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Nevada County MMJ Grow Ordinance


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Ordinance Doesn’t Address Compliance
Posted: Aug. 1, 2013 6:35 PM PDT

Nevada County Sheriff Keith Royal says the proposed new marijuana ordinance being brought forward by Americans for Safe Access-Nevada County is more like “be kind to your neighbor”. The Sheriff says the proposed ordinance has no penalties for non-compliance and no terms dealing with enforcement of the ordinance. The Sheriff also says the number of plants a person can grow is being greatly increased.
Click here to listen to Sheriff Keith Royal

ASA-Nevada County Chair Patricia Smith agrees that enforcement and penalties are not part of the proposed ordinance.
Click here to listen to Patricia Smith

Smith says that current enforcement penalties would be sufficient if applied to the proposed ordinance.
Click here to listen to Patricia Smith

The proposed ordinance allows patients to grow up to six plants and collectives to grow six plants per patient member which is in alignment with California law. Smith says the existing ordinance restricts the number of plants per patient by restricting garden size.
A number of people are collecting signatures to to place the proposed ordinance before the voters.


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The Times They Are A Changin'
First Dr. Sanjay Gupta apologized to the nation on CNN for not taking medical marijuana seriously. Now Eric Holder is making a speech to the American Bar Association stating that he is recommending reduced sentencing for minor drug offenders. This could be more "happy talk" from the DOJ, but at least it is raising the serious problem of draconian mandatory minimum sentencing regulations.
Can you feel the sea shift that is happening? The walls surrounding Marijuana Prohibition are starting to crack. Everybody knows that legalization is coming- everybody except law enforcement!

Board of Supervisor Meeting

The Supervisors are meeting tomorrow morning to vote on giving the County the ability to place liens on your property when you don't (or can't) pay a code compliance fine. It is not scheduled for public comment, but CABPRO will be there to oppose this move and I encourage all of our members to show up as well. Once they have this power, they can raise the fines to any amount they choose. If you can't pay, the County will have the ability to snatch your property. We have already seen evidence that Property Owners are being targeted for code violations far more often than renters. The meeting will be held at the Eric Rood Center on Maidu Avenue in Nevada City at 9:00am on Tuesday, August 13.

Meeting Reminder

Our normal ASA meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 13, 6:00pm at the Nevada County Contractors Association, 149 Crown Point Court, Grass Valley. We will be discussing our petition gathering efforts to date, what has worked, and where we need to improve. To date we have collected around 3,500 signatures, but we need approximately 13,000 to get a Special Elections. It's going to take the combined efforts of our community to pull this off, but with your help, WE CAN DO THIS!


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Acknowledging a backlog of appeals relating to the medical marijuana cultivation ordinance, Nevada County officials are set to appoint two new hearing officers during Tuesday’s special board meeting. The cultivation ordinance that was passed in May of last year allows for law enforcement to order growers to abate their plants if their garden is deemed to be in violation of the nuisance ordinance. However, growers are entitled to appeal an abatement notice, and the hearing is presided over by a hearing officer appointed by the Nevada County Board of Supervisors. Currently, there are three administrative appeal hearing officers. During a …
I must everyone out in Cali who is in the industry has got to be so frustrated at all the shit yall have to put up with in regard to regulation on Cannabis. All of you out there have fought tooth and nail for the industry, and have for the most part revolutionized the industry and still all the opposition is crazy. Out of all the states, I thought Cali would be the first state to legalize it. Keep the faith, never I my time did I think we would see what we are seeing today with states legalizing it. The movement is inevitable regardless of what you are going through as a state, once a few more states pass it Cali will follow suit watch and see.
Remember always for years Cannabis has operated in the underground if the states get too stupid with the regulation and so forth it will push it back underground and the states will miss out on the taxes ( that's the only thing they care about for real, once they taste the money they will be over the barrel.
Here in the Great state of Kentucky we can't even get the legislative committee to give it a fair hearing. Here in our state well over half the people that have been polled are for it but the Senate committee won't even put it on the agenda to be voted on. I think they are afraid that it will pass. We are in the Bible Belt and all of you know what that means it will be a fight for some time to come, but we are the Whiskey Capitol of the world. Is that not crazy? One day it will all happen though I believe that with all I am, it inevitable.
the other thing we as a state will have to battle just as the rest of you is even though it passes in the state the counties will screw it up. Some counties will not want it in there district, others will but they will do like the above thread and choke it out with bullshit.
Very upset

Very upset

I guess this will be where i say my peace about the law they passed.

I am not in favor of it as written.

I have trouble with the part that says if any dispensary opens in my county i have to buy my medicine from them and can no longer grow.

I was one of the first to join the program and i am not interested in purchasing lower grade expensive $10 per purchase medicine from anyone.

I am know able to provide for myself thanks to the state forcing me to learn. now they want me to spend money i don't have on medicine i have to have.

i do like that they raised the plant count to 12.

i don't understand the part about medical insurance has to pay for medical marijuana.

Does that mean that the state medi-caid and medi-care partD have to pay for MMJ now?

All totaled this is a lock down of all MMJ in Nevada and uncle Nevada wants there CUT. So again the weight of SUPPORTING the state of Nevada's bad spending practice falls on MMJ. oh my gosh are the prices going to be HIGH!!!!!!!!! CAN"T WAIT

:tumbleweed: :blowbubbles: :comfort: :thank you:


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This group is the problem ....


The Alta Sierra Property Owners Association (ASPOA) conveys to the Nevada County board of supervisors its continued support for Nevada County Ordinance 2349 (Medical Marijuana Cultivation Ordinance).

Ordinance 2349 was the product of extensive research by County Counsel Allison Barrett-Green and the Sheriffs Citizen Advisory Commission.

It was designed to strike a balance between the rights of property owners and the legitimate need for patients with a recommendation to have the ability to grow on their properties or in their rentals with permission of the owner, in the context of Prop. 215.

It was also intended to expel commercial growers from residential areas and to provide property owners with knowledge of how their rental property is being used.

Since it passed and went into effect, it has survived court challenges and was refined to better administer the appeals hearing process.

It has proven successful in ridding neighborhoods of abusive, nonresident commercial growers. The dramatic decrease in complaints and law enforcement raids in Alta Sierra reflect its effectiveness.

The reports from the sheriff’s department that the street price of weed has gone down since its implementation confirms availability for those in need.

Ordinance 2349 also contains a 1,000-foot bubble around schools that was a prime goal that we feel is important to keep in place. It has a reasonable enforcement protocol with rights of hearing and appeal. It also has consequences for abusive growers to protect residential areas.

As with any legislation, as time goes by, there may be a need to make minor adjustments but we feel the basic protections for residential areas must not be diminished.

The courts have confirmed the rights of homeowners to have equal standing with the rights of a person with a recommendation.

Paul Hoffler, Lee French, Jim Barrilleaux, Kathy Carey, Gene Jovich, Don Bessee, Dave Johnson, John Keefe and Julie Sigenthal comprise the Alta Sierra Property Owners Association board of directors.


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When Ken Roberts (not his real name) bought his modest home off Rough and Ready Highway 10 years ago, it was because he loved the peaceful, friendly neighborhood. But today, the elderly widower *— who is dying of cancer — says he couldn’t even sit out on his deck to enjoy the summertime air, thanks to the rank odor from nearby marijuana grows. “What kind of community do you want to live in?” he asked. “I’m not against anyone smoking pot, but it’s taking down the community,” Roberts continued, citing safety concerns with criminal elements. “The only thing I can …


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A Nevada County judge has ruled that the county must pay $14,400 in attorney fees to Americans for Safe Access-Nevada County, in partial repayment for a lawsuit the nonprofit group filed against the county’s medical marijuana ordinance. Attorney Jeffrey Lake had filed the suit in May 2012 on behalf of ASA-NC, Grassroots Solutions and Patricia Smith, who is the founder of the nonprofit patient advocacy group and the ASA chapter. Lake initially filed a request for a temporary restraining order against the ordinance, which was denied by Nevada County Superior Court Judge Sean Dowling. Dowling subsequently refused to grant an …



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In response to ...

"Hey Don! We're still here, but where is your NCARCC? In our opinion, you are an embarrassment to the neighborhood and your hypocrisy and failed logic has cost the entire county. You have been recalled from the Board of the ASPOA in a landslide, yet do not have the honor or ethics to step aside. Because of your actions, the organization that was founded to improve our neighborhood has no credibility and questionable legitimacy. You continue to marginalize the needs of THOUSANDS of medical cannabis patients, the physicians and their caregivers. Check the facts in the Union - all of FOUR complaints regarding smell! People may read your drivel in the Union (why they waste good paper on your rants is beyond us), I can only hope that they realize that you do NOT represent the good reasonable folk of Alta Sierra!"


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Dennis Peron
author of Prop 215
guest on the Cannabis Crusades

Friday, Nov 1, the legendary Dennis Peron, author of Prop 215, will be the guest for the first hour of the Cannabis Crusades on KVMR, 89.5fm. The show will air from 12:00 - 2:00pm. Peron will be promoting his new book, “How a Gay Hippie Outlaw Legalized Marijuana in Response to the AIDS Crises,”

Prop 215 started as a volunteer effort that was nearly undone by divisions within competing marijuana reform activist organizations. George Soros pumped millions of dollars into the effort through the Drug Policy Alliance and when their camp wanted to change the dynamics of how the campaign was run, conflicts erupted between the money men and the grassroots organizer.

After the measure qualified for the ballot, some disgruntled senior activists sent emails to supporters and the media claiming the petition was flawed so any signatures they collected would not count. The matter was settled in a court of law when the presiding Judge ruled the petition was valid. The rest they say is history.

To read the whole story, visit http://yubanet.com/regional/Dennis-Peron-to-Guest-on-Cannabis-Crusades.php#.UnFHkhYj98s


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Wow four articles on cannabis today :p

The Nevada County chapter of Americans for Safe Access continues to gather signatures on petitions in an effort to place a ballot initiative before voters sometime in 2014. “We are about 85 percent of the way there,” said Patricia Smith, president of the local chapter of ASA. “We are doubling down on our efforts next week to try to put this thing to bed.” Smith’s ballot initiative seeks to alter key provisions of Nevada County’s recently approved medical marijuana cultivation ordinance, which places certain restrictions on marijuana grows in the interest of protecting residents from nuisances, such as the plant’s …






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NEVADA CITY, Calif. March 21, 2014 - The Nevada County Americans for Safe Access (ASA) chapter is breathing a sigh of relief after they got word their petition was accepted by the Elections Office. On December 30, 2013 ASA-NC turned in 10,729 signatures gathered for their ballot initiative to change Nevada County's medical marijuana ordinance. Signatures were checked and the threshold for the petition to qualify has been reached.

The proposed ordinance now can be either adopted by the Nevada County BOS, or put on a ballot for voters to decide.

In today's radio show on KVMR 89.5 FM, ASA-NC president Patti Smith is announcing the news to members and the public at large. The show, Cannabis Crusades, started at noon.

The group filed a Request for a Special Election to replace Ordinance 2349 with the Safe Cultivation Act of Nevada County on June 18, 2013. On their website, the group has a comparison of the existing ordinance with their proposed rewrite.

We have received the final tally of qualified signatures from the Election Office...drumroll please...

Total Sigs Required 9,131
Total Sigs Submitted 10,694
Total Sample Size 10,694
Total Sigs Verified 9,744

According to the Elections Office, a initiative for a Special election has never qualified in this County before. So give yourselves a well deserved round of applause for a job well done.

We could not have achieved this great accomplishment without the help of so many of you. Now we have to win the election!!

The full proposed ordinance is below:


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Elections Office Update

I just got back from the Elections Office and have more info. It is clear to me that the County is trying to take as much time as they legally can to count and verify our petition results to ensure that we won't be on the June ballot. They finished counting last week and have over a thousand extra signatures, so they could have moved for certification last week. But they have opted to wait until the last minute of the last day to move forward.

Now they have informed me that after they certify the results, they have to write a Resolution BUT the Board gets to approve the language beforehand so it may have to be submitted numerous times before they sign on. That would push the presentation to the Board until the April 22 meeting.

That's where YOU come in. We need to fill that chamber like we did when they first proposed the Ordinance. I defy them to say they are acting in compliance with their constituents this time!

We can ask that they place a moratorium on enacting the County's Ordinance until we get to vote in November. We can ask that they accept our initiative outright. We can promise to make their lives miserable by pointing out how flawed the "Urgency" Ordinance they passed is for this County. We can point out that they are passing laws to suit a small demographic of our County. We can take them to task for being financially irresponsible for not mediating with us.

In short, we do not have to take this lying down. But to get their attention, I need for you to show up. Are you with me?


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People to vote for in June; Very important if we want the new board of supervisors to accept the initiative as is ... and not put it to a vote ...




We will plan our actions for the Board of Supervisor meeting on April 22 when we hope to persuade the Supes to accept our initiative without going to an election. We need you to help form a cohesive plan of action.

PS Jeff Lake will be at the BOS meeting to address them on our behalf. Should be a good show!
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