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Well-known member
I asked this in old stoners crash pad but this might be a better place.
I was recently diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia which strange enough is also called the suicide disease. The pain can be pretty intense, imagine lightning bolts in your face. Anyway, I’m wondering if anyone can offer any advice on how to deal with this. My dr put me on gabapentin which helps a little but does nothing for the constant burning. I heard about CBD helping but have absolutely no knowledge about how much, how strong or anything else regarding it. If anyone could help I would be extremely grateful.


Comfortably numb!
Google is our friend :) As a med patient I simply type "best cannabis strain for x, y, z

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Pain due to chronic alcohol use
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Shingles
  • Postherpetic neuralgia
  • Syphilis
  • Phantom limb syndrome
  • Vitamin B deficiency
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Thyroid problems
  • Facial nerve problems
  • Spinal arthritis
They list 10 strains on the site. I have highlighted the strains I currently use:
  • Afghan Kush;
  • Blue Dream;
    • Sometimes I simply want to trip, Bd will do it for me, not to mention it makes me super horny :)
  • Harlequin(24-1 CBD);
    • This is what the site has to say.
    • Another sativa strain that is incredibly high in CBD is Harlequin at 12-15%. People with epilepsy and neuropathy use it as a gentle yet effective high that leaves you feeling like you are walking on cloud nine without sedating you.

      However, it is also a great daytime strain for chronic pain sufferers as it doesn’t cause fuzzy feelings as many strains do and instead leaves you with a clear head and an energy boost.
    • I totally support what is stated in the article. As a diabetic I suffer from neuropathy, for which I make my own salve.
      • 1c grape seed oil or olive, coconut oil. I prefer grape seed as it provides greater penetration, and doesn't leave you "oily"
      • 1oz beeswax
      • 4g of bud.
    • I have an oil infuser that does the job (Levo). Last batch I dbled my recipe, because I wanted to see if it worked on the 1st run.
    • Cleaning up after a major hurricane here, I had massive lower back pain from a previous injury. I took a pill which is how I use my cannabis. Each size 0 cap contains between 0.22-0.26g of decarboxilated bud. I use 3 a day. 2 daytime strains and an evening strain. Someitmes I will vape a bowl prior to the onset of my pill, usually 30-45 min, in full swing @ hr2, cresting at 3 for 1hr, then decling. Ea pill givers me a ride for 5-6 hrs. I medicate daily.
    • Back to the hurricane...
    • I took a Harlequin pill and got my wife to rub my back with my salve. Relief was within 5-10 min, and when the pill kicked in, what pain. 2 days later, what hurricane.
  • White widow;
    • I use it for my mood swings (cancer). Therefore, I can't comment on pain relief. As for mood swings, I am easily aggravate when someone fucks with my head space. I found Dutch Treat (2-1 CBD) to be the answer there, as well as AC/DC listed below, as I am totally mellow and couldn't care less.
  • MK Ultra;
  • Cannatonic;
  • Gorilla Glue #4;
  • AC/DC; and
    • AC/DC is a 20-1 CBD strain, which I use for my moods. The moon affects me 10 days out of every month and, as I get older, I am more grouchier than what I remember. Having quit smoking (combusting 11 yrs ago) I found the moons affect me more since, although I still vape nicotine. Go figure.
    • I am currently running Ringo's Gift 26-1 (CBD) I have heard great thing about this strain (Spain) where it is extremely popular with the night time scene and, social settings. Although, Ringo is a Indica dominant strain, it provides a blissful high without the couch lock, therefore it is recommended as a daytime strain as well.. Extremely hard to get your hands on it.
  • Charlotte’s Web.
    • I still have 18g of her and, although it is high in CBD (no THC) to speak of, it aggravates the bejesus out of me.
In summation... from what I use, Harlequin is hands down the best strain for pain relief, which it is mainly used for. Although it is on rotation for my moons (pleasant satisfaction). In order (for moons):
  • Dutch Treat;
  • AC/DC;
  • Harlequin; and
  • White Widow
I will have to see where Ringo fits in but, I believe on what I have read, will be a competition with AC/DC for that spot, if not the #1 strain in my arsenal.

Sativas aggravate me. Short strokes.

I hope this helps :tiphat:

PS: Strains affect people differently, so your mileage may vary. That being said, not to many folks would pass up Harlequin which is:
  • anti septic (myrcene);
  • anti fungal (myrcene);
  • anti bacterial (myrcene);
  • anti oxidant (caryophelene);
  • anti infamatory (caryophelene);
  • muscles spasms (caryophelene);
  • pain (caryophelene);
  • insomnia (caryophelene);
  • alertness (pinene);
  • memory retention (pinene);
  • sedating (myrcene);
  • relaxing (myrcene);
  • boost THC (myrcene).
PPS: My A1C has dropped to 5.1 from if it was below 8 I was happy. I use to manage my blood sugar quite well (6-6.5) until my doc wanted me on cholesterol pills, which BTW is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes in non diabetic people. Since I started to use cannabis for treating what ails me. My doctor ain't too happy, because I told her to shove her cholesterol pills, due to serious side effects, not to mention frigging with my (A1C). but loves the results (A1C). Within 5 weeks of being on Crestor, I loss the use of my legs, for which I recovered within 4 days of being off the shit. Lipitor caused my AIC to be all over the map, not to mention "brain fog". I am no longer a "customer". :biggrin:


Well-known member
Thank you, very much appreciated. Edit, I probably should have looked to google first, but my head has been up my ass lately with all this dr, hospital and test crap going on. Thanks again.
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Comfortably numb!
We're cool:)

Most folks don't realize it could be that simple. That being said... my google search rendered a whole bunch of links, some were questionable. One needs a good background in order to extrapolate information to decipher the chaff from the wheat.

Recently on Marketplace, there was a segment on CBD "The truth about CBD" https://gem.cbc.ca/media/marketplace/s49e04?cmp=sch-cbd and, to no surprise, some of the shit sold legally doesn't contain any CBD whatsoever or very little at best. This should not be happening in a "legal-regulated" country. In all fairness, there were some that supported their claims, some being the operative word.

I grow my own medicine. Therefore I know whats in it.

As previously stated, I am a medical user vice a rec user.

  • White widow;
  • Blue Dream;
  • Green crack.
  • Green crack;
  • Acapulco gold;
  • Bubba kush.
  • Green crack;
  • Harlequin.
  • Grand Daddy Purple;
  • LA Confidential;
  • King Louis XIII (a sledge hammer);
  • Northern Lights.
  • AC/DC;
  • Harlequin;
  • Charlotte's Web.
Sleep Apnia:
  • Green Crack;
  • Blue Dream.
  • Gdp;
  • Purple kush;
  • LA Confidential.
  • Green crack;
  • Harlequin.
  • Harlequin
Fight fatigue:
  • Green crack;
  • Harlequin.
Get active:
  • Green crack
  • Blue dream;
  • Green Crack;
  • Trainwreck (I abandoned that strain)
  • Gdp;
  • Purple kush.
  • Harlequin.
Pain and inflammation:
  • ACDC;
  • Harlequin.
Blood pressure:
  • Blue dream;
  • Green Crack;
  • Northern lights;
  • Purple kush.
Of course there are other strains for these ailments. The only ones mentioned here is why "I" grow.

An all around strain for me would be Green crack. It is a sativa and, I am not to fussy with sativas as previously mentioned. That being said, you are "clear headed".

These are the stains I grow:
  • Nightime;
    • Gdp
    • NL
    • LA Conf
    • KL
    • Pk
    • Hp
  • Daytime:
    • Bk (although touted as a "Nightime strain", it doesn't do diddly for me but, it is wonderful as a daytime strain.
    • ACDC
    • Bd
    • Dt
    • Ht
    • Rg
    • Ww
    • Aca
    • Gc
    • Har.
The aforementioned are all used in rotation dependent on the calendar. I also rotate the nightime strains with the day time strains e.g one week I might use ACDC and Pk (current week) but the next time its in rotation it will be ACDC with NL.

I further will combine both day & night strains to cover the maximum relief for my ailments. 3 year medicating daily (as previously explained) hasn't increased my tolerance. IOW, I am not chasing after a "high" which in my humble opinion leads to an increase tolerance.

If I had to witthle it down to 5-6 strains, they would be:
  • KL
  • ACDC
  • Dt
  • Rg
  • Har
  • Bd
With the exception of King Louis and Blue dream, they are all high CBD strains. Dt is nto considered a "high THC" strain, but it is a "balanced strain" or a 1-2 ratio THC/CBD.

Disclaimer: In no way shape or form am I promoting anything here. It is simply what works for me. Your mileage may vary but, I believe I provided a road map for people, who may have been wondering:)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
There are 3 very powerful anti-inflammatory compounds in the roots of the cannabis plant. I use olive oil to extract this and add frankincense, lavender and lemon essential oils to it so it penetrates the skin easily. Though I have not tested it on your specific condition, I would be very surprised if this did not help better than the gaba, and will definitely have lower side effects.


Comfortably numb!
I used spearmint in my 1st batch for smell, and camphor in the 2nd because it has pain relief. Some add shea butter in theirs to make it more like an ointment vs a salve. Salves is a ratio of 1 to 1 cup/oz. From yesteryear!


Well-known member
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I have neither the know how or capabilities to make my own oils. I have been making some inquiries around here to various places but I’m not sure if I have a lot of faith in what they’re telling me. My main question is do I need something high or low in THC etc. I will keep reading and researching. Thanks for your help and any info, it is greatly appreciated.


Comfortably numb!
So what you are trying to say is that you do not want to use cannabis. Is this correct? What are you aiming for?
I suggest you do research CBD strains and how they work. I am a proponent that you need both. I am not prepared to go through all my research on the subject. Short strokes... CBD will attached to your receptors 1st, then THC will find some empty ones (more or less) That is why folks who only get high avoid CBD strains.


Well-known member
So what you are trying to say is that you do not want to use cannabis. Is this correct? What are you aiming for?
I suggest you do research CBD strains and how they work. I am a proponent that you need both. I am not prepared to go through all my research on the subject. Short strokes... CBD will attached to your receptors 1st, then THC will find some empty ones (more or less) That is why folks who only get high avoid CBD strains.
No not at all, I have absolutely no problem with the flowers except coughing my ass off. Lol. I was just under the impression that oils would be better, I’m still doing a lot of reading.


Comfortably numb!
No not at all, I have absolutely no problem with the flowers except coughing my ass off. Lol. I was just under the impression that oils would be better, I’m still doing a lot of reading.

Make mari pills then, That is why I use them as cannabis makes these old "polluted" lungs from smoking 41 yrs cough. I am good with vaping though, although some terps will make me cough. I just take a lighter pull.

1 pill size 0 = 6hrs of medication. It's a piece of cake. All it takes is 25 min decarboxilation at 250 deg F and making them. If interested, send me a PM and I'll send you links to the machine I use. I have 3: size1, 0 and 00.

St. Phatty

Active member
I asked this in old stoners crash pad but this might be a better place.
I was recently diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia which strange enough is also called the suicide disease. The pain can be pretty intense, imagine lightning bolts in your face. Anyway, I’m wondering if anyone can offer any advice on how to deal with this. My dr put me on gabapentin which helps a little but does nothing for the constant burning. I heard about CBD helping but have absolutely no knowledge about how much, how strong or anything else regarding it. If anyone could help I would be extremely grateful.

Do you have any Root Canals, i.e. dead bones, in your skull ?

TN is often a way of saying, "The Dentist Fucked Up and is Too Selfish and Cowardly to admit it."


Well-known member
Do you have any Root Canals, i.e. dead bones, in your skull ?

TN is often a way of saying, "The Dentist Fucked Up and is Too Selfish and Cowardly to admit it."

No, I wish it was that easy. I have dentures . Just woke up one day and there it was, getting progressively worse.


Well-known member


Well-known member
Are you sure you have the "suicide disease" ?

I have the "suicide disease" neurovascular dystrophy also known as CRPS type II - (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) (back in the day it was called RSD)



You want pure 100% indica, to sleep, which is the hardest thing to do, nothing but flower works for me, your mileage may very

all I know is that’s the reference that comes when you look up tn, and personally I don’t care what they call this god awful disease all I know is that the pain is unbelievable.
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Well-known member
I had a problem with my trigeminal nerve once. Very painful indeed. I used acupucture and it worked . :) So this might be worth looking into. It does take several sessions but it helped me at the time.

The hard part is finding a good acupuncturist who knows what they´re doing.:)


Well-known member
I had a problem with my trigeminal nerve once. Very painful indeed. I used acupucture and it worked . :) So this might be worth looking into. It does take several sessions but it helped me at the time.

The hard part is finding a good acupuncturist who knows what they´re doing.:)

My doc referred me to a neurosurgeon who is supposed to be one of the best, we will see. After reading reviews about her she seems to have a god complex. I think a lot of surgeons have the same issue, kinda think they can walk on water.


Well-known member
My doc referred me to a neurosurgeon who is supposed to be one of the best, we will see. After reading reviews about her she seems to have a god complex. I think a lot of surgeons have the same issue, kinda think they can walk on water.

yeah, a lot of doctors have a superiority complex! I´ve known a coupe of neurologist etc who are totally arrogant but at he same time they were useless at their job.
I suggest doing both: consulting an acupuncurist as well as the surgeon however and see what they say about it. It´s good to hear another opinion and weigh up your options :)


Active member
I was diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia 12-13 years ago. My doc put me on carbamazine and titrated me up to 400mg 3 times a day. It only gives me relief from moderate attacks when pain is 6 or lower on a 1-10 scale. I have had extreme full on pain from this condition and I've found nothing that will help. At the moment I'm completely free of pain as that's how it goes for me, I have long periods of remmision followed by months of pain where I cant eat, talk, brush my teeth etc. I've tried all sorts of cannabis strains but have found none that help. If you discover anything please post your findings. I tried acupuncture but that did nothing.


TN is a shitty thing sorry to hear. I know that from a friend of my granny that got triggered by a breeze of cold air. Iirc camphor and lavender helped a little bit but most of the time avoiding that triggers helped best.
The few people i know that smoke for pain relief are most happy with kushes. Cataract kush is a good working one for them.