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need your opinion


A lot of people on this site, willing to admit or not, dream exactly the opposite. Either way, don't hate on commercial growers...As others have said, "someones gotta do it."

I don't hate on commercial growers

In fact if it was made legal then you could sell without having to worry about jail time. It would create jobs and help the economy.


Things are never that simple...take me for example i grow to provide for my own needs but have grown for profit before on a small scale.

Lost my job at christmas and god knows i,ve tryed everything to find a new job but with no luck, State benefits are just about covering the bills...lets pray i dont get sick because then i'm totally screwed.

Starting to build a 20 plant flowering room next week and believe me it's not by choice i'd rather work but the jobs just are'nt out there so i feel i have no alternative.

But on the plus side in a few months my friends will have a limited supply of free weed and those who buy off me will get honest clean weed at half the price the scumbag dealers charge.

Am i hurting the cause??....dont think so more like just trying to survive i'd say.

I am sorry that you lost your job and am having a difficult time finding more work.

It is a shame you are put in a position where you have no other choice but to sell.

Hopefully things won't go from bad to worse for you. I can truly understand your problems. It would be nice if the government understood also.

Hope you are careful


keico, you think that "those who are growing to sell has a negative effect on the legalization of MJ" ?
i'm interested in hearing why you feel this way?


keico, you think that "those who are growing to sell has a negative effect on the legalization of MJ" ?
i'm interested in hearing why you feel this way?

The reason I feel this way is because I believe that it is not the fact of the effects MJ has on someone that makes it legal. It is the fact that the government has not got their cut.

Taxes. Anytime someone tries to make money without paying taxes the government has a strict "No tolerance policies"

I am sure I don't have to point out how many examples the government has made of many individuals that have done this.

All the petitions to make it legal and signatures, have no effect. They don't care how many cancer patients or those who suffer from chronic pain it can benefit. The government always declares street value of seizures. How much money dealers were making.

They will never say it is about the fact they don't get their taxes.

In California there is a store that sells to those who have a medical prescription card. The owner pays his taxes and the state collects a very large sum from this. The federal government know about this guy and the sad part is they state that at anytime they can go in there and shut him down.

That is why I feel that selling MJ has a negative effect on the legalization. There are other factors, but for me that is a major one.

I suffer from chronic back pain. I had a disk rupture in my lower back, and am in constant pain. I do not like all the prescription pain killers. MJ helps a lot, but I was always nervous about going out and taking the chance to make a purchase. That is why I made a descision to grow on my own.

I am sure people don't agree with my opinion, and I respects everyones opinion on this matter.

I felt by posing this question it would create a good discussion on the subject.

From what I read in the earlier post it seems to have upset some, which was never my intention.

Anyway I hope it clears up why I feel that way on the subject

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The reason I feel this way is because I believe that it is not the fact of the effects MJ has on someone that makes it legal. It is the fact that the government has not got their cut.

Taxes. Anytime someone tries to make money without paying taxes the government has a strict "No tolerance policies"

I am sure I don't have to point out how many examples the government has made of many individuals that have done this.

All the petitions to make it legal and signatures, have no effect. They don't care how many cancer patients or those who suffer from chronic pain it can benefit. The government always declares street value of seizures. How much money dealers were making.

They will never say it is about the fact they don't get their taxes.

In California there is a store that sells to those who have a medical prescription card. The owner pays his taxes and the state collects a very large sum from this. The federal government know about this guy and the sad part is they state that at anytime they can go in there and shut him down.

That is why I feel that selling MJ has a negative effect on the legalization. There are other factors, but for me that is a major one.

I suffer from chronic back pain. I had a disk rupture in my lower back, and am in constant pain. I do not like all the prescription pain killers. MJ helps a lot, but I was always nervous about going out and taking the chance to make a purchase. That is why I made a descision to grow on my own.

I am sure people don't agree with my opinion, and I respects everyones opinion on this matter.

I felt by posing this question it would create a good discussion on the subject.

From what I read in the earlier post it seems to have upset some, which was never my intention.

Anyway I hope it clears up why I feel that way on the subject

Well.....if the worlds governments won't legalize it because people are not paying taxes on cannabis......then there is a simple, common sense solution to this situation.....LEGALIZE CANNABIS and then tax it just like they do with far more dangerous substances such as ALCOHOL and TOBACCO........

IT'S SO SIMPLE......it's stupid....


Well.....if the worlds governments won't legalize it because people are not paying taxes on cannabis......then there is a simple, common sense solution to this situation.....LEGALIZE CANNABIS and then tax it just like they do with far more dangerous substances such as ALCOHOL and TOBACCO........

IT'S SO SIMPLE......it's stupid....

I agree 100 %

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Aparently the current Govenor of California...(a known cannabis user in the past, was even filmed during the movie 'Pumping Iron' toking on it).....is considering legalizing the 'erb to help pay for the MASSIVE debts the state is currently owing.......

....the basic economics of the benefits of legalization will eventually sink into the heads of the politicians (who seems to be more dense cerebrally than most)... and I believe then things will change for the better for all of us......call me an optimist, but I see myself more as a realist.....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
LOS ANGELES — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Tuesday that the discussion over whether to legalize and tax marijuana for recreational use in California would benefit from a large-scale study, including international case comparisons, to show the possible impact of such a change.

Pressure to mend the state’s fractured budget along with growing public support of marijuana legalization moved him to support such a study, Mr. Schwarzenegger said.

“I think it’s time for a debate,” he said. “I think all of those ideas of creating extra revenues; I’m always for an open debate on it. And I think we ought to study very carefully what other countries are doing that have legalized marijuana and other drugs. What effect did it have on those countries?”

A Field Poll from April showed 56 percent of the state’s registered voters in support of legalizing and taxing marijuana for recreational use to fill some of the budget deficit. Mr. Schwarzenegger told reporters at a fire-safety event in Davis, Calif., that he did not support sweeping legalization, but that more information would help.

Marijuana advocates said the governor’s invitation to have a discussion at all was a landmark.

“What stands out about Gov. Schwarzenegger’s comment is not that he thought it, but that he said it,” said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. “There has been enormous fear at a political level about saying out loud and on the record that we should think about this.”

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, Democrat of San Francisco, introduced legislation in February that would legalize the cultivation and sale of marijuana for recreational use. Mr. Ammiano’s proposal has been shelved this session, but he has said he would reintroduce it next year. Sales could raise $1.2 billion to $1.34 billion in annual tax revenue, some estimates say.

But that would be little salve for the state’s deficit, which could reach $20 billion in 15 months if ballot initiatives proposed by the governor do not pass, said Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, Republican of Irvine. Mr. DeVore said he did not support legalizing marijuana, and was surprised to hear the governor’s comments.

“I think this shows the governor’s growing desperation over the budget,” Mr. DeVore said.


Keico is making a big assumption that people who sell weed don't pay taxes on it.
I pay my cut.
Although with the way the gov't wastes money, I really shouldn't...


Active member
IMO, I give the large scale, for profit growers a big thumbs up. If it we not for the people that do it, almost no one here would have been able to try mj in the first place. Another thing to look at is that would you rather give your money to the grower down the street, that is going to spnet his loot in you community, or would you rather see your money go to the mexican drug cartel, who are only looking to make cash to buy more expensive drugs and guns. Look at what is happening down there right now, shoot outs in hotel resorts and tourist areas. Growers here, at least the big guys I know, all trade clones, chunks of their crops back and forth, and advise, not bullets


IMO, I give the large scale, for profit growers a big thumbs up. If it we not for the people that do it, almost no one here would have been able to try mj in the first place. Another thing to look at is that would you rather give your money to the grower down the street, that is going to spnet his loot in you community, or would you rather see your money go to the mexican drug cartel, who are only looking to make cash to buy more expensive drugs and guns. Look at what is happening down there right now, shoot outs in hotel resorts and tourist areas. Growers here, at least the big guys I know, all trade clones, chunks of their crops back and forth, and advise, not bullets


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If you do not want asshole's opinions, do not ask for everybodies opinion. We can read a no asshole sign and move on, no problem. Mr long nose, with the bad back.

Haps......I really don't understand what referances to a persons rear waste disposal exit has to do with this topic of conversation.......also what does this have to do with elongated nasal apendigies and those that suffer from spinal afflictions?...

Please keep the conversation on topic......or don't bother with posting on the thread....


Active member
I don't hate on commercial growers

In fact if it was made legal then you could sell without having to worry about jail time. It would create jobs and help the economy.

you are thinking way too one dimensional. if weed was legalized, it wouldnt be as simple as you state. first the government would implement huge taxes on MMJ growers, users, dispenseries, etc. the government might even try to grow its own weed which would end up in a disaster.

regardless of whether weed is legal or not, there will still be an underground element to supply large amounts, tax free, under the radar. there will still be underground customers because why would anyone want to pay 65 an 8th when you can buy it tax free off a dealer for 40.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
you are thinking way too one dimensional. if weed was legalized, it wouldnt be as simple as you state. first the government would implement huge taxes on MMJ growers, users, dispenseries, etc. the government might even try to grow its own weed which would end up in a disaster.

regardless of whether weed is legal or not, there will still be an underground element to supply large amounts, tax free, under the radar. there will still be underground customers because why would anyone want to pay 65 an 8th when you can buy it tax free off a dealer for 40.

True.....just the same as it is for all those guys that have a moonshine still secreted away somewhere on their land....


you are thinking way too one dimensional. if weed was legalized, it wouldnt be as simple as you state. first the government would implement huge taxes on MMJ growers, users, dispenseries, etc. the government might even try to grow its own weed which would end up in a disaster.

regardless of whether weed is legal or not, there will still be an underground element to supply large amounts, tax free, under the radar. there will still be underground customers because why would anyone want to pay 65 an 8th when you can buy it tax free off a dealer for 40.

I think Philip Morris could sell weed about as cheap as they sell cigarettes. 65 an 8th? More like 65 (or less) a carton. Gypsy is right, eventually people buying weed "underground" will be about as popular as buying moonshine... Not very.


you know In the U.S., when prohibition was repealed with the 21st Amendment it still wasn't legal to brew your own beer...homebrewing of beer remained illegal for several decades! its still not legal to make your own distilled spirits (whiskey, vodka, gin) also it left individual states free to pass their own laws limiting production. For example, homebrewing is still illegal in the state of Alabama. and Because alcohol is taxed by the federal governments via excise taxes, homebrewers are restricted from selling any beer they brew...
so,what does this mean..even if they did end the prohibition on cannabis, we still might not be allowed to grow our own.. or sell what we grow..
the potential for enormous revenue loss from the production, even in small quantities would surly drive the government to produce the marijuana that will be for sale... the government doesn’t want to lose potential billions of dollars every year...sure as I'm sitting here!


I want to say thank you to everyone who posted.

Believe it or not by hearing others opinions, I have learned a lot more about the subject.

It makes me wonder that if MJ was legalized, what would be all the regulations, taxes, and quality of MJ.

Anyway thanks again


Active member
yea legalization is just an excuse for the government to put their hands in more peoples pockets who they arent usually taxing. alot of the good strains/growers would probably go underground id imagine, the government would chalk its shitty 65 cents a carton shwag to us. everything would be tax tax tax. 50 dollars an ounce tax.

fuck that, im gonna grow my own as long as i live!