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Nevilles Haze X Everything....

A question: #294 you say "chem D is around 12 days in and has some flowers already but thats not near ready". Is there a time where a plant has been in flower too long to get pollinated? I don't mean like after 6wks or anything like that. I've always just put my male & females to 12/12 together (only done this 3 times) thinking this was the only way to do it. Can I wait to pollinate when the female has flowered 3 weeks to get the buds bigger first?

As long as you have 5 weeks for seed maturation left in your plants life YES! It is definatly doeable bro. done it many times!!!!

Lookin great Chaco.

I dropped my jaw when I saw some of these girls fully ripe. Holy shit mang! Awesome werk! What else you have for mommas??? If ya need a Bernies Apollo 13 Gorilla Arm Pheno, Ray Davies C99 or Kromes White holler. i'll help ya make a few more awesome crosses for your projects!!! Have a pure Sat called Krush too...

Their yours if ya want em!

Chaco - all of those crosses look stellar. I was lucky enough to pick up a pack of your ECSD x Nevilles (just got them safely in the mail today) - Thanks Seedbay! I'm going to run them this coming spring - can't wait!

On the topic of Nevilles haze, how would you rate the smoke? Debating on picking up either Nevilles or Nevilles x Mango Haze - can't seem to make up my mind.:smoke out:

Thanks for the beans!:groupwave:


I was very happy with the Nevilles I smoked and that was only 3 females, 2 I had to take early.Right now I'm growing some Mango Haze f2's and they're fast and aggressive.Mango Haze would be my pick simply for the fact that there are multiple reliable testaments regarding it's quality apart from it's having faster plants like SSH that might be done in 75-80 days.I've grown a bunch of Mango crosses, all great, Nevilles Mango, Mango Widow etc and I couldn't say enough about the quality.The Nevilles is a beast you tame with a whip, although I do have a few smaller plants I know will be fat after 120 days of 12/12.With a Mango Haze you will have earlier plants, with the Nevilles I'd expect 125 days at least and some 150.That Nevilles though, how high do you need to be? It's great for skateboard accidents....as he limps away from the screen..it also stinks like hell, very strong odor, piercing.:) IR always a pleasure, thanks for coming by for sure!!:tiphat:


Active member
Ray Davies, wow, that handle takes me back. I bet that C99 is stellar.
Hey IR, so you got the real deal Krush sativa from Vancouver?? Is it everything they say it is?? just curious. Thanks.


I was transplanting a few Larry/Nevilles that were about 12 days in and looking great, so I wanted to put them into bigger pots.Stuck the first one in and noticed right away it was throwing male flowers...so I look closer and it was full blown bi-sexual, so I went back into the room and found another one, male and female parts from top to bottom.Needless to say I whacked both, that's alright I can accept it I have plenty more plants but I can't be having a strain that throws loads of herms so I'll keep this thing on deck and see how the others do over the next few weeks.I found a few male parts on 2 of my chemdd/nevilles, one I tossed the other I just picked off the male flowers and she turned out to be the best plant I had.Those were both just a few male poppers on the joints not in the flower clusters.I'm kinda bummed out but now I have more space too so you win some and you lose some...on a happier note I used 8oz of bud to make a huge hash pancake.I have a feeling I'll be doing quite a bit of that in my recreational retirement.:) Anyway, if you have any of my seeds nobody has told me of any herms in anything else, only those I found in these larry crosses, still be carefull, I'm a total amatuer!!:tiphat:


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Sorry to hear about the male bits on your girls but thanks for being honest and upfront on it.
That pancake sounds like something to be respected ;)
All the best for the remaining ones.


Yeah, you know herms are a part of cannabis that's largely been bred out for indoor growing.Some of the best Columbians herm like crazy etc.However I would prefer reliable seeds for indoor growing that didn't herm so that people that weren't so enthusiastic as myself who would just toss the herms and look a for a stable keeper.I've made tons of seeds in my life and many were terrible but many were also great.The male Larry/Nevs are putting out pollen already and have no female flowers and I gave the remaining females a good going over and they look fine.I also have 1 ecsd/Nevilles female that looks soooo sativa and crazy thin leaves.I put it up near the 1000 vert and the tops just blew out big and fat.There's hope certainly, my garden is chock full of sativas.:)


*Stoned User*
Thakns for the heads up about the hermies. If the bud is good then I usually could care less about a few male flowers -- sterile or not. Germed some ecsd x nevilles haze last night and within 14hours all had popped. Looking forward to strong smoke here in..... 4 months. :biglaugh: Thanks Chaco!!

*You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to CHACO again.*

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Dog Family

Dog Family

Is the Larrys a OG Kush?

All the dog family can herm. My headband throws a few tiny male parts out toward 11 weeks. I only find about 1 seed per half lb though. Always a female, always top shelf.

I transplanted a Cambodian plant in full bud the end of last outdoor grow season and was preparing to bring it indoors to finish up. It threw bananas all over the place. I wish I hadnt transplanted it while it was in bud. I suspect it was shocked male.


The Larry is a Sour Larry which is (OG Larry X SDIBL)X OG Larry.A male part here or there is fine with me but 20 poppers coming out of a top is no good!It's only been 2 plants so far and it's about day 15. I've thrown all of my crosses in until day 30 something when the PM hit me last fall and didn't have any herms so there is hope, the straight females I have left are beasty, one is titanic and some of Maxi's Mango X Mango's are ridiculous and also very straight...on a side note I actually have a second cousin who was born hermaphrodite and my moms uncle who is a plastic surgeon, no boob jobs, just accident victims, burns etc operated on him and he's all man now, although I've never discussed it with him, maybe I should call him.The guy is an anomoly, he travels to South America to help destitute people with hair lips and facial abnormalities and he hypnotizes his patients then operates.I watched him do this to my brother while he gave him 12 stitches, freaky stuff...:)


Oh, I have a narrow hope of buying a camera today, I'm really starting to miss that little piece of technology!:) This hurricaine is coming at us and at the moment I'm preparing for a possible blowout along with some of my friends on the south coast, at the moment Jersey looks like it's going to be smoked...I'm waiting on the 5am update before I go and pull my boat out, it's mayhem at the ramps when this shit happens...


Hi C.

Hi C.

How many plants/nevlarry did you start to find those two plants showing herm issues?
I believe I ll have to expect the same ratio from the one s you sent me.
Glad to hear the Mango F2s are doing good.


Active member
Hey Chaco! Is that the LemonLarry OG Kush from Elite that you crossed to the Nev's Haze?? I grew it a few years back. Never hermed but stretched like a mo fo. Good shit though.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses


I imaging you have batten down the hatches, and moved valuables to higher ground. Stay safe through this storm Bro. Keep priorities in check

The occational seed I find in OG Kush, and Headband are very prized by me and My Sons. I presume this is where all the new cuts come from. We have a seedling of Honeydew cut OG Kush going. It is real healthy. Im looking at starting a Honeydew cut of Headband seed soon as well. I have one or two. The Headband is my favorite weed for the last 6 months or so

I dont know the true cuts name, but it comes from an old mother closet in Honeydew, Humboldt, California. I will be making some seeds with that one. I currently have two fresh awesome pollenators, and 8 vials of frozen pollen as well.

Take cover and smoke up in the storm.


Somebody finally gave me a camera, it's a Canon powershot something or other with 8 mp.It's on my desk right now, I think it needs 4 aa batteries, I can buy those in the morning when I go down to yank the boat out.I have a nice little inlet I can pull her into but these storms have a way of turning things upside down and I know the CG would fine the shit out of me for spilt fuel and the mess so I'll bring her into the yard and clean her up....Maxi I ran 20 seeds and had about 7 females in the end, minus any weak plants and mtants, actually the only mutants were the two herms but hell, I'll show ya' tomorrow the room full of killer plants I have anyway, the Mangos are off the chart, big, fat, wide plants you'd be real proud to see these things, 4 of the Larry crosses are looking great, one is one of those monster plants you dream of, I hope she turns out as nice as she looks.her profile is similar to the last runs biggest yielders...I'm never up at this hour but the air outside is crazy thick hurricaine air coming off the ocean with the deepest plankton/warm water/fog smell, if that makes any sense.Yeah, I'm half asleep but I want to have a smoke and walk outside, the air is so intense but the smell coming from my gardens is better!!I have a roomfull of munchkin ecsd about 2ft tall and 55 days in and some HUGE Chems Sisters, I love this plant almost more than anything, the smell is intoxicating and I must have 30, 3ft branches loaded with flowers.I'll wake up and go out to a sleazy store that is open all night and buy some batteries.I have the biggest tree in my town right over my shop, it better not be blown apart!!:)Time for a quick walk and a smoke...
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OK the camera is working and i grabbed a bunch of pics of the new plants.You can see the Nevilles in the foreground, a chem D to the right in back and a huge Larry/Nevs behind.The room is filled with all kinds of sativas...


I have several beautifull female Mango X Mango by Maxi.These plants are kicking ass.I have 3 that are bigger too!!