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need your opinion


Ok I need everyone's opinion. This has been on my mind for quite some time.

Now I made the decision to grow, based on the fact that I was tired of spending so much money, and getting the same old street weed.

Plus the fact of taking the chance of getting caught helped me come to the conclusion.

Now I am a firm believer in that yes it should be legalized, or at least you should be able to grow for your own personal use.

What I do not agree with is growing it so that you can sell it.

I feel that it hurts the cause for the legalization of marijuana.

Now this site has helped me out so much, and I am deeply grateful. During my many a many post reading, I have seen some great setups.

When I look at a grow setup I see what I can learn from it, and appreciate the many different ways these plants are grown.

But some of these setups make me wonder. It is really for personal use or for profit.

When I see an entire room with fifty plants. Separate rooms for veg flowering, and cloning, I find it hard to believe that it is for personal use.

I mean how much could one or a couple really need for there own personal use.

I have three plants going now. All female, and I hope that it will be enough for me and my wife, while I start my second grow.

My second grow I am gonna go for six.

Anyway was just wondering what everyone else thought on this


Active member
you should keep those three, and your next six, as mothers, take clones, and flower them, if theres one you dont like, kill the mother, if theres one that works great for whatever ailment you are diagnosing, keep it and take clones to flower, alot of people on here either give alot away, or they give em away at events (icmag 420 event, cali nugs n jugs) or they try new stuff on alot of diff plants at once to see what works best


Active member
your thoughts are totally valid, and what you are doing, "growing for your own personal use" is good. however, its unreasonable to ask that all growers do not grow for profit, because lets face it, this is basically growing money on trees, risk = revenue, times are tough, money is money.

also, if im growing buds it is costing me money to grow them, its not like growing 15 plants takes no effort at all. i have a small grow and i routinely sell about 80% of my crop to help offset my electricity costs, rent, bills, etc. Alot of people are not on here balling in Hummers and Escalades because of our crops, simply just trying to pay off those bills, mortgages, etc.

granted there are a few big time grows on here, but most i would say are smaller ones that are more personal. in my opinion only like 10-20% of IC users (probably more like 5%) have grows exceeding 5000k and what could be classified as commercial. if you look around, most people are running smaller grows for personal use, like yourself.


cant hate on folks that grow for resale..... someone has too, think about it, where did you get your erb before you started growing it?


Active member
and alot of the for profit growers on here are actually doing their thing correctly. i hate dealing with regular commercial dealers because half the time they dont know what they are doing, dont cure right, dont flush, etc.

if i was dealing only with ICMAG growers i would be getting the best of the best quality at a pretty reasonable price im assuming. alot of people maybe start growing for resale to "change the market" i.e. lets say the market in your area sucks, dealers put silica in the weed, its expensive, dangerous, etc. so someone decides to start a grow so that they can change the game in their area, bring in higher quality weed at good prices and run all the thugs out of town with their BS.

if someone is gonna grow for profit and they have the right ideals about dealing, the MMJ movement, and not ripping people off, im all for it.


The Tri Guy
Concentrate on your own grow, and not on the grows of others. Learn what you can, put it into practice, and smoke your own.


New member
You have to grow at the speed that is comfortable for you. For others that is more and faster. Just worry about pulling good yield off your ladies.


Concentrate on your own grow, and not on the grows of others. Learn what you can, put it into practice, and smoke your own.

Yes true, but isn't it all growers dream to one day see the legalization of MJ. I know it is my dream.

My question was do you think that those who are growing to sell has a negative effect on the legalization of MJ ?

I believe it does.


cant hate on folks that grow for resale..... someone has too, think about it, where did you get your erb before you started growing it?

Well to my knowledge 80 percent of the street MJ comes from Mexico, where it is grown exclusively for in the US.

All this MJ is trafficked across the borders where Customs spends a great deal of time and money catching them. Which they use as a reason to say MJ should not be legal.


Yes true, but isn't it all growers dream to one day see the legalization of MJ. I know it is my dream.

My question was do you think that those who are growing to sell has a negative effect on the legalization of MJ ?

I believe it does.

i dont think so..... imo, the more people that actually try cannabis, and realize that the propaganda about the erb is way off base, the more likely that person would be to vote for decriminalization...


Well 98% of the MJ entering my lungs comes from my closet, so the Drug Czar be damned, I don't support terrorism bitch.


Active member
shit....fukin grow it...i dont care if they legalise it...then what hoops u gonna have to jump thru...

leave it alone, leave me alone.

Cookie monster

Things are never that simple...take me for example i grow to provide for my own needs but have grown for profit before on a small scale.

Lost my job at christmas and god knows i,ve tryed everything to find a new job but with no luck, State benefits are just about covering the bills...lets pray i dont get sick because then i'm totally screwed.

Starting to build a 20 plant flowering room next week and believe me it's not by choice i'd rather work but the jobs just are'nt out there so i feel i have no alternative.

But on the plus side in a few months my friends will have a limited supply of free weed and those who buy off me will get honest clean weed at half the price the scumbag dealers charge.

Am i hurting the cause??....dont think so more like just trying to survive i'd say.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
NOKUY - i like the way you think......but, i hope they DO NOT legalize it......


Active member
Not every one is able to grow or has space to grow.

Some people are growing medical cannabis for a number of medical patients.

My attitude it should be legal grow and to sell if you want to.

Selling was never my thing.

I say live and let live.

Free the weed


Yes true, but isn't it all growers dream to one day see the legalization of MJ.

A lot of people on this site, willing to admit or not, dream exactly the opposite. Either way, don't hate on commercial growers...As others have said, "someones gotta do it."

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My first crop back in 1978 was sold to a Medical Marijuana Cooperative in Cali........since then I have grown for personnal use, grown to make seeds to distribute.......grown to be able to supply my friends with decent 'erb.......walked over many borders with kilos of hash to sell/trade.......so I don't knock anyone that has sold or is currently selling the plant in all its glorious expressions.....

Those that grow to sell or smuggle take much greater risks than those that just grow enough for personnal use, so IMHO they deserve to reap whatever benefits they can from it.....if there was no market for cannabis then there could not be any dealers......but there is a HUGE market out there where demand far out-strips supply.......and particularly for those that are having a hard time financially to get by, growing/selling is a good way to avoid poverty........


I think your nose is too long. You asked for everybodies opinion, we respect your opinion. Now butt the fuck out.

Is there any reason you have be such an a..hole.

If you don't like the post then move on.