cal-Mag Plus does.
Liquid Karma is a must in the Pure Blend Pro regime. I would list all the garb but it's alot and all golden to the plants. Read in the organic hydro section for all the specifics of formula.
Pure blend Pro grow and bloom, liquid karma, Cal-Mag plus and Hydroplex as a bloom boost would give you killer results just like that and it's not alot to keep up with.

my current regime is:
Veg - Pure Blend Pro grow, Liquid Karma, Cal-Mag Plus, Sweet, and a little Silica blast early on in veg and seedling stage.
Flower- Pure Blend Pro bloom, Liquid Karma, Cal-Mag plus, Sweet, and Hydroplex as a bloom booster (you can sub other organic bloom boosters, potassium and potash blast is the key(Top Max, EJ, Overdrive all are good).

I use ppm's as my gauge and I never check my ph because I know it is 5.8-6.0 with a bullet. Toss your ph meter for an ec/ppm meter, I find it much more helpfull. PBP has ph buffers built in that pretty much self regulate the levels for you or you can fight it and it gets all screwy. I use the label dose amounts as a bases to get ratios of the nutes and then add to the res based on the ration and regulate using the ppm level to tell me where I am at. 800-1000ppm in veg and 1000-1400ppm in flower and then flush at the end for at least a week. I also toss in a dash of Hydrogaued in the res as well and that should also help you in restoring your root health and color.

After all that I guess the simple answer is, add Cal-Mag Plus and Liquid Karma to your feeding regime for a more fine tuned mix for cannabis. Bubblegum grows like the rest but BOGs can be some cal-mag hogs( really no more than others) but beyond that, don't over complicate it and you'll be golden.

I love this.....BushyOldGrower..... Yup, the plants certainly can become mg deficient if inadequate amounts are supplied. You crack me up BOG.

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BushyOldGrower,Xsmoker Thanks for stoping by.

Texas Kid, my next grow i will pick up cal-mag and KL and a TDS/EC meter
and thanks forstoping by.

Keep it Green
Be safe

Texas Kid said:
Good read with some quick easy solutions. Pure Blend Pro, as good as it is, is not a stand alone nutreint. It is an excellent base and starting point but to get the full benifit you pretty much have to use a few ammendments to get to where you want it. I have tried every combination under the sun and then some to get to mix I am at now.
As a stand alone Pure Blend Pro is calcium and magnesium weak/defecient but all is solved when using "Cal-Mag Plus" as an ammendment to your regime. I use it all the way thru veg and flower cycles. Epson salt had a tendency to jack my ph all outta wack and altough it is a good source for the magnesium it doesn't even come close to delivering as complete and fortified dose of many trace nutes as Cal-Mag Plus does.
Liquid Karma is a must in the Pure Blend Pro regime. I would list all the garb but it's alot and all golden to the plants. Read in the organic hydro section for all the specifics of formula.
Pure blend Pro grow and bloom, liquid karma, Cal-Mag plus and Hydroplex as a bloom boost would give you killer results just like that and it's not alot to keep up with.

my current regime is:
Veg - Pure Blend Pro grow, Liquid Karma, Cal-Mag Plus, Sweet, and a little Silica blast early on in veg and seedling stage.
Flower- Pure Blend Pro bloom, Liquid Karma, Cal-Mag plus, Sweet, and Hydroplex as a bloom booster (you can sub other organic bloom boosters, potassium and potash blast is the key(Top Max, EJ, Overdrive all are good).

I use ppm's as my gauge and I never check my ph because I know it is 5.8-6.0 with a bullet. Toss your ph meter for an ec/ppm meter, I find it much more helpfull. PBP has ph buffers built in that pretty much self regulate the levels for you or you can fight it and it gets all screwy. I use the label dose amounts as a bases to get ratios of the nutes and then add to the res based on the ration and regulate using the ppm level to tell me where I am at. 800-1000ppm in veg and 1000-1400ppm in flower and then flush at the end for at least a week. I also toss in a dash of Hydrogaued in the res as well and that should also help you in restoring your root health and color.

After all that I guess the simple answer is, add Cal-Mag Plus and Liquid Karma to your feeding regime for a more fine tuned mix for cannabis. Bubblegum grows like the rest but BOGs can be some cal-mag hogs( really no more than others) but beyond that, don't over complicate it and you'll be golden.

I love this.....BushyOldGrower..... Yup, the plants certainly can become mg deficient if inadequate amounts are supplied. You crack me up BOG.
