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need to stop marijuana use help

Big D

I think it is important to ween yourself slowly if you smoke all day everyday. Don't just quit cold turkey! It sounds to me like you may have alittle depression, the laziness you talk about could be depression. And I don't care what anyone says, cannabis and depression don't mix.

As far as smoking all day everyday goes, if you don't have a medical need for cannabis then you are just wasting your herb. You said, you don't get that high anymore. If you don't think depression is a problem, then only smoke at night when you DO smoke but don't smoke everyday, You will get high really high everytime and it will last alot longer :D

And yes, proper diet, vitamins and exercise everyday is the key to feeling GREAT!

Good luck bro and remember weed is not the most important thing in the world :D


Active member
i have terrible self control too. yesterday i was like NO, im not smoking today. Then buddy brought over his new sour diesal crops that we sorted through and ended up smoking two blunts haha.

then later that night i was like NO, no drinking. i ended up killing like 5 beers and smoking another chop.

im really burning my brain out, i can feel it for sure. sometimes it takes an extra second for my mind to figure out what im trying to say sometimes.

FUCK, what am i supposed to do with all this bubba kush and sour i just got though. plus its christmas break so i got nothing to really do anyways.

i reeaaaally need to cut back too man and its not really been working all that great.


No one can really help you if you do not help yourself. You really do know the right
answers for yourself...just do it!

btw...on that lil prob with all that excess bubbakush and sour? I can help ya out wid that...


I second, third, and fourth getting into a regular exercise pattern. Find something you reasonably enjoy doing, do it 5 or 6 times a week for about an hour a day, and avoid activities that automatically have you reaching for the jar (TV, video games, etc.) It will take a few weeks to get into the new pattern and you might break down and toke here or there, but feeling your strength and endurance rebuilding itself provides its own high.

The great thing is that smoking is an addictive behavior, but weed itself is NOT an addicting substance. These kinds of threads pop up at least once a month, and when someone unveils a real detox story, you realize what addiction to a substance REALLY is. Quitting herb for a while is a challenge to your self control, not your body, provided you aren't smoking medically.


The first couple days are the hardest, you'll be really moody and probably have alot of trouble sleeping.

I haven't been smoking for the past 3 weeks (before that i smoked about 3-10+ times EVERY day for around 8 years).

I felt alot like you did, lazy and unsatisfied with what marijuana was becoming for me, a crutch. After the first week my cravings subsided substantially, now I don't even really think about smoking weed, even when im on IC looking at grows.
It's gonna take alot of willpower, but you just gotta try, don't get discouraged if you fail a few times, it might take multiple attempts.

One thing that I had to do for the first week was not talk to any of my usual friends who smoke, it's always way harder to not think about smoking weed when someone is smoking a joint in front of you constantly offering you tokes. Surprisingly now they are really understanding of my new attitude, as I am also understanding and respectful of their choice.

Another thing that really helped me was not doing all the thing's I associated with smoking weed. I adopted a new workout routine which included lot's of cardio and I picked up a couple new hobbies to keep me distracted.

I'd get rid of your weed if you have any, you'll be too tempted.

You're already on the right path by realizing what you need to do, now you just need to do it.

Good luck man, just tell yourself over and over again that you CAN do it, no matter how hard it's gonna be for you mentally.

EDIT: Anyone who say's marijuana isn't addicting is telling a lie to themselves. It's not physically addicting, but mentally it sure is.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
your location lists you in one of the best hiking areas in the world. Go hiking everyday, you will keep busy and use up all your energy so you can sleep at the end of the day.
Good, because you cannot get addicted to Cannabis,

You can get psychologically addicted,
yikes! Does addicted mean addicted or just addicted?

but then again you can get psychologically addicted to just about everything, such as junk food, video games, shopping, etc.
Ooookay, so that means what? It is addictive?

Rosy Cheeks, you ARE addicted to cannabis. Quit denying it!

I'm addicted, but I have control. It doesn't have to be physical to count as addiction

Exercise, eat right, get out, get sun have fun! Life rules!

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
yikes! Does addicted mean addicted or just addicted?

Medicine makes a distinction between physical and psychological dependence.

Physical addiction equals a substance introduced into your body that your metabolism assimilate and soon 'need' in order to function properly.

Such substances target areas of the brain that are responsible for both physical dependence and producing the sensation of reward to the body.

Essentially, they suppress the body's production of reward feelings on its own. So what happens after a time is that the user can not experience any good feelings without use of the substance. In fact, when the user stops taking it, the body is at a loss and negative symptoms begins to appear, including seizures, severe cramps, coma and at worst death, depending on the properties of the substance and the health of the subject.

Good examples of such substances are - as already mentioned - nicotine and ethanol, opiate and cocaine alkaloids, etc.

Cannabis contains no substance with these properties, it can therefore not be classified as an 'addictive' drug.

Substances such as Cannabis, Chocolate and Coffee nevertheless seems to create a 'slight' addiction to chronic users, but no worse than that they can stop using it with only marginal withdrawal symptoms.

Psychological addiction equals anything that you incorporate into your life to the extent that it becomes a fundamental part of it.

If I for instance take away all the video games from my 12 year old kid, he'll go into a fit and his whole world will collapse, because video gaming is basically the only thing he wants to do (at the moment).

Some people have a similar obsessive relationship to TV, sports, shopping, eating, etc.

Addictions often have both physical and psychological components, so it can be hard to keep them apart.

Nevertheless, I think it's important to stick to proper medical terminology.
Don't forget that our hypocritical legal system defines addictive drugs as dangerous, on which basis it makes them illegal.
Therefore, drugs such as Tobacco, Alcohol and many pharmaceutical drugs such as morphine based drugs and anti-depressives should be illegal, while Cannabis should not be illegal.

If they want to keep Cannabis illegal on the basis of being a potentially - during chronic usage - slightly addictive drug, then they will equally have to forbid coffee and chocolate on the same basis.

If they want to keep Cannabis illegal on the basis of being potentially psychologically addictive, they will equally have to forbid all types of gaming (poker, scrabble, video games...), TV, candy, shopping malls, sports, the Internet, in effect everything that can create psychological addiction.

By calling Cannabis "addictive", you help maintaining the erroneous perception of the drug that keeps it illegal.

Rosy Cheeks, you ARE addicted to cannabis. Quit denying it!

I'm addicted, but I have control. It doesn't have to be physical to count as addiction

I may have developed a psychological dependence, but I've stopped consuming Cannabis many times in my life and it never caused me any problems. I'm therefore not addicted.

It all depends on your attitude in life. I would never let a drug run me (and I do many different ones), I run the drugs.

That's the difference between use and abuse.
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Medicine makes a distinction between physical and psychological dependence.

Physical addiction equals a substance introduced into your body that your metabolism assimilate and soon 'need' in order to function properly.

Such substances target areas of the brain that are responsible for both physical dependence and producing the sensation of reward to the body.

Essentially, they suppress the body's production of reward feelings on its own. So what happens after a time is that the user can not experience any good feelings without use of the substance. In fact, when the user stops taking it, the body is at a loss and negative symptoms begins to appear, including seizures, severe cramps, coma and at worst death, depending on the properties of the substance and the health of the subject.

Good examples of such substances are - as already mentioned - nicotine and ethanol, opiate and cocaine alkaloids, etc.

Cannabis contains no substance with these properties, it can therefore not be classified as an 'addictive' drug.

Substances such as Cannabis, Chocolate and Coffee nevertheless seems to create a 'slight' addiction to chronic users, but no worse than that they can stop using it with only marginal withdrawal symptoms.

Psychological addiction equals anything that you incorporate into your life to the extent that it becomes a fundamental part of it.

If I for instance take away all the video games from my 12 year old kid, he'll go into a fit and his whole world will collapse, because video gaming is basically the only thing he wants to do (at the moment).

Some people have a similar obsessive relationship to TV, sports, shopping, eating, etc.

Addictions often have both physical and psychological components, so it can be hard to keep them apart.

Nevertheless, I think it's important to stick to proper medical terminology.
Don't forget that our hypocritical legal system defines addictive drugs as dangerous, on which basis it makes them illegal.
Therefore, drugs such as Tobacco, Alcohol and many pharmaceutical drugs such as morphine based drugs and anti-depressives should be illegal, while Cannabis should not be illegal.

If they want to keep Cannabis illegal on the basis of being a potentially - during chronic usage - slightly addictive drug, then they will equally have to forbid coffee and chocolate on the same basis.

If they want to keep Cannabis illegal on the basis of being potentially psychologically addictive, they will equally have to forbid all types of gaming (poker, scrabble, video games...), TV, candy, shopping malls, sports, the Internet, in effect everything that can create psychological addiction.

By calling Cannabis "addictive", you help maintaining the erroneous perception of the drug that keeps it illegal.

I may have developed a psychological dependence, but I've stopped consuming Cannabis many times in my life and it never caused me any problems. I'm therefore not addicted.

It all depends on your attitude in life. I would never let a drug run me (and I do many different ones), I run the drugs.

That's the difference between use and abuse.

Absolutely bang on! I think as long as the government thinks its ok to allow nicotine addiction that is manipulated by adding chemicals to make it up to 1000 times more addictive than non free base tobacco they have no right to say cannabis should stay illegal, anyone whos battled with nicotine addiction can attest its a bastard to quit and in the early days of quitting it can really break you, the government selling manipulated tobacco products then tellin people to quit is an insult to the intelligence...its like a local crack dealer sellin his shit and as they are walkin out the door with the crack he shouts "HEY YOU REALLY NEED TO GET OFF THAT STUFF!" We all know that the government doesnt want you to stop smokin tobacco AT ALL THEY WANT YOUR MONEY...


Now in technicolor
You can't physically get addicted to Cannabis, but it's not really that easy to physically get addicted to any drug (even heroin) unless you're doing it chronically for a prolonged period.

Mental addiction does exist. Cannabis is quite easy to get mentally addicted to simply because it's too safe. If you can afford to, smoking daily will have very little consequences on your health. Try doing that with vodka only if you have a spare liver in your freezer.

I'm addicted to the Internet. It might seem funny, but it has had way more damage on my life than any drug ever will, particularly because the addiction feels benign.

The only tip I can give is this - if you seriously see it as a problem, stop cold turkey.

Realize that you can justify ANYTHING to yourself, and so the justifications are all worthless. Just because you can justify smoking (to fall asleep, because it's a holiday, etc) doesn't mean you should, because you will always find a reason to justify it - and hence there's no need for justifications at all - even smoke or quit.


Active member
I get way to lazy and let shit get out of hand.
Wrong strain. I get the same way when I stop using the sativas that work best for my head. Without cannabis I'm a total and complete walking disaster.

If you don't have access to 'known' strains you're going to have to grow your own. Princess Diesel, Lemon Skunk, Sour Diesel, C-99, Flo, Satori or something else along those lines.

Your best bet is to try a different strain each week until you find something that works a bit better than the rest. Research the lineage of the strain and go from there. If you don't have access to that.... again, grow your own.

It's not the cannabis. It's the existing prohibition that's impacted the ability for you to be raised in a society that knows the truth about cannabis. Re-Legalize and educate folks.... that's the key.


Im 24 years old. Weed was a very big thing in school for my school starting in about 6th grade. I started experimenting with it back then and was pretty much instantly hooked by the body high. By the time I was 13 I was selling weed and high all day every day and i have been ever since. I wish weed was as fun as it was when i first started smoking. I used to start sinking into the couch an shit, start feeling waves up and down my arms, legs, and body. Now its more like a chore, i still get high but its not the same anymore. Now I get no body high whatsoever and being high is only fun for about the first 10-15 minutes after I smoke then it wears off and I just feel burnt out for the next couple hours. Maybe I should lay off the stuff for a few months or a year. Or maybe just until my plants harvest (2 months minimum)

fart star

If your struggling to stay off cannabis and can't afford to pay a doctor for help, go sit in on some NA or AA meetings. You'll find plenty of other people who have drug and alcohol dependency issues, many of them who haven't touched the stuff for years but are still compelled to attend the meetings weekly or more. You'll find some good advice but maybe not too. While I found good advice, I also got high with some of the people too. If anything try it as a last resort before giving up.

I didn't smoke for 3 years recently and I had to take several measures to make it happen.

I cut ties with anyone in my life who smoked pot. I simply wasn't around it.

I found a daily exercise program. I was working out 6 days a week, up to 30 hours a week. It felt awesome. We are talking sweat dripping cardio. My body loved me and so did the woman in my world.

At the beginning when it was hard I hit meetings, AA, NA. There I found people who were in similar shoes as myself that I could relate with. It helped. I haven't been to a meeting in years though and will probably only go again to help someone who is struggling (maybe me someday down the road?)

Back to the first one, after I cut ties with my stoner world I had to find a new network of friends. This was done through sober hobbies and exercise mostly. That network was much smaller than the stonerworld I had been living in. But the new network people weren't calling me for sacks or money or any of that bullshit that I am sure a lot of us are familiar with. Cutting out all my 'friends' who used me, or I used them for weed was huge for my abstinance.

Good luck, hope you can find a balance that works for you.


danny karey

You can be psychologically addicted to pot for sure, which mite be worse than physically addicted.

Goodluck man, hope it works out for ya.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

a lot of great advice there solace.

stay busy doing the things you love, I've managed to take
a 20+ year break from my old cocaine habit, I haven't even
thought about doing that crap for over 20 yrs.......



Ive tried it all, heroin is the most addictive long term, but coke will cost you the most money for that one night binge. (Ive spent hundreds in one night)

Learned my lesson from all that shit.
how cant you get things done? i become twice as motivated once stoned...ive been known to randomly clean shit while stoned....
last week i got stoned, was very bored...ended up cleaning out the fridge...
took me an hour.
if i have a heavy indica though i can see how it might be a problem....why dont you try
more sativas....and lower your intake to 3 bowls or less a day...
indicas knock me the fuck out...
fuck the ambien...ill take the OG Kush please....