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New bill proposed in Colorado will be bad for patients, growers and dispensaries


Active member
I certainly don't wanna say 'I told ya so'....but this is exactly the thing I predicted was going to happen if you search my threads. When a middle-aged housewife can get her MMJ card in-between filling her wiper fluid and picking up the dry-cleaning without so much as disclosing her weight
Well... except for the "disclosing her weight" part... there are tons of shitty Rx prescriptions she could pick up and abuse, just as quickly.

Don't be so quick to jump like that. Always look to the deeper root of the cause.

sac beh

Well... except for the "disclosing her weight" part... there are tons of shitty Rx prescriptions she could pick up and abuse, just as quickly.

Don't be so quick to jump like that. Always look to the deeper root of the cause.

Right on. I fail to understand the anger from some in the medical community towards "abuses".

The separation between "medical" and "non-medical" use of cannabis is largely a false one and only benefits prohibitionists not patients.

I hate to say it, but there might be something else going on with the MMJ exclusivists: Medical Marijuana Apartheid: Different Rules Apply for Rich and Poor Pot Smokers


The dispensaries are charging over $20 a gram and the state wants to raise the bar for entry even higher?

The black market will truthfully be able to say it has the product for cheaper! When does this ever happen?


Senator Romer to Attend Cannabis Holiday Health Fair

We just received notice that state Senator Chris Romer, who will be
sponsoring a bill designed to put half of all Colorado dispensaries out of
business, plans on attending the Cannabis Holiday Health Fair on Sunday at
noon. Denver City Councilman Charlie Brown, who is proposing a different
ordinance to regulate medical cannabis in Denver, will also be there. We
hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity to visit with these
lawmakers and urge them to support patient rights. Caregivers are
encouraged to bring their patients to tell their stories!

Cannabis Holiday Health Fair
Sunday, Dec. 13, 2009
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Location: Holiday Inn Denver-Central
4849 Bannock St., Denver, CO
(1-25 and 48th Avenue)

The event is FREE and open to the public.

The Cannabis Health Fair is a public and legislative outreach event
designed to answer questions about cannabis as medicine and how to become a
legal patient in Colorado.

Absolutely no cannabis medicine is allowed at this event. There will be
information, exhibits and videos of cannabis, as well as unique gifts for
the holidays.

For more information, see:

How was it?
Did anyone go?
(I move to Colorado in a couple weeks)


If I lived there, I would've attended just to throw my shoe at that dumbfuck's shit eating grin.


I've been talking to a lot of people about this, and everyone seems confident that it won't pass. Maybe that's the fear in them talking, but at least everyone has a good attitude about the future.

By the way, isn't the hearing to define the term "caregiver" tomorrow?
no it was canceled to give more time for them to not make some of the same mistakes they made at the last meeting. this was decided after rob cory successfully sued the state when they tried to change the law on us at the emergency meeting they had last month. i believe the state was embarrast by there loss and don't want to make the same mistakes.


I just read thru most of it... unbelievable. They want your identity and the location of your grow to be public knowledge. Also, all grows must be in industrial or agricultural zoning areas.

First, this law will not pass.
Second it will be thrown out in court.

Following this law will get you killed.


Also, I just noticed that the "grower license" creates an additional option for growing. You can legally grow up to 500 plants without the usual patients-caregiver connection.
Oddly, they leave no room for someone like myself with 6 patients to grow.

Can you say, "unconstitutional?"

Lord Doobie

it's a racket...attracting criminals from surrounding states...bikers running hydro shops...easy rec's...ya got $300?...no? how about $200? (wink wink)...here's a rec for your EARACHE (I kid you not)...what's next for the great state of Colorado?

when you see this on the news every night, I sure it's got everybody wondering...even state legislators

they should have made the amendment from a working model...not make it up as they go...but I guess hind-site is always 20/20
Just reading about the kinds of people getting rich off this stuff makes me wonder if we really are on the right path at all.

With honest patients still getting harassed in Southern California and Colorado at-large, and douchebag wanna-be-gangsta's like krunchbubble et al getting rich-what have we really accomplished here?

How many street dealers does a dispensary put out of business?
Zero. They've created more. They sell at prices so absurd that street dealers haven't had to lower their prices at all. Most real patients can't afford dispensary pot. Except now street dealers have the cover of legality just like the dispensaries, thus creating an easier environment for everyone.


Interesting perspective. I know at some of the Dispensaries it feels like they are paying street price for meds and marking it up 40% to re-sale.
Just reading about the kinds of people getting rich off this stuff makes me wonder if we really are on the right path at all.

With honest patients still getting harassed in Southern California and Colorado at-large, and douchebag wanna-be-gangsta's like krunchbubble et al getting rich-what have we really accomplished here?


Krunchbubble's a good guy first off. He has very good information that he shares willingly and freely and has always treated me well so i don't understand where you get off on that...

But regardless i don't understand what the problem is with growers making some money. Basically IMO the majority of Patients on the registry are recreational users. Everyone knows that. There are maybe 10% that actually consume MMJ for true Medicinal benefit in this state. Those people and only those people do i feel truly sorry for. Everyone else is just looking to get @#$#ed up. I mean look at the medical system everyone gets paid Hospitals, doctors, pharmacists, drug companies... etc (albeit to much)

And if you don't like that example look at the Vineyard's in Cali that where growing grapes throughout prohibition that still exist today.

To meet the booming demand for grape juice, California grape growers increased their area about 700% in the first five years of prohibition

Or any of the large booze companies, many started or made a significant amount of money through prohibition. I just don't understand why weed needs to be free(or cheaper than dirt) be it medicine or a recreational vice.

I am a caregiver for a few patients some i assume are recreational users, but i don't care or ask. Some have significant medical conditions. Those with worse medical conditions get cheaper/better meds, those without still only pay 35$/3.5 grams tax included.

I plan to lower my prices as soon as my investment is paid back in 2 months to $8.50 grams for most patients and lower for those who need it, tax included of course. I grow using Bio Bizz Nutrients and Bio Bizz Soil, It's expensive check it out. I also use a lot of power keeping everything just right for my ladies, my yields? low lotsa diesel/og lineage strains dont help with that. The point is my costs are very high compared to your average growers GH 3 part DWC, and my prices, are still low.

People need to be patient and the game will change. The majority of people who own dispensary's(many of you here on ICMAG) where the people moving massive amounts of ganj pre-medical. They had the money to do it and so they did, they are greedy selfish people who will eventually go out of business if free market capitalism is allowed to run it's course.

Your problem shouldn't be with the growers it should be with the dispensaries selling grams for more than 15$. Try asking a dispensary how much they pay for their meds, guarantee your not going to hear much more than 4K/LB, or 8.92$/gram. That's your beef not growers/caregivers.

So to sum it up, if your an "honest" patient and have a shitty caregiver, im not sorry. Shop around be smart with your card understand what it's worth and don't accept sub-standard meds. There are plenty of caregivers out there who wont screw you over you might have to look though.


p.s. leave krunchbubble alone or...:elf:

sac beh

Krunchbubble's a good guy first off. He has very good information that he shares willingly and freely and has always treated me well so i don't understand where you get off on that...

But regardless i don't understand what the problem is with growers making some money. Basically IMO the majority of Patients on the registry are recreational users. Everyone knows that. There are maybe 10% that actually consume MMJ for true Medicinal benefit in this state. Those people and only those people do i feel truly sorry for. Everyone else is just looking to get @#$#ed up. I mean look at the medical system everyone gets paid Hospitals, doctors, pharmacists, drug companies... etc (albeit to much)

I agree with all of what you're saying, except that you make the division between genuine medical patients and those that just want "to get @#$#ed up". As I've stated elsewhere, this is the division that politicians and prohibitionists want us to believe. This is the kind of language that the DEA survives on.

You know very well that there are many medical, spiritual, and legitimate uses for cannabis that aren't covered in Amendment 20's very restrictive list. I support small to large caregivers having rights to grow and I support all cannabis patients (users) having the right to use. Saying that 90% of cannabis users just want to get f'ed up is an argument for the prohibitionists and in the end will only harm your own rights as a small caregiver.

anyway, thanks for being a caregiver
I agree with all of what you're saying, except that you make the division between genuine medical patients and those that just want "to get @#$#ed up". As I've stated elsewhere, this is the division that politicians and prohibitionists want us to believe. This is the kind of language that the DEA survives on.

You know very well that there are many medical, spiritual, and legitimate uses for cannabis that aren't covered in Amendment 20's very restrictive list. I support small to large caregivers having rights to grow and I support all cannabis patients (users) having the right to use. Saying that 90% of cannabis users just want to get f'ed up is an argument for the prohibitionists and in the end will only harm your own rights as a small caregiver.

anyway, thanks for being a caregiver

Agreed. As with any hasty generalization there are many MANY exceptions to those who are recreational users.


Long haired country boy
What qualifies someone as a recreational user? If you have a condition that doesn't qualify under amendment 20, does that make you a recreational user? While I agree there are many people getting their card for no other reason than they want to smoke pot legally. I think that the amendment should allow people with say insomnia, or anxiety to qualify for a recommendation. Fuck it they need to just legalize it already!


Patient Grower
I've often wondered why people think one can't be both a rec user and a medical user simultaneously. I think it stems back to the old canard, 'it has to taste bad to be good medicine' i.e. if you enjoy it it isn't medicine, which is hogwash from my personal experience.