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Well-known member
a happy ending? much better than many other endings i've seen in this category
great for you! a rush like that is almost better than growing(almost)


Tropical Outcast
you cant make a tomato look like a tomato when it already is one.

Looks like a Pepper...but is a Tomato:


Ok, here is the run down on how shit went w/o going into super specific detail...

The same night as the plumber finding everything, they were at my door just before midnight, came in, split me and my wife apart and started doing some basic questioning. The head guy came in asking me, "Where is the product", "where is everything", and shit like that. I told said, "Why are you in my house?, I don't know whats going on here, where is your search warrant?"... I asked them 3 times over about 10-15 mins while they were here for the search warrant, they did not present one, and said they were waiting for a uniformed on-duty officer to get here before they would start their search... which is b/s because there were already going thru everything in my house anyway, Once the officer showed up, they put me in his car and the officer and I went to the next town to the county building, my wife rode in a seperate vehicle. By this time its probably 1am, they interrogated my ol lady for about an hr or better and she didn't say a thing, and told the had guy he was an idiot. Then he came to mess with me, trying to say that she admitted to it and I just need to admit to it too, and how she said I was really good at horticulture and what not. Said if I didn't admit to it they would make my life and work hell for months, and that if I just told him where everything was it would all be over within a few days... LIES! What they were attempting to charge me with was a 7 year felony, 1/2 million in fines. I ended up getting a little annoyed with the head guy and told him... "Dude, I am smarter than all the people in this building, I know what you are trying to do to me, fuck off, I want a lawyer!" At that point he pretty much shut up and left me alone... by 4am, they brought me home and dropped us both off... still in seperate cars. They left a seizure report on the table that said they had found... an empty candy tin that "may" have had marijuana in it, and a envelope I had that was marked from California. LOL! Great evidence there, retards. They did kinda trash my house, bedroom was a mess, comp. desk drawers were a mess, they tipped over some house plants... even got into the aquarium where I keep my 8 year old tarantula... f-ing assholes. To top it off, they did not present me a search warrant until 4:30am after everything was done and over with and they were leaving... If I was quicker, I was going to tell my wife not to re-answer the door to accept the warrant, so I could use that against them, but whatever. They brought the dogs in, nothing... :)... funny thing is, they never even seen my attic... and that is where I stored everything before it left permanently.

In turn, before everything was disposed of, we actually watched them survey the house... I knew it was them, and watched their every move, I sent my wife out as a bait car and they bit... that is when I was able to move everything out (via water heater) in daylight and get rid of it. There were no photos taken of my rooms with plants... so as far as I am concerned I am the bastard who outsmarted the professional tactical team on douche bags, along with my best friend who told me straight up he'd rather help me and go down with me then to watch me go down alone...

Any questions? ;)


Active member
Nice work, goes to show being smart does help!!!!!

I am curious what region are you in that they are this fucking prompt and crazy? you can PM or ignore or phrase however. Do they have issues w growing there? You seem to maybe have a case against the plumber and crew of jag offs. Any plans to persue or leaving well enough alone?
FUCK YEAH MAN! Good for you....really goo to hear a story like this......Its also a very good story....

So you say they where sitting out in front of your house, while you where tearing down the grow? Anyway, Im just glad you didnt get in trouble and have 7 years and a half million dollars in fines....what a bunch of bullshit....

If you dont mind me asking....how many lights/plants did you have going when the asshole plumber found them?
And..what kind of plumber doesn't smoke weed, and/or what kind of person, RUNS to the fucking pigs, cause he found a few plants, what a pussy..


Well-known member
incredible read! other than the initial deal with your rat of a plumber, you did everything by the book
excellent recovery from a near disaster!
low tolerance area from the sounds of it, some thought you were making too much of it
but only the guy in the line of fire knows how dangerous it is, local conditions are everything
I sure would be VERY tempted to find that plumber and do some really mean things....he tried to ruin your life.....I would make him regret that decision....may not be the smartest thing to do, but Im pretty sure my anger would get the best of me in that situation....Good luck man...I wish i knew that plumber.....I think its so fucked up, I would do it for you...piece of shit.


Check on the warrant when it was issued, they may not have had one until they gave it to you, and hence forth, they might have searched your home prior to having a warrant... just something to check out to see if there is anything you can get them on.

Glad it all turned out well for you, they might still keep an eye out on you for a bit, so stay low. Peace

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