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Need ideas for what to tell people my occupation is?


Sorcerer's Apprentice

this thread is Liberace gay, yo.


Patient Grower
i didnt say it makes you a failure.. i'm saying whats the point in getting a degree in something if you have a high chance of becoming a felon... therefore no jobs would hire you

put money into a business instead.

A degree helps in the case of being in business. Getting a degree is not just to please others who might give you a job. Did you know that some people enjoy learning stuff just for the sake of learning stuff?


Patient Grower
hahahahah because playing golf and banging strippers makes you a success?

It does if that's your goal in life. Can you really argue that Tiger Woods is not a success? That's the first person I thought of when you said playing golf and banging strippers.

I still maintain that writing autobiographies is the best cover story available.


A degree helps in the case of being in business. Getting a degree is not just to please others who might give you a job. Did you know that some people enjoy learning stuff just for the sake of learning stuff?

what a concept.

I'm a felon, buuut I also now have 2 degrees in Natural Resources and Mechanized Agriculture. oh, and I'm a certified equipment operator too.
I did it all for the fun of learning and to prove to myself I could because I'm a HS dropout loser too..


Devil's Advocate
The key is in the word, "balling"
Stop doing that, at least visibly, until you are done growing. Invest the money that you would otherwise "ball" with in gold if you want an easy wealth-builder or in the stock market if you want to take a chance. In neither, PVC pipe in the ground.
Some people would tell you to have a front. I just say, get a real job part time and go out to eat and enjoy life.
You can tell people you are a day trader if you must uphold a lavish lifestyle. Be sure you know something about what you tell them you do, whatever it is.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I still maintain that writing autobiographies is the best cover story available.

For someone with a knack for words and writing, it might be an excellent cover story. Likewise, I used to know a girl who would review books for publishers before they came out. She had a landscaping business in the summer and then in the winters she'd support herself by reading books and writing little book reviews that she'd send to the publishers.

Always seemed pretty sweet to me, though you won't be retiring from it. But you might not want to drive around in your Escalade with 30" rims flossing your bling around if you want this cover story to be believable.


But you might not want to drive around in your Escalade with 30" rims flossing your bling around if you want this cover story to be believable.

Does that mean I have to get rid of my custom solid gold "BALLER FOREVER" grill with the embedded diamond basketballs? SHIT!


A degree helps in the case of being in business. Getting a degree is not just to please others who might give you a job. Did you know that some people enjoy learning stuff just for the sake of learning stuff?

then he should just research on the net... no need to pay to learn
Ok, well first of all, its not offensive its fucking DUMB!, Second you know why it struck a nerve, because most people who grow pot, no matter how much money they make off of it, they are not throwing it in other peoples faces. We long term growers know what kind of behavior keeps the cops at bay, and your behavior is not it!

Ever heard the saying better to keep your mouth shut and people think your an idiot, then to open your mouth and confirm it for everyone? Cause you just confirmed it for everyone!

Have a nice day!!!

Wow. I'm with dude. You're a straight up C-word.:wave:


Well-known member
Here's my contribution and opinion to the OP and this thread.

First off, I'd like to say that no where did I get the impression that he is going around in flashy cars and acting like a rapper. I believe bipotato kinda was out of line in jumping to that conclusion and provoking you.

Anyway, to the OP: If you truly are making a good income, and able to live comfortably with a lot of free time, then you obviously have the funds to move to a place where it is legal. You can be a caregiver there, and then you won't need to make up an excuse. If your friends and family don't like it, too bad, what you're doing is perfectly legal and you are getting enjoyment out of it.

Now, if moving isn't an option for whatever reason, and you are good at growing weed, the same should apply to legal crops. Why don't you set up a tomato farm, or something? It would be some extra money, and you'd get to learn about other plants which can be just as fun and rewarding.

While playing golf every day and fucking strippers may be your idea of fun, there's a lot more to life than that. Since you have a passion for marijuana and growing, I'd suggest you start a career in growing, or try to get a job at a hydro shop or a head shop.

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