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maximizing yield. 2gpw?

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Absolutely! Food service companies provide this service as CO2 tanks are necessary for dispensing soft drinks (fountain), etc.

It probably comes down to how large of a city you live in or near and what options are available.

If I were going to use CO2 (and I wouldn't in a closed indoor garden), I would definitely opt for a CO2 generator along with some high-end controllers like the products from GreenAir and others.

It ain't cheap. Bring cash.


how much are we talking? I literally know nothing about co2 except that by nearly doubling the ppm in the air, you help your plants (or something along the lines of 5-600ppm is good for a plant)

I would obviously need some sort of monitoring equipment to keep the levels safe, what about when to use it? only during flowering?

how about the heat, me filling a bottle all the time? also, I dont have a bottle yet.

so to buy a cannister + fill it, say a 10pound?? tank, how much should the initial investment be? ive only got about 2000 for this whole build, including the sheet metal cost to build a cylinder unless I could find a junk industrial size water heater I could gut. I also need to fabricate a pump of some sort (perhaps use a few windshield washer pumps to move the fluids around), buy the lights/timers and all the other crap.

it seems to me that co2 makes a difference, so thus, its a requirement for this 2gpw goal. anyone think I can hit it?

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I checked with a local grow store and the tanks run around $115.00 and then you need a 'regulator' which runs about the same.

A refilled tank runs $15.00 for 20 lbs.




I checked with a local grow store and the tanks run around $115.00 and then you need a 'regulator' which runs about the same.

A refilled tank runs $15.00 for 20 lbs.



and how much should I expect to go through in a 3 month grow/flower period? if it totals up to be a few bottles, what do you suggest to avoid suspicion? or is it not that suspicious at all?


Active member
and how much should I expect to go through in a 3 month grow/flower period? if it totals up to be a few bottles, what do you suggest to avoid suspicion? or is it not that suspicious at all?

you only need c02 in flower, doesnt help much in veg

Clackamas Coot

Active member
and how much should I expect to go through in a 3 month grow/flower period? if it totals up to be a few bottles, what do you suggest to avoid suspicion? or is it not that suspicious at all?

I can't help you on the actual usage required. I use CO2 in our commercial greenhouses but we're running CO2 generators via natural gas from the local utility company with commercial controllers that monitor temperatures, CO2 levels, etc. It was about $3,000.00 per greenhouse (2000 sf or so) but that's not germane to this discussion.

I don't know the conversion of '20 lbs. of compressed CO2' to the needs of an indoor contained garden space.

I'm sure that someone else will be able to help you on that.




hehe, hope this helps what im trying to get at. total height is yet to be determined


How many grows do you have under your belt?

Sounds like you want to be a commercial grower but need a litttle more experience from some of the comments I have read.

I suggest you forget that 2gpw goal if going commercial. Its like getting the holy grail. You will spend alot of time and effort on it. If just doing it for the pure challenge, I suggest going vertical

Clackamas Coot

Active member
2gpw is the 'holy grail' if not completely delusional.

I'm happy with 1gpw for my little 6-plant medical grow. The laws in Oregon tell me how many plants I can grow - it does not tell me what size that they can be or how I grow them out.

Not a bad deal all in all, IMHO



I too would be happy with 1gpw. no problems with that, but why not do what I can before I build the damn thing and see if I can squeeze more out of it? I think im too scared to go full commercial, this needs to store in my shed

consider it a challenge. ive never done vertical before


Registered Cannabis User
vertical system with light mover, aeroponic, co2, optimal feed (synthetic, amino chelated), optimal environment, experience etc.... still not gonna hit it, unless you weighed it still moist with water still in the stems.


this just came to me, we know that 'the book' says 12/12 to grow. 50% of a day. has ANYONE tried 1/1 12x a day? sounds silly, but im curious now. or if staying on the 50% of a day, what about tricking the plant into getting an extra hour or two a day? 12.5/12.5 so your switching time will change each part of the day, but according to the plant which has no sense of linear time (I would think..) wouldnt notice the difference in 30 extra minutes per cycle?

I think 30-45 minutes pass after the lamps turn on before the photosynthetic process begins. Read this in a report from a study about different plants grown in a lab.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Just thought I'd chime in here and share some love. CO@ will in fact damn near double what ya normally get. I HIGHLY suggest a burner using an ordinary gas tank that they use for grills. It's a lot less hastle and attention and far less money to use one and the cost compared to an injector is an extra hun or two. IMO it would be impossible to reach 2g's per watt without co2. Burners can be had used on the web and got mine for 230.00 and has worked flawlessly for years now. A Mover will make 2 1000 watters work like much more by simply being able to spread the light with less light.

They say pictures are worth thousands of words so I will shut up now and look in my gallery.

The last shot will show ya what ya need to do to get the most from every last inch of space. As far as gpw I don't talk numbers to much but will say 5 lbs from 2000 watts is easy.

My Penny


I guess im confused with the light mover thing. I figured having the light extend the whole height of the cylinder (did you see my pic on page 2?) and grow on the outside gives maximum light to the plants as it is.

as for co2 I dont want generator (or atleast at this point), how fast would I go through a 20# tank in one flowering phase? will one tank last? will it do two flowers? half?


New member
Just thought I'd chime in here and share some love. CO@ will in fact damn near double what ya normally get. I HIGHLY suggest a burner using an ordinary gas tank that they use for grills. It's a lot less hastle and attention and far less money to use one and the cost compared to an injector is an extra hun or two. IMO it would be impossible to reach 2g's per watt without co2. Burners can be had used on the web and got mine for 230.00 and has worked flawlessly for years now. A Mover will make 2 1000 watters work like much more by simply being able to spread the light with less light.

They say pictures are worth thousands of words so I will shut up now and look in my gallery.

The last shot will show ya what ya need to do to get the most from every last inch of space. As far as gpw I don't talk numbers to much but will say 5 lbs from 2000 watts is easy.

My Penny

Just in case you missed that...Every one is talking Co2 and lighting.. But lets not forget about genetics...
With the right genetics, a good SOG spaced out properly, and a good control on environment, your goal is easily achievable...Without Co2....
Genetics, Genetics, Genetics, and a controlled environment...


vertical system with light mover, aeroponic, co2, optimal feed (synthetic, amino chelated), optimal environment, experience etc.... still not gonna hit it, unless you weighed it still moist with water still in the stems.

I think screw the light mover, theres hardly any room for it to move anyways.
aeroponic yes, thats how it will be setup with the mesh around the inside of the tank.
im down for co2, using a single tank anyways. (but how long do they last was my question)
what about monitoring co2 levels?
good nutes are important
and as for optimal environment, I have ac control and the way my watering system is going to be setup, it will keep it fairly humid in there.
as for experience, obviously im no king, im just looking for a few tips before I start my newer bigger better grow. and so far I seem to be on the right track


Just in case you missed that...Every one is talking Co2 and lighting.. But lets not forget about genetics...
With the right genetics, a good SOG spaced out properly, and a good control on environment, your goal is easily achievable...Without Co2....
Genetics, Genetics, Genetics, and a controlled environment...

you are the first to say "easily achievable" and even I dont believe it. sure with the right research and setup, you could just "leave it alone" and it will do its thing. I think most people strive for getting a solid 1gpw from their grows.

but they are usually small, unoptimal builds that dont utilize half the stuff mentioned in this thread, so by saying "easily" I think you are wrong, I bet it is an experience thing too, BUT, with the right amount of work (and money I guess) anything is possible. what if I put 3gpw in the thread title, then what? I know theres multiple people hitting/breaking 2gpw. one person even mentioned 2.5 in this thread. thats 150% improvement in yield over 1gpw. and more than DOUBLE THE MONEY

so why not throw money at it to make you more??