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Need ideas for what to tell people my occupation is?


A foot without a sock...
When you hear the words "game" and "Ballin" coming from what I assume is a young white guy, this is the image that comes to my mind.

I was waiting for someone to drop that vibe...lmao!

Here's another...


A strong dose of WAKE THE FUCK UP seems in order...:laughing:


get a work truck throw some shovels and a wheel burrow in there and tell people you do landscaping, plus it is easy enough to fake if a neighbor ask you to plant some shit for them.


The cat that loves cannabis
He needs to go with a work from home or works at the golf course approach.
That will explain why he never goes anywhere but the golf course and home.
You can't say that you have this big landscaping job if you never leave till noon, and only go to the golf course.
Neighbors will begin to wonder when the landscaper actually does all this "landscaping" that he makes his living on otherwise


A foot without a sock...
In actuality, all of these "cover stories" would work depending on the individual's ability to carry it off.

Just need a lil' savoir faire :ying:

That may be above your pay-grade though...:wave:

Ask me how I know :laughing:


Active member
You can't just make up something to tell your neighbors, you have to live the lie if you're gonna last in the "game". Generally if you work at a golf course, you get there early, not after noon. If you feel uneducated, I would go back to school, for knowlege is power. When you can go to college, just to learn, and not worry about finances, your in good shape.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
"I won the lottery a few years back, not the big one but enough to last" works too ;)


Active member
"Im a student and part time online sales and advertising specialist"

seriously any neighbor who wants to get more nosy than that can kiss my ass.

saw some fucked up shit on the news yesterday, where they are encouraging people to snitch out their neighbors to the government. cant fucking believe this shit, fucking pigs trying to get us all to snitch on eachother just like nazi germany.

makes me wanna move out into the country so quick....sick of the burbs..

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
you should just stop growing just for money, and start smoking too. stop living baller when you have no legit money to back it up. you are on a path to jail.

Get a fucking job. you should be working anyways. do something constructive with your life.

also it is not a fucking "game". It is serious shit. if you get caught you go to pound me in the ass prison.

I am not against growing for money, even though I dont, but you gotta wise up dude.

you sound inexperienced, so I will tell you this. If you get to big to fast you will be a big target for LEO, and other competition, and rippers.
1) Go here - www.twoplustwo.com
2) Learn about poker
3) Tell people you play online poker for a living
4) ????
5) Profit.

If people inquire further, tell them you play primarily pot limit omaha. Most people will have no clue what it is, and the conversation will shift in another direction.


Active member
long story short, things are working out in the game, but people are starting to wonder how such a knucklehead like myself is balling so i need to think of what to tell my family/friends that i do for a living that lets me sleep in and play golf 5 days a week.

what do you all that dont work tell people you do? I have no education and barely graduated high school. Ideas?

With your education level and total lack of qualifications, there are only 2 things.. claim to be a politician or a consultant. 'Consultant' usually mean terminally unemployed and totally unqualified.. so, it would probably be the most believable.

mgk :)


Active member
The guy just might not like working and I can understand that. Life is short and some of live for different reasons. I enjoy never having to have a job in my life and I get to do things that I wouldn't normally be able to do. If he wants to work, then he can, by cleaning a little cash and starting a business. For example, it's pretty easy to bring 100k to the casino and give the table 9k to get chips. You don't want them to know that you have over 10k in cash cause they will have to report it and take down your Social. You go back to your room after making minimum bets for an hour or so then you go to your room with a bunch of friends and all keep giving the tables 9k to get chips. At the end of your trip you go to the casino cage with 100k or what ever you want in chips and you get your cash and pay your taxes. Now it looks like you got lucky and won a lot of money. I've done this plenty of times and it worked for me. Now you go buy a house and rent it out or start the business that you want to start. This is only if you want to work though and some people don't. I believe in putting 20 percent of your grow profits into legal ventures and if something goes down, you only lose 20% but you have the ability to make a lot more and have a legal life that looks nice to people.
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People who don't know you, tell them you have a trust fund. Everyone just sort of shrugs, they know it's cool, but they don't know enough to ask about it.

You could also say you're an Ebay power seller, or something. Basically, you set up a few credit cards in your businesses name, then you buy a bulk number of... kids Halloween costumes, washer/dryer combos, womens cosmetics... and sell your products beneath store prices but still at a profit to you. Tell people you deal in high volume products and that you never even see the materials. Someone buys something online and then the warehouse you have a space rental in ships out the item for you. You collect maybe a 5% profit, and net around 15K per month, depending on holidays of course. Since you pay off the credit cards on time you're building good credit for yourself and your business, which can justify some sudden and expensive personal purchases (TVs, cars, houses, etc) without too much question from friends or relatives.

Boo ya grandma.


cannabis enthusiast
.....your a caddy for some famous people, on the scorecard just write down some famous name and sign it and whoever asks give them a present to shut up.

i was once in the same situation but i just told family and other fucktards that i would set up musicians gear when they were in town, i was making nearly 100k a year but when i got popped i think they knew .......hahaha


I don't see the problem with playing golf all day and banging strippers. If that's what he wants to do with his money and time, so be it. We have to live our lives the way that we choose to, not what others choose for us. I used to spend over 300k a year on shit like this and other stupid crazy things (like going to restaurants and buying $500 bottles of Cristal and dumping over 100k at the casino in 2 days) but I grew out of it and now I'm a cheap MOFO. Live your life the way you choose and fuck all the haters. You only live once. I also like to play a lot of golf and anyone who thinks golf is some gay game should get out and try it out.
There's this saying in my country: Are you playing golf or do you still have sex? :)

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