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Need help on some lighting please

I recieved a cabinet. It measures T-60" x w-23" x 20"deep. I want to make a bean box out of this for personel use. What lighting would you use? Places to buy it/them would help. I have an 150 MH fixture that fits in there, can I use it to flower as well? How many plants at a time? any help appreiceted
thank you.....cw


I would consider a 150w HID or maybe PL-L's. T-5's are also an option as well as regular CFL's. You can even mix and match for a number of combinations. Electrical supply and home improvement stores will carry a lot of what you need. Online is a good bet for rest of it. Ya, people have used MH from sprout to harvest before. But, you might find that RL for flowering will give you better overall yields. You can go either SOG or bush. All things being equal, one will yield about the same as the other, but, SOG will yield quicker.

After that, the following links may help some.

You should already know where thes two are, but just in case you don't:
Cannabis Infirmary


I don't push this one a lot, but, I think you might find a thread or two in there that can point you in the right direction:
A Library of Links

There is a trend to the first three or four pages that will tell you what you need to grow.
Is it really that complicated?” by enjia2000

I hope this helps.



in the thick of it
I like t5. They are inexpensive to run and replace. They're not too hot and provide full spectrum lighting. Good luck!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I recieved a cabinet. It measures T-60" x w-23" x 20"deep. I wanI have an 150 MH fixture that fits in there, can I use it to flower as well?

A 150 is perfect for your footprint. Many growers do MH for both veg and flower.

While there may be reasons for other types of lamps (big CMH fan myself), you have all you need to light the grow from start to finish.


A 150 is perfect for your footprint. Many growers do MH for both veg and flower.

While there may be reasons for other types of lamps (big CMH fan myself), you have all you need to light the grow from start to finish.

What he said.
go with what you got.
messn- great links Thank you
Dubwise- I agree on the T5. I use them for my veg cab
TooHigh- Not enough room I will be fitting a 2' in there
FreezerBoy- your input is always welcome. I was wrong the 150 mh was actually a 250.Going to use it as supplemental in the momma room
Stank- always welcome a confirmation

Sorry I did not thank you sooner. I had a stent placed in my heart and was out of the pic for a while. To all who responded I thank you
Peace to all......cw

PS Doc told me to vape from now on


"...PS Doc told me to vape from now on..."

Just a thought, but, you might want to consider water curing. Even though it virtually eliminates taste and aroma that defies the more conventional wisdom on curing. The method doesn't increase the THC content, but, it does reduce the content of plant matter by about 25-35%. Meaning less inhaled particulate matter and, as a side benefit, a higher ratio of THC to plant matter.

If that's all it takes, Doc says give FreezerBoy all your money.:jump:

Seriously, though. I just got a Vape a few weeks ago. I love it.
I recieved a VaporBrothers hands free as a get well gift and love it.
Is that Doctor freezerBoy??
I ended up getting a PL-L 55 for my moma room and putting a 4 bulb T5 in the bean box.
Thanks for all your imput my friend Hava grateful grow.....cw