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I'll also mention, that I had talked to a very good lawyer in the area the day after, he told me he gets cases against the "team" all of the time for them using their power wrongfully and not following proper procedure... by the sounds of it, I could have nailed these assholes and the plumber both to a cross, but figured I'd leave well enough alone.


Active member
I would pursue, just to give them a taste of the wrong side of the justice system, then when the case is over, I would get the fuck out of town. Good job, this thread made my day.

Neo 420

Active member
Glad your back!! Incredible story. You did the right thing for your situation. Live long and prosper!!!


also, move.

you have enemies now. enemies w/ resources.

pigs have pride, and you just fucked with it.

i know the 'you shouldn't have to' angle, and i'll agree with the 'fuck them' angle.

not having a vendetta with the force of law behind it factoring into every move you make angle is just larger.

I went through a bust in 2006, we still own the house that was busted but have since moved to a med state and we now have tenants in the old house. The cops still come and harass my tenants, in fact they have done two, thats right two, knock and talks in the last 3 months and got my tenant fired from his job because they went in to the restaurant he worked at and started talking really loud about how he had pounds of weed and grow equip in his house. All lies, but his manager still fired him.

My tenant contacted an atty, paid a $2500 consultation to be told that the force he wanted to sue is too corrupt and its not worth trying to sue them, because they will just plant drugs on him and make his life a living hell...

My suggestion is MOVE...

Im happy to hear that everything worked out well, but still watch your back
hell rodney king had video....what makes u think u will beat a LEo in court?...u handeled shit right and now all is over ...may u move on with your lives and grow again

all the best D.O.G


Good fucking job. Too bad you didnt have an extra day to set up camera's and video the whole thing.

Cops can do whatever they want. There is no consequences when they fuck up. I have been illegally detained, I have seen someone get arrested 30 minutes before the search warrant was SIGNED, all sorts of shit. It makes me sick.

You did good. Obviously you can never grow there again.

And that plumber would come home to a burned down house.....


New member
What a great thread , I mean come on how often do you see happy endings like this. I think you did what you could, and saved yourself from one serious issue. Btw that buddy that hooked you up with the tip on the plumber need's to be reimbursed big time. You can look at it like he saved your ass. Other than you knowing the plumber knew, he confirmed your paranoia. The house for sale yet? Sounds like a move is in the works, once your on radar it will be a while man. Anyway, thank god it all worked out for you. props
I sure would be VERY tempted to find that plumber and do some really mean things....he tried to ruin your life.....I would make him regret that decision....may not be the smartest thing to do, but Im pretty sure my anger would get the best of me in that situation....Good luck man...I wish i knew that plumber.....I think its so fucked up, I would do it for you...piece of shit.

HAHAHA.... Dude gave me neg rep for this comment...LOL...It takes all kinds, and thats a good thing.....But, i would stick up for whats right, and stick up for my friends as well as someone I dont know...this situation is fucked up, and no matter what people think...that plumber deserves an ass kicking...plain and simple...obviously some people would rather "sit down and talk to the plumber about this" and tell him it was wong. lol....yeah, those are the people that get narked on....

Everyone enjoy your weekend.....and smoke good weed.
Well, it's either they knock on my door and let them in like nothing is going on, or the knock on my door then knock it in, I vouched to let them in.

I realize that everything I did/said didn't go according to my planned protocal or their protocol, but, I was trying to play dumb and innocent and it really payed off how I went about it... I think if I would have been reluctant to anything they would have went WAY too far... and I personally don't need my ass beat by 6-8 nightsticks, and neither does my wife, dog, or cats I've got. LOL!

Don't worry. You didn't have to "play" at being dumb - you're obviously a pro. Maybe your house wouldn't have been trashed and you wouldn't have lost your grow if you had had one iota of sense - do you just let ANYONE into your house? It makes me wonder how people like you can even complain when these things happen to you? Do stupid things, give up your rights, then blame it all on the cops. Makes us all look great, don't it?

And any "man" who's afraid of getting his ass beat needs to beat ass - although I doubt that would've happened, as a cop can usually tell a person who has balls from one who doesn't, by how quickly he gives up his rights and how quick he is to physically defend his family. But I'm sure lots of Jews during the holocaust thought it would just be better for them to go to the concentration camps than fight....right?:tiphat:

Also, a cop can't take you downtiwn [sic] without arresting you or you giving consent.

"Am I free to go, or am I under arrest?"

The answer must be one or the other, MAYBE doesn't cut it. "We just want to talk to you" doesn't cut it.
They can generally hold you for a time (few hours to day or 2) without you actually being under arrest. Depends on the evidence, and the Plumbers statement is evidence.

I can't legally give you advice, but if I were in your position, I would ask my lawyer to gather all the evidence he could from the police and the DA's office in preparation for a civil trespassing case (and any other charges state law imposes) against the plumber, and his employer as they are respondent superior. Ah, Deep pockets. If you get it to the deposition stage, he'll probably be fired. The cops, however have an amazing amount of immunity, and despite their dickish behavior and the late warrant, they seem to have done it by the books.
Nothing I have said here is legal advice. Talk to your lawyer, he'll explain your course of action against the plumber.
SmokyMtnToker, seriously dude, thats a fucking ignorant bunch of b/s you just wrote.

I am still here when technically I shouldn't have been, it was an extreme case, -30 temps in the middle of winter, the guy trespassed. No, I absolutely do not let anyone in my house, it was a simple mistake, and yes I will admit it, on my part that I left the door unlocked, I had a TON of shit going on that morning obviously, and probably headed out to work first thing and didn't lock the door... my fault, plain and simple, and obviously I paid some consequences for it, but it could have been FAR worse. But calling me dumb is false.

I am not really complaining about the situation, yeah it sucks, lost my grow, whoopidy-doo, I can start over somewhere else if I want to, no big deal. Yep, sure, it could have ruined my life, it didn't, so I am very grateful for the help that I received and learned a shitload about things I thought I already knew. The team that came in my place were technically doing their jobs, the one guy was an asshole, but for the most part everyone was pretty civil with me, but I am sure if I would have acted like a real asshole with them, they could have legally taken me down hard without any repercussions.

Comparing my situation to the Holocaust is pretty stupid... but I will run with it. I am sure there are several people who talk like bad asses on here until they have a team in full blown gear come through their door, some shit goes right out the window once that happens. I asked for a search warrant, they wouldn't present it to me, what do I do... Try to get in a fight with them or a wrestling match, come on, be realistic... they didn't present it, and I had that in my mind to use that against them if anything more severe came out of the whole deal. Believe me, I am not afraid of getting in a fight and getting my ass beat, but I have also seen several instances where they beat you to an inch of their life too, who am I to know whats going through their heads when they are on some adrenaline high and their hands on their pistols? I don't need the bastards to shoot me, my wife, or my pets... have you seen the recent video from MO?

I guess in the end you can think I am dumb and the same goes to you, but it sure as hell doesn't change what happened and the initial outcome, which realistically I couldn't have asked for anything better for what came out of it. Good day.
"And any "man" who's afraid of getting his ass beat needs to beat ass - although I doubt that would've happened, as a cop can usually tell a person who has balls from one who doesn't, by how quickly he gives up his rights and how quick he is to physically defend his family. But I'm sure lots of Jews during the holocaust thought it would just be better for them to go to the concentration camps than fight....right?"

Mods please ban this bitch. It's some offensive bullshit that doesn't even make sense. WTF does the holocaust have anything to do with this? Karma is going to run your shit