If you strip the romex sheathing with a razor blade check for nicks. Also check that when you put the plugs in you did not screw the 6/32 into a wire since you may have jammed the wire into the handybox.
A pair of romex strippers makes life easy http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=klein+romex+stripper&client=firefox-a&cid=11542041622231946207&ei=D2aaTLGZH4OYiQT3-9mbCw&sa=title&ved=0CDYQ8wIwBDgA#p
A pair of romex strippers makes life easy http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=klein+romex+stripper&client=firefox-a&cid=11542041622231946207&ei=D2aaTLGZH4OYiQT3-9mbCw&sa=title&ved=0CDYQ8wIwBDgA#p