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Neptune's Breakdown



GoldDustWomen said:
Hey Neptune,

Sorry to hear about the PM. That shit is for the birds. I had issues once with it and lucky it didn't get out of control. I was wondering if you cleaned your room totally after the first time you had issues with it? Not trying to question your growing skills, but i think i read some where's. Empty a room, boom the room with a sulfur setup with room empty and them bleach everything. Try not to bring in anything from outside if possible and bleach everything. Just trying to help.

Very nice setup you have. Nice a simple and neat. Looks like some very nice yields and awesome looking plants. Awesome job. Keep up the awesome job and good luck with that PM.
Take care,

From what I've seen, Neptune goes above and beyond in between each grow to ensure sanitary conditions for the next up coming grow. I think he's done all of the above and then some, even burning sulfur at one point during flowering if I'm not mistaken. I hope we can get to the bottom of what's causing this in your room before the next go round.

Bro, I got nothing but :respect: for your skills. I'm curious as well to know your thoughts on the different mediums. The coco looks to be a winner. I've got a few test plants in coco and they are doing great. Did you have any luck with the supercropping? Let me know how it went. All the best bro.

Krome :rasta:


krome said:
From what I've seen, Neptune goes above and beyond in between each grow to ensure sanitary conditions for the next up coming grow. I think he's done all of the above and then some, even burning sulfur at one point during flowering if I'm not mistaken. I hope we can get to the bottom of what's causing this in your room before the next go round.

Bro, I got nothing but :respect: for your skills. I'm curious as well to know your thoughts on the different mediums. The coco looks to be a winner. I've got a few test plants in coco and they are doing great. Did you have any luck with the supercropping? Let me know how it went. All the best bro.

Krome :rasta:

Hey Krome,

Not saying is hasn't or did. Just curious as to what his issue is and I'm sure he is as well. Somethings not right, because he stated he's had this issue before. Something is causing the contamination. PM doesn't form from a totally clean environment.

If i took your post in the wrong meaning. I'm sorry, I just hate PM more then anyone else and you can give my garden "BUGS" over PM any day. Take care and good luck with the PM.

PS, You might want to give this stuff a try.

SaferGro Mildew Cure

Formerly known as GC-3. 100% certified organic. Mildew Cure is a natural fungicide that provides excellent control of powdery mildew on edible crops. It is safe, effective, long lasting and offers little chance for disease resistance build-up. Derived from garlic extracts and other essential oils.

Use at a rate of 1-3 ounces per gallon (test with 1 ounce first!).


Nice run, man. Real nice. If sulfur doesn't stop mildew at whatever RH you have nothing will. Dropping RH will + sulfur will rid it for sure.


IF you have ever grown Psilocybin Mushrooms you will know that it is impossible to sterilize a room once it is contaminated, and you will deal with that contamination from then on. It is on everything you own, everything... your car, your clothes, your shoes, your fingernails, your books, your forks, spoons knifes, coffe maker... you name it. Something like Botrytis or PM are always present, the challange I suppose is to inhibit their germination by not presenting conditions that are within their life-thriving range.

*side note*
Incidentially, some of the beneficial soil Beneficial Bacteria colonizers for cannabis cultivation are your worst nightmare for mushroom cultivation. IE: Trichoderma.

I have tried and tried to wash all materials with bleach, walls, ceilings, floors, equipment... this merely reduces the spore count from 1000000000000 trllion to 1000000000 trillion. Catch me? GDW, this isnt' aimed at you or anything not to worry pal... I appriciate the help and I will do just about anything to get rid of this plague... so, yet again I did wash my room down with bleach, and this time ran h2o2 through all equipment.. I believe the main problem is my Humidity, which is never really below 65-70%. I live near a Bay, the air is always moist and my room is never really sealed.. I will try a few new products this time around, we will see if products can beat it down... but it always seems to come on when I can't fight it... ie, late bloom. 14 days is PLENTY of days for PM to go from a few spots to a full blown infestation!! I am always worried to spray my buds late bloom as I don't want them to mold, or have any taste from the spays... but this time It seems I will have to.

I have a few products lined up that will be given a go.
We'll see if I can beat it back, or at least delay the germination and eventual infestation..

krome, I didn't SC anything yet as I am still transplanting... but the idea is to just apply pressure to the tops until you feel them crack? I'm not supposed to mash the top or destory it, right? It is a delicate manuver?

clowntown, By tomorrow I will have some nice photos to let you know what's up... everything will be the same as last run, except all tables will be perfect coco. the only rockwool in my garden are 4" preveg blocks for the E&G... and even these would idealy be replaced with 4" netcuts of hydroton on an ebb and flow veg table... I just don't have the space to veg and mother proper... it's all gheto rigged in closets, and in my bedroom. I have not known a dark night in years bro... always lights on in my room.

GDW, thanks again for the concern and kindness.. I will get this PM down, or esle I will just deal with it. There isn't much I can do beyond what I am doing, besides moving locations (hah hah hah... right..).

you got it brain, but how do I drop my RH?
50 pint 650watt Dehum full blast takes it to 60%, from 70%. IE, not a damn bit of difference.
I have constant air evacuation, and my canyon is foggy, always.

wew, what a day... more to do tomorrow.. didn't get it done... damn
homebrew and granddaddy treating me right..
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Active member
Neptune said:
*side note*
Incidentially, some of the beneficial soil Beneficial Bacteria colonizers for cannabis cultivation are your worst nightmare for mushroom cultivation. IE: Trichoderma.

Yeah I found that out the hard way. After getting about 3-5k deep in mushroom equipment and wondering why I got the green mold on all my shit even with crazy sealed growing chambers with hepa filter intakes and having full blown sterilization equipment and doing everything in front of a flow hood. Then one day I was reading the ingrediants on my Mychorizal innoculant, and guess what, it has trichoderma in there too. I canned the mushroom project because it will never work in this location ever again. Plus mushrooms I could really care less about.

As far as the humidity, I know I have said it before, and you probably hate me for saying it again.....but SANTA FE 100 pint dehumidifier!!!! Seal that room back up, turn on your CO2 (winter is just around the corner anyways) and buy a REAL dehumidifier. I had a huge outbreak in my room with a couple homeowner (50 pint) units and I popped in the Santa Fe and haven't seen PM since. My humidity went from 70%+ to always below 50%. Sometimes it gets down to 35% or so. I know I know, they are like $1200 bucks, but hell what is that like 4 or 5 ounces? Shit you will make that back your first run. Plus it uses like the same ammount of electricity as that piece of shit you have now. I know where to get them for a good price if you decide to get one.

Not that you don't know this, but you banged out another great show. Congrats.


It's all good Neptune. I just hate seeing such a lovely and killer garden take a hit like yours. I HATE PM so much. To me, it's the worst thing you could have in a garden. Atleast bugs, you can smoke them without issues. You smoke mold and your asking for problems. No worries, and good luck with your PM. I'll be watching and learning from your thread and others about PM. I think pico has a good point also.

I'm thinking about investing in a unit for next summer. Over the winter months. I doubt if i will need it. Good luck and lets hope next time around. You don't take a hit.


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Hey Neptune, great plants, wonderful grow, sorry about the pm never had it and hope never to. Earlier in this post you were talking about cooling your ballasts because you can't put them out of the garden, I have the same prob and have been contemplating it for awhile now. My A/C keeps my garden at 75 F max temp which is nice but I see the A/C working harder than is necessary so why not put my vent fan to better use. Here's my existing system...

Here's what I'm going to build, 3 of em'

Then it will work like this...

I'll put posts or blocks for the ballast to sit on so air flows around all four sides. It should substantially reduce heat in my own little green paradise.:)
Maybe this will give you some ideas, I like discussing ideas, I even like debating ideas, lol. If you see flaws here let me know. Nshiner
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nice idea nugget shiner, I have considered a big wooden box with vents like that, but as you can see I am really low on extra room in here... which is why the ballasts are strapped to the walls. I still could rig something up, but lazyness prevails.. seems like a big-ish project :[

I/S thanks for coming through man.. good to see yous... and much love pico, feelin' your pain right about now. Trichoderma in your spawn runs is almost impossible to prevent after a breakout... no amount of "washing" your shit will remove the billions of spores in and on and around everything! just like PM!! I will probably have to get a santafe, damn expensive things!

D Rock

How in the hell have i missed this grow, Nice turn out. Sorry about the PM I hope it doesnt hit me. Thats some serious bud you got there though.


just don't molest my colas..
I can't wait to see the result on how the PBP in coco stacked up against the other table and the E&G system. everything looks solid Nep!


insulated duckting....HELPED me a TON.

along with the 100 pt dehumidifier...<<<tough to squeeze in one of those<<<

great grow too man!=)


Good luck Neptune. I'm pulling for you on the PM issue. Hope it all works out! :yes:


Yup, I've got the run the dehumidifier full time and it's probably going to be a santa fe, will investigate this later.. got some time to relax right now as I am vegging the new ladies and keeping them clean with sprays of Serenade. I will also be trying a new product called Brix Mix from PEaceful Valley. It's an organic foliar product with macro nutrients, sugars, and sulfer... lots of sulfer. Will try this in addition to my usual sulfer vaporization, and I will probably be running these products into mid bloom this time around... Anything to merely DELAY the outbreak would be awesome.

Thanks you all, I'm on day 3 veg in the new crop w/ 11 days preveg.. so 14 total. But the preveg wattage was weak compared to what I usually use, it will be a bit different to judge the flip on the next one.

Should I just contiue updating the thread here or start a new thread? Hmmm?
It's basically the same grow, done all over again with a few minor changes...
1) Going to hit the ball out of the park with the verticle 600w
2) All Coco pots on the tables, no more RW.
3) some new strains, SR71 Shiva Skunk#6, SR71 Big Shiva, SR71 Hindu Skunk Blockhead, Purps, Granddaddy Purple, Triangle/_\, Grapes, Gangster, SCBB, and BDSSH. phew...

such a strainwhore. :)