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Nevilles Haze X Everything....

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Hey Chaco, maybe you can help me confirm if this is a CC x Nev's Haze, the same one that qaxx is talking about.

My buddy started the seeds and somehow it got them all mixed and this was the only survivor. I got 3 clones of it outdoors and they are getting huge.

THis one is an island and its 6ft tall already. This shit is gonna be massive.

Let me know if you think its looking like a Nev's cross (I hope so) :)


  • DSCN0121.jpg
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Buddah if the plants that big and the branches seem soo familiar I'd say that it's one of mine.An educated guess you understand but its the size and those big lazy branches that give it away...The Nevilles with Sister and CC come in faster outside than the rest but I'd have to say by Halloween, some earlier, some later but that would be my guess.I've only seen one Nevs /CC outdoors and a Nevs /larry, they were huge and beat the drippy weather we had.Both were pulled in mid October.Indoors the flower times have all been dominated by the moms, so CC=70, Larry=70, Sister=65ish, sour=80,.Apparently a guy in upstate NY grew up about 30 females of Nevs Sister out on the back 40.I guess the plants grew soo big he was real surprised, then he went to Belize for Sept and came back around Oct 7th and the whole place was just hanging with buds so he sold the whole patch to some kids for 2 grand.The guys about 70 so he didn't want to deal with the cutting etc.Thats what I was told, I didn't see it myself but I know how gigantic they can be, look at Buddas plant, the branches have a sour looking profile, I've seen a shit ton of them.When I retire in NM(I banned Texas) I'm going to grow some monsters.The Nevs mom I have yielded 42oz so far indoors and I''m not even close to being done trimming.That's just what I cut and gave away so far...

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member

That's some great news then. I haven't got a chance to see this plant personally, not sure how much sun light this plant is getting, so not sure if the stretch is strain related or not, and also I can't say how it smells.

There's another one next to this one and another one in a different location. Which is getting big and bushy, been supercropping the shit out of it. I'm pretty sure they are clones frmo the same plant, but not 100% The one on the left...

Thanks for all the info bro! Much appreciated. I'll def keep you posted on these ;)



Nice Buddah, I have a pic of some moms whose tops ends will show ya' what I'm talking about when I see that big old plant, hell its only the 22nd of June, that plant might be 10ft if it has enough soil...This is a 3 week old Sour Nevilles, I saw the thing sitting next to my vert 430 and said," man , that plant has some meat on it.Check the stem, these things rip the ground up
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Buddah if you check the plant on the right, that lazy top branch.It sets a certain posture, that's a sour, on the right is a chem 4.I shrunk this pic for something or other but maybe you get the idea(get is not a word, I had that bashed into my head for many yrs, I feel ummm a bit deviant when I use it)...Anyway here's the pics and some Lucifer I'm curing up like an old woman, its wrapped in paper towels in my heat dump room at 78 deg and 50% RH, its great to be a total GEEK!


The Merciless Lucifer.

The Merciless Lucifer.

This stuff takes no prisoners.Melty suggested I make a "Hellfire Haze" with my Nevilles cut and the Lucifer males I have.His wisdom is unquestionable.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Hellfire Haze, I like it! :D

That Sour Neville's in the cup is off the hook w/ that stalk! :yoinks:

Looking forward to watching that evolve. :respect:

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Thanks for the pics Chaco! I'll def keep an eye for those signs ;)

Hellfire Haze... Need me some of that :D looks dank as shit!



Well then I'd better flip my haze cuts now because I'm not doing another big one for a long time.Now I'm laying hard into these Lucifer cuts and a few seed runs, this Sour Nevilles has been 24/7 light for 3 weeks, she's all top, there's a bunch under a little 150hps bulb...I have to do something with these pretty quick...This chemtree I have going is fucking way off the charts, day 54 and straining the roof supports...


This is part of the tree from the side, the masses of flowers are kinda silly and need heavy support..Seeing Meltys garden go down I just went crazy in my veg room with the spinosad spray, I left a couple T5's on but organic or not it stinks pretty good, yuck!
Such an interesting read.
You are quite talented sir, thank you for the wealth of information and cornucopia of well photographed crosses you have made.

I am gonna stick around this is my type of thread.


Niiiice!! Thanks dude, we try, we do try indeed everybody here, we're making the world a better place one flower at a time...first flower this year, I'm not sure if I'm 12 or 13 gen in on this Persian stock but I have a spot I just throw the seeds down before a good hard frost...and whammo...:)


Trying to make sense of the more mundane chores of garden life.I knew I was trailing behind on some transplants and I had to lay the pedal down.I managed to do 32 this morning...I don't live in a med state, so its balls out or bust, you have have attitude to make shit happen.I'll never tell how many cuts I have here but you see, from being a hoarder of plant specimens I have a full house, with way too many cubes with roots blasting out.Sometimes it feels like I've done this 1000X...


Not sure what happened there^^ but its all the same.Anybody else have a table like this, covered in tools and shit you use every single day, as well as a bucket filled with rootballs, trim garbage.I burn every bit, not one thing that comes out isn't burnt and nothing ever hits the trash, I even burn my cans in case I threw a roach in one..


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Man, that 1/2 cup of coffee looks thick as molasses. :biglaugh:

All my recent fan leaves and bunk trim went into my vermicomposter.
The worms have been kicking ass lately, see if this slows 'em down. :D



It's thicker, I'm about to re-heat some...I'm super stoked to have a stereo system in my shop instead of that radio, one more news blast and that radio would be done.The summertime can grab ya' quick, before you know it the jugs smell like shit, green junk starts growing on the veg room floor, damn if I havn't been scrubbing and cleaning all morning, 2hrs left and I'm off for a bit.I was taking a break trimming up some Nevilles and rolled a joint from this bud and you can see how far I made it, about 1/3 and I'm done, but that was hrs ago...It's been hanging in the dark soo long it's turning kind of golden...I know the pic could use some help...


Sweet looking poppy Chaco, I’ve never seen that color combination. I have one that's red with a purple center. I've seen some pink ones with so many petals they look like a rose.


Now your talking, I love poppy talk.I grow perennial non-drug and annual drug strains, I put them all over the place.Nobody knows the drug strains, they just say, "wow look at that flower!" This one is a hybrid of Blue Persian, after the years they mix up but the non drug strains are usually bigger, except for Gigantum, which is big but not so strong, the little ones bite.:) This one popped out this morning, the one above was rained on like all my perrenials, which ruins them.This and the blue are my favorites...