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Need help its Been a Minute

ok well im running a DWC in a DR 60 tent with a blackstar 180W ufo got one plant from seed in soil just switch to the hydro today becuse leaves looks yellow and sad and i always want to try hydro just eaiser to seed in soil! i had one shot lol

could use some help what is my light schedule started out in sun in window sill now under led 24 / 7 its been a week or so

also i have a 5gl res ph is 5.5 ppm where little over 300 after adding the nutes added flora-bloom-micro-grow according to a feeding schedule in a back of a hydro mag.

so feedback please :thank you:
for starters can someone give me a good light schedule for the 180 w ufo over one plant starting out (veg) to (flower) times i just have it on 24 hours right now and forget if that is ok ??? also does anyone know if switching into the resivor with the good ph water and nutes will fix the yellow leves on the plant or what solution's could you do as well this is a small tent what is going to be the best method and when should i implement it on keeping the girl for max yield. ill grab my camera tomorrow and get some pics up but could use some feedback on these questions above... anyone please

when can i sex this plant
since i dont have any other good seed i have some regie * should i just use these * should i mother and clone but dont have room for another tent or just the other seed of low quality current is high quality fluke bag seed to grow more plants if so how many


Active member
I'd just leave the light on 24 hrs until you are ready to flower. You wont be able to fix the yellow leaves but if you get things right new growth will be green.

If you only have one plant, what are you going to do if it is male? You may just want to order a cheap pack of seeds and use this first plant as a learning experience.
right on i see new growth coming should i pull the yellow or just let them fall and i could order some good genes or use some real base bag seed i have laying around what would you say ? if recommended whats a good one for small area and i like the mental high not the couch lock zombie mode

and if it says stays good is a female how long before you switch the light cycle for flower?

thanks KAKA i appreciate the help


Active member
I would go ahead and order a pack of seeds, even if it some cheaper stuff like Nirvana. There is nothing worse than spending 3 months growing a plant - exposing yourself to all that risk just to grow hay. Not saying your plant will be hay but its a chance. For a few bucks you can assure yourself of good pot.

I would never flower a plant before 6 weeks from seed. Thats when you will see preflowers and thats when it hits more of a maturity level that it needs to produce well for you.

Im not sure what I'd recommend seed wise, but I'd go with a 50%50% indica sativa hybrid. There are a ton of choices, go with something that performs well for others. Different skunks may work, orange bud comes to mind... im not too hip to all the new varieties.. I've been out of the game since 2009,,,, but im back.
cool deal well came across high quality seed just last night buddy gave me some so problwm fixed i have pics of the little one and ill try to post them tonight just been to tired and straped for time i will do my best and ill try to pick up soil today to start some of these other seeds little dude is looking pretty good new growth and all well gotta go just touching base

o quick question how often should i be adding the nutes to the water i stated in my first post im using Flora etc ....


Active member
You're kinda getting ahead of the horse here.

Best advice would be to hold off on sprouting the new seeds and spend time reading first. You're asking a lot of questions about the most basic fundamentals of growing.

Starting a grow with that little information (and time... as you say you're very busy) has the potential to cause you and those plants some serious issues.

Save the seeds, start reading the stickies and practicing what you've learned on the plants you have. Remember that this is not a race.... :D Patience and a well stocked head of information are your best friends.

Start those new seeds when your current plants are loving life. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
years ago i invested meaning a day of my life searching through the foroums if there so basic please just answer the question plant is currently looking very healthy questions as of this moment are

1. do i pull off the leaves that look in real bad shape very yellow but still green?

2. how often do i add the nutes to the 5 gal bucket as of now just added them the day i transferred over so 3 days ago

that's my questions right now thanks for the advice on the forums and sticky's but i would just like direct feedback this system is all here the deal is i just never did a run in it and it sat around for a year or so figured i would get some use out of it and get it going just questions that im lacking and the searches i did but didn't give me the answers i was looking for i figured a expert community like this one would be able to get me in shape as im sure it will.
and its 1 plant so no real big deal here and have good seed on standby

thanks for the read through i take all the help i can get * yes im very busy this is my lunch break back to it .... who said you cant be productive and fly high? they be wrong


Tom 'Green' Thumb
When you feed you usually feed every watering, that is if your using the proper amount of nutes which is different with every brand. You can give nutes every second watering, but the dose should be a little higher.

How are you growing and how large is the plant now? If you post some pic's we can help you out much better. Without them we are flying blind.

About genetics to buy, Nirvanna AK47 has a very up high and I beleive is a 50/50 hybrid. It is one of the easiest plants to grow and is very potent. Also, it yields very large.

Take those pic's and hopefully we can help. Also, read a little more as this site is chalked full of great info and great growers.



Active member
that's my questions right now thanks for the advice on the forums and sticky's but i would just like direct feedback this system is all here the deal is i just never did a run in it and it sat around for a year or so figured i would get some use out of it and get it going just questions that im lacking and the searches i did but didn't give me the answers i was looking for i figured a expert community like this one would be able to get me in shape as im sure it will.


I don't even know how to respond to this in a way that you'll understand.

Good luck!
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cravin morehead

Active member
ok.... i'll give it a shot...
first of all, slow down and use punctuation so we can understand you. put some pics up or your not going to get all the accurate help you need.

first off, stop sprouting seeds in soil. it will stress them too much trying to remove all the soil on such a youngster. use rockwool, rapid rooters, etc...

don't pull the leaves, let them die off and fall naturally.

how often do i add the nutes to the 5 gal bucket as of now just added them the day i transferred over so 3 days ago

you need to check your ppms and water levels. you add back both water (to original level) and nutes to make up for how much is used up. meaning, add nutes until you get back to 300ppm. you can slowly bring nute levels up to about 600ppm over a couple of weeks. i wouldn't try to go much higher than that though. for newb's the more nutes you run the more problems you are going to have.
if you are growing in a 5 gallon bucket without a seperate reservoir, you are going to have a hard time and probably some problems along the way. when your plant gets bigger and has a large root mass, it is going to drink up most of that 5 gallons quickly. not to mention with the root ball in there, you're not going to have 5 gallons of nute solution either. if you are that busy just wait, when you're in flower you could be topping up a couple times a day. you are going to be chasing ph all over...

years ago i invested meaning a day of my life searching through the foroums

you haven't invested nearly enough. one day is piss in the ocean. anybody can grow shitty bud. if you want something good, you need to read!! from what i gather, you think this is easy, its not, unless you are willing to invest some time. you say you are so busy, then maybe you should stick with soil until you are ready to give hydro a serious try.
from the questions you are asking, it doesn't seem like you got anything for your invested day. these questions are so basic to hydro, you could find all this out with minimum effort. hope this helps you, but it ain't going to make you a good hydro grower. that is up to you.

good luck
seriously smoke a bowl peeps

seriously smoke a bowl peeps

OK what happened here to the community, used to be easy to ask your fellow man for help. Update if your answer has something to do about go spend more time reading elsewhere * that's not a good answer you should not respond at all period. if the questions are easy answer them that's that. as far as punctuation you read my question and answered it ... enough said . this is ICMAG.com not English 101 and I'm in the newbie forum not elsewhere this should be acceptable for the time. Look i have some pics ill post if anybody out there is going to be nice!!!! (do to the fact that is more time lol) like its to much to ask seems like there is allot of internet gangsters. i could quote each line and make a rebuttal to all the things you say that make me mad but rather AVOID THE CONFLICT I'M HERE FOR HELP AND FRIENDS CRITICISM IS FINE BUT DIRECT IT SOMEWHERE ELSE I AS STATED AND NOTED BY EVERYONE SO FAR DON'T HAVE THE TIME FOR IT. the grow is fine tons of new growth more than likly tonight i will fill up another 5 gal bnucket add the aproperiate amount and switch to it (so in the future if this is a problem i can just switch the bucket out from morning and night pretty simple unclick lid re click lid problem fixed hours of elaborate resivors avoided and for about 1 min a day which i already want to see the girl so I'm there anyways don't really see this to be a conflict in my schedule.:prettyplease:
but over all the above post by MORE HEAD is pretty useful information thankyou

also this if all for personal so quality is my main concern not amount i'm very confined on space don't think ill be doing the whole elaborate thing like your pics MORE HEAD i grow just for me not for well ... obviously that's way more than you could handle in your set up and looks like alot of time with al the works is all looks perfect but still my little dude has tons of crystals already did yours then just turn solid green or am i missing somthing im just a newb im sure my set up cant be producing better than that ... can it?
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I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
OK what happened here to the community, used to be easy to ask your fellow man for help..:prettyplease:

You must mean when people could use the search feature, do some basic homework and had finished remedial communication. And manners.

And it always helps to cop a snotty attitude when asking for anything.

If we assume you get out of a project what you put into it,,,, you need somebody to roll your joints and light them too.

Yeah cravin's advice was the best you got and that wasn't good enough?

He's right, even if it's not waht you want to hear.

Growing poorly wasn't easy for me, - I musta killed a hundred plants before I ever got a good harvest.

And I was doing about what your doing now. As little as possible.

sound famuliar?

Things improved substantially the more I learned. And misteakes are still the best teachers.

you got a lotta studyin to do. pH, temps, humidity, light scheduals, air flow, NUTES.

Think man! - - it will be good training for you and the garden.


but still my little dude has tons of crystals already ?

Most of us,,, grow female plants.

And I never call my haram "little dudes"

Scotty, beam me up..........



And yes I have a bowl, or two
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Right on i understand and appreciate the help and i will spend more time searching just trying to get somethings sorted by using you guys since i didn't have time to do the refresher well everything looks great temp is 78% and Humidity is 60%.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
man please refrain ..



jus sayin, ya know?

So what your saying is your too busy to INVEST an hour or two reading, but think we have nothing better to do.
That about cover it bunky?

There's an old saying, you can't give pearls to pigs, they just eat them.

Can't we all just get a bong?

bubble bubble toke and choke.
hee hee hee
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