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Alrifght guys, I live in the states, where I live the weather gets very cold, water lines froze in my house. Plumber came over to check out the problem and then left w/o coming into the house, I drove by my house later and he was there and had entered my house without permission and stumbled across something he shouldn't have... My rooms... Now, a buddy of mine who didn't know anything about what I have going on called me and said dude, get your shit gone (he is buddies with a person who works for the company) and gave me the heads up. The police will be called and I will be investigated and watched... I know it takes a little time for a warrant, everything to do with the plants will be gone tonight, seeds, root balls, plants, scales, pipes, everything of that nature will be absolutely gone. I took 1/2 day off of work once I got the heads up and cleaned both of my computers of everything, and will do so again every time I use the comp, my cell phones are cleared also...


I have left my entire grow rooms setup and running and they are filled with my normal house plants now, everything has been vacuumed and disposed of...


Well-known member
haven't gone through it, but read many stories here about similar bad days
sounds like you did the right stuff, if you've cleaned it up, should not be a critical situation
if they come with warrant, that's that, they'll do what they want in the search
if no warrant, expect an officer to try to convince you to let him enter
he has no right to, and don't let him
but if your house is clean, and you're confident it's clean, you may get the rat's word to be distrusted in any others he narcs out if they search and come up empty


Overkill is under-rated.
Basically if the cop knocks, don't answer the door. If they kick it in, offer them a tomato and tell them they owe you a new front door, countersuit to follow. Never talk to cops, they are not your friend. Only your attorney is allowed to talk to you, remember it!


Remove hard drives from your house ... make em gone. You couldn't have cleaned them well enough. Expect that you may already be followed. Lose the cell phones permanently if there is anything on them that you dont want LEO to have.

You are very optimistic if you think you have a day or so. They will likely assume that you know and expedite the process. Go thru your house & your garbage thoroughly. Even clean your vacuum cleaner bags/reservoirs. You have much less time than you think. Do not assume that there is any safe place within your residence.

If you have dogs, make sure they are not going to get in the way/get hurt.

Start selecting an attorney. Plan on giving no statement whatsoever. No matter what, consent to nothing.


The fact you have grow rooms set up with house plants may raise an eye brow even though its legal. Obviously that cant get you in trouble but a small slip up later down the line, while they already have suspicions and could be watching can get you caught. Shut down for a month, look for a new place and start over.


spray oil-dissolving solvent around your grow-room - windex, mr. clean, 409 ... oil dissolving solvent. Presumptive tests can determine trace elements of THC. Residue can hurt you.

good drown

well, the plumber most likely wont say shit until job is done, so he can bill for it

good drown

also, without proof from the plumber, im not sure how his word will equal a warrant. If he took pics, with a phone or something, then you could be screwed.
thats a good question somebody posted, how did he get in the house? Are you renting and the owner arranged it?


cant stop wont stop
i'm also curious as to how the guy got in.. remember to lock your doors!!
i just dont get how people cant mind their own business, so he stumbled upon your grow - why does he feel the need to call the authorities??

enough about that. you're extremely lucky to get a heads up - so get up off IC and make sure you're cleaner than skeeters peter


admit to nothing, even if they find something.... they came thru my house one time with dogs and found a 1/4 oz I didnt know I had, so think about that too... but the main thing is as everyone else is saying.. DONT TELL THEM ANYTHING... DONT LET THEM IN YOUR HOUSE ... THEY WILL TELL YOU ANYTHING TO GET YOU TO SAY SOMETHING... DONT BELEIVE A WORD THEY SAY... If they dont have a warrant they will try to tell you they want to take a little look around. Dont fall for it, once they are invited in, they will not leave when you ask them to....
First remove all traces of cannabis use/grow. Every leaf/seed/scale/growbook/everything. Then get a couple plants that look like cannabis and put them in there. Then the cops, and the plumber, will be on the hook for having mistakenly raided you. Maybe turn lemons into lemonade.

If there is nothing there, the cops will keep you in their sites, a few non-cannabis plants (that look a little like cannabis) growing may,possibly,may throw them off your trail.


Screw the act of house plants being there. I would tear all the rooms down clean all the lamps, fans, pots, reservoirs, anything in that room with a bleach solution. Get some boxes and pack that stuff up nice and neatly and put it in storage. Toss or burn any materials you can easily replace such as reflective plastic on the walls. Store your nutrients in the garage or something with other lawn crap. Vacuum the entire room and wipe down all the walls, ceilings, door knobs with a bleach solution. Make sure you toss the vacuum bag and not in your own trash. Most likely the cops will be interested in your garbage since its one of the easiest things to search.

If you have any friends you trust enough I would pack up a box of smoking tools such as pipes or bongs and drop it off with them; maybe even your weed if you trust them enough not to smoke it.

Once that is all done go about your business. One plumbers word is not enough to get you convicted. If the police enter your home to search even if they do have good enough cause to believe you were if they find nothing they can't charge you. Most likely now that you are on their radar your purchases and electric bill will give them enough clues to believe you were growing, but they couldn't use it to prove their case against you without the actual plants or traces them there.

I'm afraid you are done growing in that house.

BTW how'd he get into the house without you being home?


You are still online!? GO. Your re-connection to this thread via a computer you possess is a huge liability to you. A few $K of lost equipment/property is nothing compared to the fall-out that can still be avoided.


Let em raid an empty house and stay with friends. Bounce..... Hard for them to get you on anything if you're not there to open your mouth and fuck it up, (sorry but if you say "hello" you already talked to the pigs too much) dig?


I could see how you would think leaving your grow room up and putting house plants there is a good idea, but tear it all down and don't leave a single spec of thc behind. It may seem like a good idea and make sense, but police aren't stupid and they'll get you with the last little thing you forgot to take care of.


if u are renting clean your shit up and just leave. never come back.

good drown

i would agree with that!
at least put away all grow equipment.
if they have your pc then they may know you visit here, will they visit, im not sure. if they do, they may and try and find your name. i suggest you delete your account and tsart over here!

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