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Neck Tattoos


Active member
Heavily tattooed complete left leg , complete right arm and numerous others here and there.
Nothing on my neck or hands or nothing that can't be covered in a professional setting but that is only because it's needed.
The day I don't need the 9 to 5 bs a small tattoo on my lower neck is getting done. Always wanted a neck piece. It always gave me the I do not give a fuck vibe
And all thru my adult life I was always of that thinking but being other depended on my thinking I've chose not to .....
But cannabis is still illegal in my state so I'll keep that neck tattoo on the wish list.

my lady has a massive mural on her back. the colors are amazing


Invertebrata Inebriata
Thanks to this thread, I now know what a "Prince Albert" is. File that shit under "Things I Can't Unsee", cross-referenced in my WTF file.
If you don't know, do yourself a favor and DON'T google it, LOL!!!


Active member
:laughing: oh man that's hilarious you didn't know... and found out like that.

So about the neck tattoos, here's a interesting case

Lol she dosent look bad but I hate the tattoo. Would I pick her up at a bar? Sure I'd probably fuck a chick like that for a bit but I wouldn't marry one... it's a little over the top for me though I don't have shit like that never would I don't understand why people get ink there so close to the face...


Active member
^ain't that the truth^ I once heard somone refer to facial tattoos as "everlasting job stoppers"

You bet. I have hand tattoos and will hire anyone with tattoos unless it's on their throat like that chick or their faces too many complaints on sites people think they are criminals so I don't even hire laborers with that shit...

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