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Negative Effects of Heavy THC Use


Lammen Gorthaur
Like most things in life, use in moderation keeps the "ship of state" in trim. While marijuana helps with the headaches it does tend to aggravate my laundry list of mental health issues. Sativas make the paranoia grow to gargantuan proportions until I am carrying an eight hundred pound paranoid gorilla on my back wherever I go. It makes me angry (at me) and I have to take a deep breath every now and then to come to grips with what is real and what is imagined to be real.

Not smoking during the day helps. The more I smoke the more the memory issue becomes a liability. Smoking at night helps for sleeping but wipes out my short-term memory so I have to sleep with a pad of paper and pen by the bed so that whatever it is I am worrying about won't be forgotten the next day.

This tells me I have to be more judicious with my treatment options, but everything comes with a price. If I don't medicate with marijuana then I end up loading up on Excedrine Migraine and that means my liver suffers more and more damage (thank God I quit drinking 25 years ago or I would have died of liver failure a long time ago).

An active lifestyle helps the most. I need to get back into the exercise groove as I at least felt better when I was exercising. My job makes me the ideal couch potato and I need to change that.

With all of us the same theme seems to emerge: take care of your health, eat right, get some exercise, stay engaged and energized with an active lifestyle, use with moderation and keep an eye on any untoward mental health outcomes your use of this drug may create. Life isn't all beer and skittles and we cannot hide from the consequences of our decisions.

Stay safe and grow the same way.


It is addictive in the way that doing something totally fun is addictive lol. I smoke alot of weed usually at least 3 vape bowls a day. I do not feel burnt out at all. I am very active i go out and do shit all the time. In my opinion indica's have more of a tendency to make you feel the negative side of it. Although the paranoia of some sativa's is really terrible. I think sativa's are the true mental helper and indica to be the pain killing sedative. I can smoke sativas all day everyday and have the happiest time of my life doing what ever seems to be the most fun thing to do at the time.

Most of the negative effects for either are never permanent IMO. they will be gone in a week at the very most. Even if a person where "the heaviest toker" if they took a week off they'd feel like it was only their 3rd time getting stoned again. its never ever as good as the first not even after like 20 years lol.


Weed is habit forming not addictive, there is a huge difference, you want that THC you dont need it.

Ive lived the OP's life for periods in the past and to be blunt its a shitty, boring, pointless life. Get off your arse and do something else m8, force yourself to wait a day at least now and then for a smoke, you'll enjoy it so much more.


My short term memory goes to shit even with moderate use, takes me 2 months to get back to normal. Also dreams decrease when smoking before bed. Other than that I feel much more rested than I would otherwise especially with my sleep issues.


Lets just agree, weed fucks you up in many ways, some good, some bad, but in the end we're doing it because it, like everything else thats illegal: is fucking good.


Best of luck to ya in your self chosen method of getting thru it man.


I actually believe our intelligence is partially a result of getting high for millions of years. I've seen lemurs get high as fuck on centipede's on youtube before. The ability to forget is just as important as the ability to remember. To be able to forget your surroundings and focus on something:"hey I need to hide this or that or get this done to survive and forget about the million other things for one moment."

Ever see a dog in a wooded area? They go nuts so much going on for them as an animal.

Also I have seen a video link on here i'm not sure of where that was a professor giving a speech about his book: "Forgetting and the Botany of desire" I'm not sure if thats accurate I will hunt the link down.

This and the discovery of the "ape like" creature 'ardi' and thier belief that it was a gather. Has me thinking that maybe these creatures gathered the sacred herb maybe to impress A mate or maybe as food or maybe even to be eaten before child birth. No one knows the long term effects on ingested raw cannabiniods over millions of years. It should be studied carefully.


I find i've made my way up to that amount as well.....when i was selling it was that 8 g/day but i've since moved to a much smaller amount since not selling anymore.......most of the side effects have since subsided......and as im quitting smokeing for 3 weeks or so to flush my system so i can pee clean

Kola Radical

Negative: forgetting where you left your keys.

Positive: forgetting that you've had sex with this chick over a thousand times.


Patient Grower

For everything in life, not just Cannabis.

Moderation is fine, as long as it's in moderation. Sometimes it's fun and healthy to take things extreme. If the sex partner of your dreams told you s/he wanted to take you in a room for a week-end and fuck like bunnies would you really say...'no, no, no, everything in moderation'?


I could smoke 10g a day if I wanted for free, but I choose to just smoke maybe 2g/day (3 joints/6 bowls) 3 times daily;but come friday I like to have me a nice 3g monster joint to end the week. I feel like I used to smoke more frequently when I actually purchased my weed, now that it's free and in abundance I just use it when I get the urge. It's all about finding that balance for yourself.


Patient Grower
I wonder about the carbon monoxide level of the blood of people here who smoke excessively. CO poisoning is well proven to cause brain malfunctions.

I wonder about inhaling from a pipe lit with a butane lighter. Take a piece of glass and put a butane flame up against it. See that nasty black soot you're sucking in. Careful you don't burn yourself.

Are you guys sure that you're adequately correcting for confounding effects? How about the matter that you've had it pounded into your heads by propaganda during your formative years that cannabis is some kind of evil poison, and that all ills in the general vicinity of cannabis can be blamed on cannabis? Are you really sure you're not seeing what you expect to see because of that?
I ingest huge amounts of THC and have for nearly 2 decades now. I smoke my first joints by 6 am of fine smoke . By noon Ive smoked about 8 grams and no longer feel buzzed so i switch to hashish. Between noon and bedtime, i will smoke about 1.5 grams of hashish. This rate of use holds 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
What the fuck do you do for work man? Lol.


Active member
OP man, try not smoking in the morning. Or at least drink a cup of coffee or something. Join a club or something, sounds like you're really not up to much.


Active member
sometimes, when i get extremely baked before bed...i have monster munchies, and I will hammer down a bunch of candy and junk food...when i wake up in the morning, I have to poop real bad...and its hard to do with morning wood...