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New 150 Watt HPS, Emily's Garden, Aghan & N.L.


Afghan is bomb, enjoy. Your plants look very healthy.

Here's some Afghan I grew, let me know if you want me to delete the pic.



End of week 5

End of week 5

So today is the end of week 5. I've noticed some slow growth during the last week and a half since I broke the afghan. Now, however, I'm starting to see the NL bulk up which is quite encouraging and the afghan is looking nice. I'll definitely have to stagger the harvest starting with the largest NL first, the smaller NL, and finish up sometime in Feb with the Afghan. This is actually fine cuz the other two will have a chance to soak up some of that 150 watt the bigger one is hogging up.

Here's a side note to Bud Candy. At least it's the only thing I can assume that's doing this. Since I've used Bud Candy I haven't had to pH adjust my reservoir at all. This is the final week of feeding before I flush. The roots are somewhat overgrown over the air stone and because the plants are tied down I can't fully drain the reservoir. So, I've been topping up the rez with full strength nutrients. I've done this for a solid week and have noticed nothing out of the ordinary, the plants haven't burned, aren't stressed, and they seem to like it. But the most amazing thing is once I mix my nutes with Bud Candy, I don't have to adjust it. It's like it automatically adjusts pH to 5.8. Call me crazy but this is documented fact.

I have backed off the epsom salt and I'll begin dropping down the superthrive on this next (and hopefully final) batch of nutes.

On another Bud Candy note, upon opening the bottle I don't smell anything. The fluid doesn't smell like candy, molasses, sugar, or anything for that matter. Can someone confirm that this is right? I've read some people like the smell but I'm not getting anything.

Upon inspecting my most mature plant via macro photos I'm at about 70 clear, 30 cloudy overall with about 45 clear, 55 cloudy at the most mature point.



slight update and early smoke report

slight update and early smoke report

I don't know what day this is, just took an early sample :smokeit: that had some browning pistils near the bottom and ohhh myyy. :rasta:

it's just lovely.

even this early she has the characteristics of good smoke. good, clear, cerebral high (probably from nearly no amber trichs), the indica hits you in the shoulders and loosens your muscles. visuals are slightly distorted. i really like the clear head high this gives. it's almost like life is happening through a filter of brightened reality.

i used the microwave steam dry method which works very very well for early samples.

the ripest buds near the tops are beginning to fatten up nicely and i'm hoping they swell within the next 2-3 weeks. when these are ready, it's going to be a really really good time.


I'm gonna try scrogging next. From what I've read scrogging is best done with clones. I don't have a separate grow space so I can't clone at the moment.

Sucks about the male. I'll have an update with pictures soon.


End of week 7

End of week 7

Today is day 6 of week 7. So far the smallest NL has browning pistils and a few amber trichs. I think this one is gonna get harvested first. It's gonna be a real small harvest on that plant. It's been fighting for that 150HPS all flower. Here she is. Don't be fooled, this bud is pretty small and very airy.:blowbubbles:

Here is the largest NL. It's mostly cloudy with a few more clear trichs starting to come in. I'm guessing another week to two should get her finished with some amber trichs. The buds are way denser and the trichome production under the scope looks ridiculous. One or two amber trichs here and there. 1-2% i'd say. :dance013:

It's starting to get fat. The swell is still going. This NL should produce about an ounce dry (i hope).

Finally, here is the Afghan. It's WAY behind the other two but the buds are starting to form nicely. I should be able to harvest the other two so I can lower the light for the Afghan to finish flowering. I figured it's about 20 days behind the other two. I don't know why.

Here's a bud on the Afghan.

You can see that trichomes are starting to form on the leaves and this thing is starting to do well.

Couple of administrative notes:

1) I haven't changed the rez since I tied them down. It's too difficult to do. I've just been topping off with my flower potion.

2) The bud candy is starting to produce a white yeasty mold-like substance on the top of the roots that isn't in the reservoir. I think they're good bacteria. It does smell a little, but not bad. I'm going to lower the amount of bud candy next fill-up. The growth is still green and vigorous, no sign of burn.

3) With this grow winding down I'm really looking forward to scrogging. I'm looking for way better yield and better use of my space.

4) No sign of stress but I must warn any new 150 watters... you must get the lamp as close to the top as possible to all the colas or you'll wind up with light and airy buds.

5) and finally... i am not going to be able to flush because of the shared reservoir. only the afghan (which will finish last) will get flushed. I'll have a smoke report on both including how lack of flush affects taste of the northern lights.



Day 58 Update

Day 58 Update

So here I am at day 58 of 12/12. I'm really close to harvest (I know I keep saying that), but think I'll harvest the NL inside of the week.

Here you can see the main cola of the largest NL. Notice that almost all the pistils are beginning to brown and die. It's also began to take on a more golden appearance from the last photo. Amber trichomes are still 1-2%, maybe a little higher now.

Here is a shot of the lower "pop-corn buds" on the NL. They seem to be further behind than the top. A test of the lower branch earlier today revealed a pretty powerful stone that had me smiling from ear to ear. Down here it's about 5% clear, 94% cloudy, 1% amber. It supplied a long-lasting clear head-high and mild body high.

And finally, a closer shot of the main cola which reveals the dense concentration of cloudy trichomes and a few amber if you look real hard. It's 0% clear, 97-98% cloudy, and 2-3% amber. Some would take it now but I'm going for that narcotic, knock-out, couch lock stone. One-hitter-quitter.

It's also a good example of how the pistils begin to brown and retract into the swollen false seed pod. I understand the false pod swells with resin.

On a side note on curing. On the 29th of Jan I pulled down a small harvest of buds receiving little light from the bottom. I let it dry about 4 days and then began to cure in a glass jar. First it smelled like hay, then the hay went away and it now smells like tea. Very strange. I'm also certain I didn't let it dry far enough but remember these were very small buds not attached to a branch and should have dried out very quickly.

From what I understand it's either they were taken way too young (and that's fine, I knew this) or improper flush, or both. Almost a week of curing has still done nothing for the smell.

So, I think I need to dry in darkness for about 6-7 days and then begin to cure. I really hope my whole crop doesn't smell like hay or tea. Any advice would be appreciated.



The main harvest is yet to come but I have an early smoke/bud candy report.

10 days ago I began playing with the art of curing. I have smoked this bud since day 4 and please let me tell you that every time I smoked it, the smoke improved. In potency, the character of the high, and especially flavor. Also the amount of time I stayed high increased with each time. There is much to be said for a proper dry and fine cure.

About this Bud Candy business... I shitchoo not! After a hit from a small pipe it had all the taste buds in my lower jaw tingling so much i was salivating like i had just bit into a ripe fruit. it was so sweet and amazingly pleasant. if everything i smoked had that sweetness i'm totally sold. it's beautiful although i must say it might not be for everyone. i, however, thoroughly enjoy the flavor and the sweetness. candy? no. a delicious sweet fruit? absolutely!




The time that every gardener anticipates has come! :dance013:

I am currently only harvesting both Northern Lights. The smaller one at flower didn't do so well as she competed for the warmth of the 150 the entire grow. I do not have any number wet or dry atm because my scale is on its way. After about 5-7 days, depending on whether I feel it's dry enough to cure, I'll have some to either smoke immediately, which I will, and will Cure more than half.

Here's a kind of crazy thing... The NL seemed to stall so I waited til its 9th week and still I was seeing very little amber trichome production. But mostly all cloudy. On occasion I spotted one or two under the scope. I couldn't wait any more so I chopped her... without a flush mind you because the Afghan is still growing. Today is beginning day 4 of the dry process. And low and behold what do I find? Amber trichomes. LOTS in fact. maybe about 45/55 cloudy/amber. Crazy, right? or is this completely normal? I guess future grows will let me know.

Next post will be a dry weight posting on the NL. I'm not trying to break records and I've smoked alot on this plant and have become somewhat of an expert in the effects at which stage the plant is harvested. :)

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you learned something from what I've observed. These are my unbiased, seen for myself, observations.



Active member
i loved this "it's almost like life is happening through a filter of brightened reality." well cant wait to see your ending product :)

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