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for 8 days ago i put 10 jack H into my aeroflo. EC at 1.0. it maybe came up to 1.04 but then i top the rezz with ph adjustet water, after 1 week i change water. and change ec to 1.1

the plants grew very well, in those 7 days, and some are 10cm .
some have made ¨5 cm long side brances already.
at end of that week it was like they just suddenly begginned to get light green, and the stem in the leaf in dark green. and i see 1 little brown spot on 1 of the plants.

im am Using Ghe Flora 3 part. and think we are arround 5/6 mm per 10liter to get ec to 1.1

some of lower leafs that was there when it was taken from the mother. looks like they got over fertalized. but they are at bottum ? and are light green. and that doesnt look like the typical Magnesium needs.

am i giving thim to little.. or should i not put the ammount in as the flora schedule tells me ?.

the new leafs looks very healther when its coming up but when its all out. its like the greenish goes away... ? hope someone can help me :)


nope. i got no camera.. tryed to describe it as good as i can :D i REALLY need some kind of advice dont want to get fucked up plants AGAIN because of neeed of magnesium maybe ?.


look what i wrote in start 8 days now they been in the aeroflo, and they prob startet show it at the end on the first week.

calmag ? i just google it and it says its something for humans lol :D:D calium magnesium but is that for plants also.

i dont hope its because the plants are rooting since its clones and they got put into aeroflo as soon all had root out the bottum :)
some of them have alrdy made big roots.. but light green leafs with green mid :S and then after a week or so the leafs begin get brown tips, but that begins from bottum. but first when leafs get discolored(lightgreen)

i lowred water in tubes to 3cm now. but i doubt that will to any difference at all.


Active member
look what i wrote in start 8 days now they been in the aeroflo, and they prob startet show it at the end on the first week.

calmag ? i just google it and it says its something for humans lol :D:D

You are feeding your plants half strength and your nutes are already low in mg to begin with. You should buy some epsome salts (mg) to add (about teaspoon per gallon) and up your nute strength a little at a time.


where can i buy epsom salt. ? do all stores have it or?

i just, did a few changes. i tryed to. put 2 airstones in my water. i lowered my ec på 0.88/ 0.90 to where i started. ec is standing pretty much very still now. and just looked and it said 0.86/ so gues they are eating of it..

The other thing im thinking is. Ghe flora should have low Mg and the ghe ph down should also help fix that. since it also got mg in it..

atm im using advanced hydroponics of holland. So could that be a reason.
That ph down annoys me when plants drink water/or it vaporize then the ph, drops.

im adding 1ml of each bottle. could i try give them more bloom?,, or would that not help them at all.. flora bloom dont seem that strong, when adding it to water and looking ec. grow and micro are strong compared to bloom takes very little to get ec flying with that :)


Well-known member
epsom salts are at any pharmacy or walmart-i can't tell you where the closest one so don't ask
as for why the ph down isn't fixing it-look at a ph range/nute chart
the window of cal mag absorpton is quite small-in other words, if your PH is off-then no cla/mag is being utulized
ditch the hydro and start using a layer of dolomitic lime and amend with organic molasses
if you wanna stay with hydro and can't find epsoms-use tap water that has sat out for 24 hours and spray it on leaves


hello burt and thx :)
what do the normal water do that have been sit for 24 hours ?

atm there is only like 28 liter in my resovoir to those 10 plants, can that maybe also be the reason for the little messy ph ?. i like having so i can adjust. the water with some new. ph and ec fixed water. think ppl called it off topping dunno tbh :D i would be sad if i had to go dirt because just bought the aeroflo :D this is the second grow. i like this because then i dont run arround with bags of dirt in and out of my appartment. but if i dont get it fixed, this or next i will fo sure go back to dirt. almost the same anyway. i just think aero make some tasty weed :)


when the water sits for 24 hours out in the open all of the cemicals evaporate from it. chlorine etc.

Thats all i know lol


hmm sounds interesting
can there ever be to much chlorine in water :)? so it affect the plants i got a m8 who grow same system as me they dont got this problem..
the humidity in the room doesnt that have something to say, to how much water evaporate.

its weird there is 1 plant that is good green color. only 1 little leaf turned yellow/lightGreen on that.


so u guys are sure. its not because im not using GHE PH down with the flora 3 part ??--

advanced hydro make my ph drop.
if i remember right, when i had the GHE ph down in pulver, to start with in first grow. keept buff it up in 6.4 /6.5 but my ph meter was off with 0.5 so it actually ajusted itself to 6.0 ??. i have read the plants "eat" the ghe ph down, as nutrients. it should contain calcium and magnesium..

Hope someone can answer me on that, :)


Active member
It's not your pH product.

How are you mixing your nutes? At what ratio? I would just keep the same ratio and up the strength a bit with added epsome. When you mix a new batch of nutes in your rez set the pH to the low end of your range at say about 5.6 and let it raise up to 6 before you set it low again or remix your tank. That's the best way to make sure the plants get all the nutes they need.


japan freakier :)
I adjust my water to 6.2 wait a min , check it again, if its still there i add fertalizer, same strenght of all 3 bottles in first 14 days,. . today it was 6.3, now its 6.1 .i dont want to get lower than 6.0 atm that would lock out any mg even more. .. since ec didnt move, only went backwords i put it up to 0.95. now i go to bed and will see what it say tomorrow. how much epsom salt in hydro?... i am using Advaned hydropinics of holland ph down bloom. i also got PH Down Grow but if i put my water to. an ph of 6.2 then the ph down grow, make my ec raise with like 1.0 to 1.5 its crraazy !!.

the tip of some leaves. are like brown, as if it was nutrient burn, lower leafs. like white yellow. and got either grey or brown marks from edge of leave moving all way in, to mid,.

but my ec meter have been. off, there it came down to 5.6 and then it actuall was 5.0 or something like that. i wouldnt wonder if it have been lower. its like more drops than ML ph down im using now.

My ec meter was also off, ec was set to 1.05 i think. then i calibrated it with some 1288 and then it said my ec was. 1.18 lol. and that must have been on day 8 i fixed that. but since day 8 it have gotten ALOT worse, :S some leafs just look rlly fucked up now they light green ones is really started to get brown like massive
IF it is nute lockout what would happen then. would be weird if it was since they can eat fertalizers :D


so you want me to start with it at lets say 6.2 and then let it jump to 5.6 ? and then add water or something so it get back on 6.2 and all over again ?. . i just after looking at the board for ph values and what they take where, it looks like 5.8 to 6.0 would be the ideal ph ? :)

and a ph jumping up and down , can also cause these kind of probs. some have told me. ! that worries me
And would still like to know how much epsom for 10L of water. ty


Active member
There is no single ideal point, there is an ideal range and your plants will be healthiest if the ph drifts up or down through that range.

If pH is jumping up and down and all over the place that's not a good thing, but that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about a slow drift through the range over the course of your rez's life.

I add about a teaspoon of epsome per gallon

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