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never again.......


ICMag Donor
Tell him you have his bud and to bring over the hundred bucks. When he gives it to you give him a baggie with 25 dollars in it and a receipt for 75 dollars paid back for the commisary money....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Tell him you have his bud and to bring over the hundred bucks. When he gives it to you give him a baggie with 25 dollars in it and a receipt for 75 dollars paid back for the commisary money....
good idea, or I could have him meet me @ the corner that has a post office box and be ready w/an addressed envelope to his daughters, slip the $100 into the envelope, seal it, show him the address on it, stuff it in the post box & then tell him, "see how easy that was?" and walk away.......



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
every dog has his day.......

every dog has his day.......

so I keep in touch with Jack from time to time these days, he did another stint in jail for the child support issues (3 kids, 2 mothers, 2 counties) before moving back into his moms basement again. This time when he got out his sister had a new plan of action, to protect her mothers assets from Jacks nefarious ways she has gained guardianship of her mothers affairs and has moved Jacks mom to a retirement community. She's having the sheriffs dept come to the house on Sunday to be sure he's gone.

now he's lost everything. btw, it was his mom that bought him his last two brand new F-150s, both of them on loans that he never kept up with but his mommy did to keep her credit intact. he has no wheels to his name at all.

so he calls me last week to say that he's hitting the road on Friday, he's going to hitch a ride up north and was wondering if he could stop by my place to use my motor coach for a few nights. I didn't want to tell him 'no' outright so I made up an excuse about not having enough propane onboard to keep it warm for more than a few hours and moving it from its winter parking spot to fill it with propane was not an option either.

if this fucking leech would have gotten up here he would've tried guilt trippin' me into funding the next leg of his journey, he would've been shitting in my toilet & cooking in my kitchen because the coach is winterized. no thanks.

OK, now here's the back story & the truth that I've hidden to allow Jack to anonymously enjoy his dignity somewhat. Jack is a meth head. He's managed to maintain some semblance of normalcy in running a business (into the ground finally) and enjoying golf (even w/a local cop) every Thursday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday during the season but eventually it took its toll.

Jacks wife left him over meth 12 yrs ago, meth prevented him from paying child support regularly, breaking court orders to pay support cost him his freedom and RIGHTLY so it now seems.

Every bit of his problems begin & end with meth imo but as mentioned in earlier posts Jack's quick to blame others for his downfall. As a friend and former coke head (23+ yrs sober from it now) myself I was inclined to give him the benefit of doubt and my support.

I feel completely justified in turning my back on him now in his darkest hours of need, maybe now he'll hit the bottom he needs to find before manning up and crawling out on his own.


May your race always be in your favor
Jack needs to reach down grab his sack, give it a real hard squeeze and grow the fuck up. Your further ahead to be far away. You can't do anymore and shouldn't. the guys a loser.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
At first I thought "intervention", but nahhh.........this guy is a complete ZERO. Things have come too easy for this dude. His mom is his worse enemy and she doesn't even know it. I'll bet this guy was spoiled as soon as he came out of the womb.


Active member
that sucks my friend i know you have enough issues without any drama . i iwsh you the best and if you wannna laugh . look at the weirdo my old lady tried to let live here. granted she didnt know he was like this as he was a semi retired lawyer. he didnt get booted for being an ugly whatever but for more seriuos issues . like calling the cops on me and my grow. which is now leagallly verified with all 8 cops that showed up. hope your day aint too painfull and you too get a laugh. i can reccomend whatever as a housekeeper if you need. lol. SORRY YOU LOST ME AT METH HEAD. BEEN THERE. remember the guy that stole the tank in so cal . ya AFOAF i have other stories. in one year i was done with all meth folks


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'm nearly certain that I'll not hear from him again as my usefulness to him (staying in the coach) has been shut down for now, over time though I expect to hear from him as he doesn't know how to make it on his own and needs to lean on people.......


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

that didn't take long.......

he called me just 10 minutes ago from about 80 miles away, he needs a ride from there back to the town nearest me and wants me to give him that lift, I said no.

He asked me to call my friend Hank to do the job, he's lucky as it sounds like Hank's gonna do it, he's a good christian. We all used to shoot pool on the same team in leagues together so he's a friend of Hanks as well.

Here's the most incredible part, he's @ his former in-laws crib right now, he hitched his way up north to their home figuring that they would be forgiving of him and allow him to stay in their home, he owes his ex over 35K in back child support, why would her folks welcome him now? I think he's gone a bit delusional and the side conversations (I could hear while we were on the phone) he was having w/his father-in-law were absolutely strained, sounded like Jeff wants to hammer Jack.


I learned this lesson a long time ago, might be harsh but I don't do anyone any extra favors if they aren't in the family and even then it's limited to who I will actually go all out for.


The Jews have an expression, "Nie Wieder", which is their never again.

After the holocaust, this motto is their proclamation that no-one or nothing will ever hurt them like that again.

I've kinda made it a personal one - I've been beaten really badly, and I will kill before I get hurt bad again...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Hank just called me bitching n' moaning about going to rescue Jack, "I won't be back 'til 9:00!" he said to me, actually knowing where his in-laws are down dark gravel township roads in the god foresaken parts of northern mn means he'll be back after 10:30 but I didn't have the heart to tell him that. He may be a christian but he'll be cussin' fussin' and fuming for a good part of that ride.



Hank just called me bitching n' moaning about going to rescue Jack, "I won't be back 'til 9:00!" he said to me, actually knowing where his in-laws are down dark gravel township roads in the god foresaken parts of northern mn means he'll be back after 10:30 but I didn't have the heart to tell him that. He may be a christian but he'll be cussin' fussin' and fuming for a good part of that ride.

It sux to be good person, and helping out despite the pain in the ass factor...

Or so I hear - I'm a dooosh, and woulda said "Fug U"...

Glad yer up and around S4L - was worried about ya - pain is scary shit, makes people do funny thangs...

Keepin' high and medicated???


stoned agin ...
... look at the weirdo my old lady tried to let live here. granted she didnt know he was like this as he was a semi retired lawyer. he didnt get booted for being an ugly whatever but for more seriuos issues . like calling the cops on me and my grow. which is now leagallly verified with all 8 cops that showed up. hope your day aint too painfull and you too get a laugh...

you got ratted out by a trannie lawyer? man, you got my best beer story beat :)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

he's back in town now & very likely going to look for handouts in a 'pay to get rid of me' scenario from his friends moving on to his next mooch.......

Hank was 2 minutes from dropping Jack @ my place (why?) when his buddy Matt finally called putting him up for at least tonight, he & Matt are tight.

Jack & I have a very good friend working the oil fields from montana to n dakota & even some in pennsylvania, I predict he hits us all up for donations though he'll get none from me, Hank told me that Jack has $9.00 in his pocket.

$9.00, -25F, no home, no job and no solid plans or prospects, very sad for a man who's nearly 50. Fact is if he can get to our friend Dallas he'll have a crib and will have a job, a good paying job but he'll never repay his debts new or old. as mentioned at the start of this thread I'm out a few bucks already.

I'll bend over backwards for a real friend, I'll share my last $$$ and have, even with strangers in need but I won't be used again by Jack not even for $50-100 to get rid of him. Last week I advised Jack to take his last paycheck and buy a bus ticket to Montana, instead he screwed around with a friend from Friday until today and then decided we'd be next to leech off of.
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Active member
better you than me . no more drama for me . and no more fucking roomates ever. under any situation. i hope your day aint so bad pain wise m my friend^^^^^m


livin my way the high way

he's back in town now & very likely going to look for handouts in a 'pay to get rid of me' scenario from his friends moving on to his next mooch.......

Hank was 2 minutes from dropping Jack @ my place (why?) when his buddy Matt finally called putting him up for at least tonight, he & Matt are tight.

Jack & I have a very good friend working the oil fields from montana to n dakota & even some in pennsylvania, I predict he hits us all up for donations though he'll get none from me, Hank told me that Jack has $9.00 in his pocket.

$9.00, -25F, no home, no job and no solid plans or prospects, very sad for a man who's nearly 50. Fact is if he can get to our friend Dallas he'll have a crib and will have a job, a good paying job but he'll never repay his debts new or old. as mentioned at the start of this thread I'm out a few bucks already.

I'll bend over backwards for a real friend, I'll share my last $$$ and have, even with strangers in need but I won't be used again by Jack not even for $50-100 to get rid of him. Last week I advised Jack to take his last paycheck and buy a bus ticket to Montana, instead he screwed around with a friend from Friday until today and then decided we'd be next to leech off of.

It sucks u have to go through this. I dealt w a similar situation a few yrs back. Cost me around $600 dollars, to never see that lying punk again.

It seems you're quite the honorable dude. Willing to lend a helping hand to someome in a rough spot. Even helping strangers as best u can. And when less satifactory people pick up on this trait. They go in for the kill. To try and get all they can from u. Sorry you have to deal w this. And that the punk wouldn't get outta car for an ass whupping he most definantly deserved.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

he's headed over here now, I asked "what for?" and he just said to hang out, he'll get my small glass spoon reloaded a couple of times and that's all he gets from me this time, a buzz but no buds to go.


Active member
dump all excess baggage. i did . i wont associate with anyone that does tweek. you are to kind. hope your day aint too painfull.