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Thanks everyone...

The team actually knocked on my door, the wife let them in like nothing was going on... because it wasn't. (wink, wink :)). We just played dumb the whole time.

I would so love to kick the dog fuck out of the plumber, he is a cop ball sucker, tries to do that shit all the time for all sorts of stuff to people, he calls if he is driving and sees someone roll a stop sign. The guy who tipped me thinks he is a totally douche... I'm almost 1/2 tempted to video catch the guy trespassing and going thru peoples shit w/o permission to go into their residence, like he did mine. Which technically that is my own fault btw for leaving my door unlocked... I ALWAYS lock my door, forget maybe 2-3 times a year, and that happened to be one of those days. 7M heading to work and didn't have water, must have been in a hurry to get to work and just forgot to lock it.

As far where I am... lots of water around me, near canada... midwest US.

They never messed anything up in my actual grow area... because there was nothing there to prove that it was for cultivating pot... I left all my grow lights and fans and everything on and running with house plants. They were going thru my house scoping everything out, like 8 of em in full blown SWAT style gear running thru my house before the uniformed officer got here.

I believe I had 29 plants total... 17 were about 5ft and about 2 days from cutting... makes me sick... Lemon Haze, AK47, G13, a local strain called Paralyzer, Northern Lights, and an old school Chronic strain. Had 3, 400w bulbs going, and everything else.

The warrant was supposedly issued that night about just before 11pm, they were at my door at about 10 mins to midnight.


Overkill is under-rated.
Glad you're ok man, but you still didn't take my advice:

If a cop comes to your door and knocks, you do not have to open it. If he had a warrant he would have just come in. Instead you let them question you, take you to the police station, interrogate you some more, and only when you asked for the lawyer did they back off.

If you hadn't opened the door in the first place you could have avoided all that crap completely, make them try and get a warrant!

Also, a cop can't take you downtiwn without arresting you or you giving consent.

"Am I free to go, or am I under arrest?"

The answer must be one or the other, MAYBE doesn't cut it. "We just want to talk to you" doesn't cut it.

Glad you're ok, really! Just trying to make sure other members learn from your mistakes. ;)
Well, it's either they knock on my door and let them in like nothing is going on, or the knock on my door then knock it in, I vouched to let them in.

They had a search warrant supposedly, just did not present it until after, which I knew the whole time was crooked, but I didn't want to create a big fiasco when I was innocent and didn't know what was going on. I am sure they thought they were going to catch me red handed and were just gonna haul me in and lock me in a cell that night, but that really backfired. And really the only reason I didn't pursue going after that "team" of officers and the plumber is because I didn't want them to dig up shit, like IP addies and photos and what not, I just figured I knew I was violated and they were wrong, they did a shitty job to begin with in my opinion, and I'll leave it at that. The plumber on the other hand lives close to me and so does his business.:) Not that I am going to do anything illegal, but I have a very good reputation in my neighbor hood and so does my family name, we have been here since the 20s I believe... it didn't take long for word to get out that he was a lying, stupid POS and to stop using him for business.

I realize that everything I did/said didn't go according to my planned protocal or their protocol, but, I was trying to play dumb and innocent and it really payed off how I went about it... I think if I would have been reluctant to anything they would have went WAY too far... and I personally don't need my ass beat by 6-8 nightsticks, and neither does my wife, dog, or cats I've got. LOL!


Well-known member
you made your choice, and it seemed to work out
if your confused act was good enough, and the house plants 'big' enough
you wonder how much doubt is in their minds now
if there is, well cops don't like snitches that send them on wild goose chases

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
They were able to get a search warrant with only one complaint and no other corroberating evidence.

Did you ever actually see the search warrant?
Yes, I have a copy of the warrant, and what they did is pulled some b/s statement from another officer that said the officer knew there was a grow op going on in the house, and believe me, that is absolute b/s.

They went on the plumbers word and his only, he is a narc from what I understand and calls the cops on people all the time, the cops actually listen to this guy a lot of the time I guess, but I am sure he lost some credibility this time.

Oh, forgot to mention... head douche of the team, I also told him that he "Burned a lot of tax-payer money for nothing." Just thought I'd throw that in there...
i think you should have listened to lazyman....you should have never opened the door to start with that night...."supposively" they had the warrant..thats bullshit pretty sure everyone knows they didnt have the warrant at that time....they were let in and then proceeded to search upon consent, by letting them in......if you hadnt opened the door then perhaps they would have kicked it in and then proceeded to search....finding nothing....they probably would have taken the route of buying you a new door and leaving the premise.....


New member


Go to your local nursery and purchase tomato plants to put in place of your crop. When the idiots come knockin, throw a fit and make them wrestle you to the ground and handcuff you. When It makes the local news at 11 that they found nothing:dance013:, you'll have a hundred lawyers calling to represent you in a rights violation case. Take the money.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
silver lining here, man - you found out you've got a better brother than most folks that share blood.


leak the plumbers contact info
Mailing address - he could be receiving "illicit" substances in the mail.

Rats that waste leos time quite often have something goin' on, on the side, and rat to keep leos attention diverted.

He probably "mails" things to people, and gets the senders address wrong, so the packages go to incorrect places.

He's probably smart enuff to put his return addy on them, tho' so he gets his back.

I'm just thinkin' out loud.

I do that - when I'm pissed off and ready to burn someones whole life to the ground.

And bring weiners and marshmellows

Why waste a good fire?


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
also, move.

you have enemies now. enemies w/ resources.

pigs have pride, and you just fucked with it.

i know the 'you shouldn't have to' angle, and i'll agree with the 'fuck them' angle.

not having a vendetta with the force of law behind it factoring into every move you make angle is just larger.


Glad you are ok but I agree with other people. Speaking from personal experience I wouldn't have answered the door at all. At minimum I would open the door and close/lock it behind me and talk to them outside. Also I would have demanded to see the warrant before not after - you never know what you missed inside the house and they can get you for anything. Got a grinder with kief in it? Fucked. Roach? Fucked. Also, having potted indoor plants under a HID system...common... I suggest moving locations as you probably didn't fool anyone. And just becuase they found nothing doesn't mean much in the long run. I doubt they think that this guy just didn't see anything and are no longer going to find him credible. They probably think that you knew ahead of time and cleaned the place.


great story, had me nervous there for a while.. anyways great job.
its a personal hobby of mine to make LEO look like a dumbass
leak the plumbers contact info

HAHAHAHAHA.... even better, put the plumbers name and business in the local paper under NARC! That would pretty much take care of most of his work....He deserves to get run out of business...What business is it of his what the fuck YOU are doing in YOUR house....His job was to fix a water leak or unclog shit...THATS IT! That guy sounds like he has alot of enternal problems to go to that extent to get a paying customer in trouble...Again ill say it...What a huge pussy....its crazy how much of a dildo that guy must be...dude will probably go through life having had sex like 3 times.... Sounds like such a petty little bitch...
Well, in the end everything is good.

Sorry I didn't go thru absolute perfect procedure, my wife answered the door, I was in bed when it all started. I asked to see a search warrant, they didn't show it to me, I didn't want to get pushy, what I did worked very well... I KNEW my pad was spotless down to vaccum bags, under couch cushions, garbage, etc. I went thru everything...

I didn't really have the means of ripping my rooms down without some man-power, and we all know the rule... don't let anyone know. One of the very very few people that did know was 2 hrs away driving a rig, he is my best buddy who helped and we talked several times via telephone... no, it was not my or my wife's phone either.

Some of you I am sure have been thru it, and until you go thru it (hope no one else does!) you can never be fully prepared for what will/can happen, there are too many variables and I quickly adapted to the situation at hand and didn't stumble on anything, which made them look stupid, and me come out on top, almost spotless really.

Sure, they might think its funny that I had 3 HID bulbs w/ 40 house plants under them, but then again I intentionally left out several things that showed I had plans of entering a career in the plant science field... Not that it would really throw anyone off, but it was kind of a precautionary measure so to speak.

And, I am sure some of you will get a real kick out of this one... I am looking into a future business investment at a undisclosed location... LMAO!