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need to stop marijuana use help



Hey solace I hope your doing well and happy no matter what you choose . I stand behind you and understand . Im not hijacking I hope , I have money issues and family problems and need to quit for a while . I have smoked for 20 years now every day habitually . My stomach is raw and churning just thinking of going with no ganja . I love mj just like you solace


Not Medicating With The Right Stuff

Not Medicating With The Right Stuff

:santa1: Happy Holidays

- Would you like green buds and hash?
- No I would not, Mister Stash!

Would you like them in a bong?
Would you like them all day long?

- No I would not in a bong!
- No I would not all day long!
- I do not like green buds and hash.
- I do not want them Mister Stash!

Would you like them wrapped in paper?
Will you try them now or later?

- I do not want them wrapped in paper.
- I don't want them now or later.
- I don't want them in a bong,
- I do not want them all day long.
- I do not like green buds and hash,
- I do not want them Mister Stash!

Would you like them in a joint?
- No I would not, what's the point?

Perhaps you would prefer a puff?
Just have one, that is enough.

- I won't partake, not of a puff,
- Nor a hoot, nor hit, nor huff!

Would you try a tiny toke?
- No I don't want any smoke!

What if they were vaporized?
- I've told you no a thousand times!

Would you, could you, in a cake?
Or in cookies I can bake?

- I do not want them in a cake,
- Or in cookies you could bake.
- I do not want them vaporized,
- Or other means you have devised.
- I do not wish to try a toke,
- Or otherwise inhale smoke.
- I won't participate in puffs,
- You have asked me quite enough!
- I get no joy from juicy joints,
- I really do not see the point.
- I do not want to use the bong,
- I think that buds and hash are wrong.

In a tincture would you take it?
I could show you how to make it.

- I do not want them in a tincture
- Or in any other mixture!
- I do not want green buds and hash,
- I do not want them Mister Stash!
- Why do you care if I try them?
- Will you profit if I buy them?

I offer buds and hash for free,
There is no benefit to me.
Someone said that that you were sick,
green buds and hash might do the trick.
If you find you're getting thinner,
With no appetite for dinner,
Or you suffer from sclerosis,
Epilepsy or neuroses,
For almost all the ills that ail ya,
buds and hash will never fail ya.
Have glaucoma? PMS?
Green buds and hash have much success.
For protection against strokes,
Its best to have some potent tokes.
If your muscles are not dandy,
Try some green bud infused candy.
For migraines, spasms, even cancer,
Green buds and hash provide the answer.
If you are not feeling right,
Then have green buds and hash tonight.

- It's true I am not feeling great,
- My health's been rather poor of late.
- My doctor says that I have ills,
- He told me I should take these pills.
- I cannot even sleep at night,
- I never do feel quite alright.
- I will try green buds and hash,
- I will try them Mister Stash!


- Hey now I am feeling good!
- They worked just like you said they would.
- I have never felt this fine!
- Green buds and hash are quite divine!
- I will bake a green bud brownie,
- Whenever I am feeling frowny.
- I will try them vaporized,
- That technique seems very wise.
- I will take them in a tincture,
- And in every other mixture.
- Perhaps I would prefer to puff,
- And stop when I have had enough.
- I will roll some massive joints,
- And smoke them down to little points.
- I will toke upon the bong,
- I will do it all day long.
- I really like green buds and hash,
- I do enjoy them Mister Stash!
- Thanks for being so insistent
- And for being so persistent.
- My mind and body are improved,
- My spirit also has been moved.
- Though I was told they are a sin,
- Green buds and hash are medicine.
- I'm sorry that I was so hateful,
- Now I know I should be grateful!
- Thank you, thank you, Mister Stash,
- Thank you for green buds and hash!

by Dana Larsan:smokeit:


Active member
Switch to edibles to give your lungs the needed break....An entirely different high I'm sure you'll love!...~ogr


Active member
just stop it's real easy i stopped 3 weeks in september and i have been sober now from nov 18th.(had been smoking non stop since for 12 years)

It's just a few days yoy will feel weird , fill that up with exercise or movies or whatever.

it's real easy , YOU are in control not the herb ;) that goes for everything , just a bit of willpower will take you far

I stopped cuz i felt like it and also cuz i abused my lungsfor 11 years. It's real nice to sober up
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Active member
yea no hope for me. i got all my work done today, its only 12 in the afternoon. i have four different kinds of top shelf buds in my jars and absolutely nothing to do today, (well important anyways)...

plus its cold as F out sooooo.....GET YOUR SMOKEY ON

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
You don't need to stop smoking weed, you just need to stop abusing it. More thought, more ritual, more respect. Out of respect grows enthusiasm. Cultivate a healthy level of respect for cannabis and the enthusiasm that follows will fuel new learning (about cannabis and other things). More interesting and fulfilling cannabis experiences will come soon after, and you'll grow out of your abuse phase.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
a glass of red wine can be quite good if you are not smoking but want a relaxing buzz.

i've always found the best way is not to smoke until the evening, especially in the week. then you get properly stoned after the first joint and it can be something you relate to doing to unwind rather than all the time.

everyone is different though



You're really in the wrong type of MJ site to get good valid info to help you,you need a site where people are trying to stop smoking pot.Uh does such a thing exist you ask?I doubt it lol


Original haze is ALWAYS a cure for lazyness, trust me! If you feel couchlocked after that go see a doctor cos somethings wrong!


Lol if you are having trouble stopping MJ.....

You wanna hear what some real detox is?

This is what I go through when I go into my drinking habits.

Cold sweats
HORRIBLE Panic attacks
chest pains
then feeling cold
then hot
then cold again
my whole body hurting
Did i mention the panic attacks?

Ill tell you man... keep smoking. I miss it so much. I had to stop because of probation, and then I let the drinking get a hold of me for a mintue. But I beat that beast every day of my life because I will let NOTHING control me.

Smoking was the best thing I ever did, weed makes me enjoy EVERYTHING. I would literally just get some green and go hikin, and if noone wanted to come, I would go alone. I would always be trying to do fun things like fishing, hiking, just general outdoor activites.

Smoking to me amplifies what is already there, like me I find relegion to be one of the most intresting things in the world, and when I smoke, I will literally sit there and watch the History channel and read book after book afte book.

I went from smoking every second of the day... all day every day, to nothing. I did experince a little bit of not being as hungry, and maybe a little insomnia, but nothing I could not handle on my own.

Now I do enjoy a good toke when it is safe, but it can make me paranoid now because I have so much riding on each and every smoke.

If you feel lazy after smoking.. it is you my friend, not the weed. If you are already lazy, then weed will make you more lazy, if you were active it will make you wanna do more things you enjoy.

Get off your ass and exercise and put your body into a positive attitudem, and it will be happy. Smoking will not make you happy, you have to make yourself happy and then smokeing will make you feel even better.




shit weed withdrawal is nothing compared to actual acute withdrawal (say from opiates, benzodiazepines like valium, ambien, or alcohol or even nicotine). you can die from withdrawal off some of those! Coming off opiates feels like every cell is poisonous and wanting to burst. you are too hot and too cold at once, sweaty and clammy and achey and in pain. you cant sit still comfortably or move or do ANYTHING. it lasts 2-3 days severe like that - no sleep, cant eat etc.. soaking stinky sweaty going crazy.. then insomnia and depression for the next week to month depending on what you were using and how hard you went..
NOTHING can bring relief - not the best weed/hash/kiif, not a handful of valium (it can kindof take the edge off but not really) - only sitting/lying on the bathtub floor under warm/hot water can help regulate your temps enough to feel less worse.. until the hot waters all gone then back to freezing and overheating..

Point is dont get too caught up in labelling or quitting for appearances or for a certain, UNBROKEN period of time etc.. cut back, sure. try not to smoke when you dont really need or its just out of habit. get some new hobbies, get more exercise.. but if you want a toka, shit, have one and dont feel bad about it..
there are way worse things than bulding up a bit of a tolerance to herb..

you can always smoke straight kiif/crystals from the budbuster of make some finger/bubble hash to take you to the next level if youre haveing trouble getting off... or take a day or 3 off.. even waiting until night will give you a proper bake when you do light up (first hoots of the day always hits me nice and its been almost 4 years since my last break that was longer than a month (or even a few days, lol)

dont be so hard on yourself


I dont care if you do weed, alchol, or whatever, you still need to have hobbies and exercise or you will get depressed.

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