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need some advice on a fukt up situation


at my previous residence my car was stolen TWICE off my driveway within a year long span, ive since moved, and havn't had any problems.. but thanks to some circumstances i found out who stole it both times. my ex-neighbour was dating this CRAZY succubus alcoholic turbo bitch.
anyways the nieghbour confessed to me that he knew who stole my car both times, it was his ex's daughter's boyfriend and his best friend.. i know them both, total pieces of shit, we dont like each other at all. he was afraid to tell me then cause he was worried how i would react. he has since left the succubus so he has a 'i-dont-give-a-fuck' anymore attitude towards her, hence why he spilled the beans.

so now im sitting here, fuming mad.. wondering what i should to do to this prick :dueling:


Nothing. If you have your car back, just let it go man. I know it's frustrating, but nothing you do will really help the situation. Best thing to do is light a spliff and chill out.

Douchebags like that always get theirs man, you don't have to give it to them. On the other hand, if they ever come near your place again, you could always bust a cap in their ass?


Do they have cars?? I highly recommend putting a dent in the roofs of their cars and filling it with brake fluid. 12 hours later it will have eaten right through. maybe.


all praises are due to the Most High
whatever you do, do not do anything violent or that can cause them any real harm... a very bad taste joke could do, just do not get caught... best to do nothing and let the thieves fuck themselves up, because eventually they are gonna fuck with the wrong person and get caught or worste... always happens.



Active member
yea man, sounds like they are total losers who will probably get theirs. it would be nice to rain down upon them in a godless fury of anger, but at the same time your wasting your time doing that.

if they have some property like a car, house, etc, go vandalize it, other than that i would just leave it alone.


lover of all things hashlike
you could use some thermite on something they care about?

or just pull a tonya harding


The Hopeful Protagonist
Fuck all that man, if you are no worse for the wear and have your car back you need not do anything.

Trust me, Karma is a muthafvcker with the memory of an elephant and is even handed in her dealings......That includes what you think is revenge.

Think about it :joint:


get someone else to steal his car and do whatever thy want with it

just think of it as pushing the karma wheel a little faster... sometimes it slows down a bit too much


zmog1, i know you're mad and your pride stings like a bitch, but you really need to chill out and forget about this mess...I know for most (me included), someone damaging, taking or even touching your property without permission is a total lack of respect. And it is. But these are just things. Everyone get what they deserve; in the long or in the short.

Be wary of your neighbor.


I doubt the cops will do anything meaningful.

They sure helped you out when you're car was initially stolen, right? amirite? "Unless you have LoJack, it's like finding a needle in a haystack." Been through the same situation bro.

Go apeshit on their ass.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

The total amount of money damage done by this trick
is negligible and therefore would fall into the mischief,
violations, or at worse petty misdemeanor. The amount
of time however to fix this issue makes it priceless.......

Just take a pair of medium to heavy duty side cutters

and snip the valve stems right at the wheel on all four tires.
the SOB would have no car & not enough spare tires around
to make it easy. yanking four tires off your own car? Sucks!

& btw I'm assuming you want revenge on the guy who knew about
the thefts both times and NOT against the thief himself, I'd be much
madder at the mother fucker that kept his mouth shut imo.......



dude cops are so useless... I wouldn't even waste my time dialing their number... the only time I've ever had to call the cops was when my car was broken into and both times they're like "Oh hear let me put you through to the automated recording system and well get to it as soon as we can"

yeah right

the cops wont do anything that isnt in their interest.. they want to make MONEY, that's what they do. If they're not giving you a citation for something or arresting you or arresting someone else or busting drug dealers then they don't even want to deal with it. Serve and protect my ass. Serve (their boss) and collect (your money) is more accurate.

I know there are people who are saying let it go this and that don't do anything... but man if there is ever a time to stick up for yourself, this is a situation in which you need to do it. You have been disrespected in the worst way these scumbags that did it don't care for you or your property and they don't care for you as a human being. They need taught a lesson, and no one is going to teach them unless its you. Like I said, the cops aren't going to give two craps about what happened to you.

I am not advocating jumping them and breaking their legs or doing physical harm but I am advocating showing their property the same amount of respect they showed yours. I like the dude above mes idea of snipping their tires that is some good shit. I also recommend snipping anything else on their car that's not going to kill them (dont cut their brake lines). Or a brick through their window at 3:30 in the morning would be sufficient. You need to do something to them that is going to cost as much money to fix as you possibly can.

For anyone that says this makes you no better than them, they are sissies, I'm sorry. One, you have lost two vehicles over this. Two, you are going to better than them by not telling anyone that you are doing this. Three, you don't give a shit about taking anything, you dont need anything from scum dirtbags... all you need to do is teach them a lesson.


now that I think about it, a brick through their car window followed by an open bottle of deer urine or other animal urine would be just about perfect.

If you can stomach it, I would scoop up the next dead skunk I see (for the love of god man wear gloves lol) and toss it in their car right after the brick.

Or go spend like 30 dollars on fish and leave it outside in the sun for a couple of weeks, then toss that in.

Something vomit inducing.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
I also vote for a random act of senseless violence...

here here

..and Karma ? Puhhllleaaase! No such thing..If anything it's your ''karmic duty'' to fuck em up! You can always wait a few years..and do it then! Takes you out of the picture..