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Negative Effects of Heavy THC Use

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I ingest huge amounts of THC and have for nearly 2 decades now. I smoke my first joints by 6 am of fine smoke . By noon Ive smoked about 8 grams and no longer feel buzzed so i switch to hashish. Between noon and bedtime, i will smoke about 1.5 grams of hashish. This rate of use holds 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Are there negative effects? Yes

By afternoon, my vision is blurry and wont clear and my eyes swell a bit if the smoke is heavy indica. My tounge gets thick and my speech slurred. By early afternoon, i have a dizzy intoxicated feeling which disallows driving.

Memmory, both long term and short term decreases significantly as the level of thc ingestion increases. By afternoon, i don't know shit and don't bother telling me because i wont remember it. I will have trouble remembering names of people I have known for years.

Pshycological. There is no doubt that in me, very high dosages for prolonged periods causes some psychosis and the appearance of schizphrenic tendencies. Paranoia, introversion, avoidance of social settings, procrastination, dillusions of grandure are all present.

As sure as I am that these side effects exist in me at high dosages, i am equally sure that the effects are temporary.
If use is discontinued, all negative side effects disappear within days. The heavy abuse of any substance is likely to have some side effects and these should be viewed in comparison to other substances such as alchol. If i had consumed alchol at the same rate as i smoke, i would be just plain old dead by now. Dead.

I hear so many state that THC doesnt have any real side effects on them but i cant be the only one?


Forgetting names? no matter how much I smoke, I still remember names.

The only negative effect I get is over-thinking situations, which may involve staring at nothing for hours thinking of situations and outcomes.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
A good couchlock indica will cure that overthinking problem Original. Sensi star has a pheno that dissallows thinking all together.


european ganja growers
ive been cruzing around in my stonned little bubble (like Bart lol) for the last 17year,,,,in 17year time i hope to be still cruzing around in my heavey indica smoked out bubble....
you need to toke more bro, or get some better weed;),,or STOP:xmasnut:,,,,,
i smoke joints like cigs,,+ my mix bowl for ma bong is allways full,,,i could smoke through a ounce a week na probs,,,sometime more if the buddys are round & were gaming it up on the PS3,,,
then there is the wife,,man she smokes the bong just as heard as me & can smoke a few of my buddy under the table lol.......try slowing down bro

try some exercise when you get up,,,something that will make the sweet bucket loads,,and keep you system clean,,fresh orange juice, eat some apples, bannans, ect ect ,,,,,make sure to eat your meals at the right time ect ect ,,,,,,and make sure to have your breakfast first,,,then rip the bong lol.......dont smoke heavy indicas during the day, keep them for night.....

right am just rambling on now (to meny bongs:xmasnut:)............only you can help yourself bro,,,slow down,,,its in your hands

keep it green

man i dont half talk some shit:crazy:


I have found "schwag" makes me more irritable and a little on the mentally sketchy side. Nothing horrible, but I can notice it. I just figure it is because of the quality of smoke. Whenever they mention the bad side effects I can't help- but think it is mostly due to it being illegal. If cannabis was decriminalized, almost everyone could have good smoke. It's a problem with all illegal drugs, and even generic drugs. No quality control.
I hear so many state that THC doesnt have any real side effects on them but i cant be the only one?

No, your not the only one, far from it. MJ is addictive and can be bad for your mental health, the people who say otherwise either don't know what they're on about, or they do and are just trying to hide the truth in order to counter some of the negative publicity that it has received in recent times.


Well, some of the side effects of actually being stoned are getting a bit of paranoia, short-term memory loss and I guess for some, behaviour that may resemble psychosis. All of these symptoms are WHILE HIGH remember. So, if you are high all the time, then these are simply the side effects of being high. I doubt, as you say, that these effects would continue if you were to stop smoking. Take it easy and maybe have a tolerance break. Having to smoke hash by the end of the day after smoking 8 grams says you may need it.


well, if ur smoking that ammount a day its no wonder your having negative effects, if you drank 15 liters of milk every day im sure it would have its negative issues aswell. Balance it dude and smoke less ffs.


european ganja growers
No, your not the only one, far from it. MJ is addictive and can be bad for your mental health, the people who say otherwise either don't know what they're on about, or they do and are just trying to hide the truth in order to counter some of the negative publicity that it has received in recent times.

All though I must add that marijuana has put me in states that have enabled me to review/analyse my life and make important life changing descisions, therapeutic introspection.. Much more than other substances like ayahuasca. It has helped me but it has also adversely effected my memory and other aspects of my life.


No, your not the only one, far from it. MJ is addictive and can be bad for your mental health, the people who say otherwise either don't know what they're on about, or they do and are just trying to hide the truth in order to counter some of the negative publicity that it has received in recent times.

true, but the government completely blow it out of proportion, weed is no way near as dangerous as many people think.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Aint that the truth cyberwax?
Youre right about those typical aspects of being stoned eexpee. Its my belief that with heavy prolonged use,(for me at least) those side effects become permanant personality traits simply because the heavy user is always in a state of being stoned and therefore always experiencing the side effects..

I meant to say that the side effects arent permanant and disappear when use is stopped.

Ive taken theHIghlander's advice. My problem may be that im not smoking enough so I'm burning an extra one right now.

Im trying to remember how to spell "toxicity"


All though I must add that marijuana has put me in states that have enabled me to review/analyse my life and make important life changing descisions, therapeutic introspection.. Much more than other substances like ayahuasca. It has helped me but it has also adversely effected my memory and other aspects of my life.
Everybody has their substance, and weed isn't for everyone.
Also something to add, weed, just like anything when overused will affect you negatively in some way or another. It's all about balance...like cyberwax said
It does fk all and is not as enjoyable if you smoke that much, your receptors are clogged up and ur wasting good weed (& hash) IMO.

It's not easy but we all know that if you want to get properly stoned again and feel like it did when you first started you need to do it far less often.. As it is ur just going through the motions but not getting what I think should be the desired effects.


I dont know about any med conditions you have but damn, smoking more sure as F won't help you.
We didn't evolve to have MJ clogging our heads 24/7 so it's not surprising that negative effects would be felt.
Shit, I feel burnt out only smoking 1-2x every day, you must be whacked out of your mind..

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I was actually feeling bad about my abuse until I watched series called "taboo" on National Geographic the other day. The story was about men in Nepal that smoke weed all day long, every day and are considered holy men with a close relationship with shiva.

That explains a lot because i feel quite spiritual and close to something after sucking down a good potent haze all day long, day after day.


Active member
Brain Candy is talking crap when he says weed is addictive but he's right when he says smoking that much will stop you getting high because the receptors are already filled. Smoke less and get way more high, it's a strange counter-intuitive system but really works.

The other thing those sufis and Shiva worshipping smokers in India do is become ascetics, give up literally everything to sit by a road on a mountain and smoke charas, stretch their dicks round a stick and meditate, they don't rip bongs and play call of duty all day.


I was actually feeling bad about my abuse until I watched series called "taboo" on National Geographic the other day. The story was about men in Nepal that smoke weed all day long, every day and are considered holy men with a close relationship with shiva.

That explains a lot because i feel quite spiritual and close to something after sucking down a good potent haze all day long, day after day.

I'd feel bad too. There's much more to life than sitting around getting high.

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