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Nature's Wonder Drug Curbed by Illuminati


ICMag Donor
thats actually the same interpretation, just interesting that "the wizard of Oz" is still so fitting to describe society, with just a few words changed.

There are several other reasonable interpretations around , based on the book and thoroughly documented history of the time it was written and interviews with the author.

We have all the possible info in a single common language , but within a century of its writing scholars have already contrived several different versions based on the same dataset.


Active member
Not to put a damper on this fascinating conversation but whatever happened to all those sociology professors' whose copious studies led them to the conclusion that 'Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds' was an allegory for LSD and much more?

I propose that people should use caution when listening to others who claim to read mens minds lest they be led to ignore the story itself and not consider that the story is simply a mirror that reflect the examining authors own mind.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, otherwise we enter the realm of unfounded speculation, no matter how appealing the argument may be.
To accept a proposition without that evidence would be careless to a finding of fact and could lead to a belief in a fiction as the above example illustrates.

And Paul is still not dead.


Active member
That is a very interesting article on Oz and Littlefield's take on it. I should note a glaring omission in the article that would make my prior post clearer.
There's no doubt that Littlefield has created an allegory to the Oz tale by a careful deconstruction and reassignment of players in the story, but this same can be said for many tales in which the author can neither confirm or deny his intent.

The omission I refer to is Littlefield's explanation to why Baum should not be taken at his word that the story is to entertain children and nothing more as stated in the stories introduction.
Why should we assume that Littlefield is a mentalist of such power that he can read the depths of Baum's mind and clarify his intent beyond what the author has stated?
What evidence does he give?
This, of course would also apply to any other constructs using the Oz story as a platform.
Why should we not take the author at his word?
Littlefield may have created a useful teaching tool to economic theory, but if he claims that was the authors intent, then he is skating on thin ice.
Lacking such evidence, I would suggest that such fanciful allegorical assignments to Baum's work are as fictional, if not quite enjoyable, as the original.
In short, using Baum's work to teach economics and history is wonderful and inspired but if he makes the claim that that was Baums intention without a shred of evidence then I would say that falls into the realm of batshittery as well as the previous theory.

No matter how well intentioned it may be, we can't refute one weak argument by countering with another of dubious merit. Our long dead friend, citizen Socrates would be aghast at such errors in the logical process.

Even Dr. Freud, who was noted (and excoriated) for his liberal use of vivid imagery in his works in psychological analysis stated;
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".

lost in a sea

Here is a different interpretation , based on the same evidence.

they both exist simultaneously,, but i think most of that version is also true,,

frank baum was into symbolism and allegory and kabbalah type stuff so knew how to hide these things so only the non literalists with open third eyes would be able to perceive,,

its easy if your given the freedom of a fairytail,,

makes sense to tell two hidden *histories and one fantasy with one book if you can,,

*one was his present.


Active member
I'm working on my theory that the movie "Something About Mary" is an allegory of mans transcendental ascension to Godhead.

Very cleverly concealed but I think people will be surprised.

Should be a corker.


Active member
I'm working on my theory that the movie "Something About Mary" is an allegory of mans transcendental ascension to Godhead.

Very cleverly concealed but I think people will be surprised.

Should be a corker.

So what does the 'hair gel' represent? Spiritual ectoplasm?

lost in a sea

the hair gel just shows another one of sperms great ancient uses,, but that psycho dog represents the retarded nature of literalists vainly banging their heads on the explanation of existence,,


Active member
stopped paying taxes and just ignored those fools in the big house.

You do know that most people getting taxed have it taken out before they get their check.

If the businesses don't pay the fed, state, local taxes they would be shut down. Shut down, quick fast and in a hurry.

So how do you propose they, "stopped paying taxes and just ignored those fools in the big house."

We have to change Gov't not ingore it. That is why the ILLUMINATI have to change it too. So they can use it agaist us, just like Drugw War/MARIJUANA. Ignoring a cancer only you puts you in further danger, so doing nothing his not an option. Ron Paul represents the most positive change that I see in the proper direction. Note: A lot of Christians have bought into the Wars, they are just ill informed. I am trying to tell them all. The troops say they are being forced to kill innocent people and want to come home. Goldman Saks says & Haliburton are a few of the two say, FIGHT ON!!!




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Active member
Some of the biggest men in the United States,are afraid of something.

In his 1913 book The New Freedom, President Woodrow Wilson stated:
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men´s views confided
to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the
field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know
that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so
interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak
above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."


Active member
Well Ol' Woody should know...
He's the bastard that signed the Federal Reserve Act into being and created a central bank full of debt writing cocks8ckers.

You don't need a freakshow of scary boogymen trying to take over the world. The central banks of the world will fill that bill nicely.
Maybe not as exciting, but it's real as a heart attack and when everything goes to shit, as it will have to do when fiat money schemes are rudely abused, guess who will buy real assets for 10 cents on the dollar.

The question is why, which I have tried in vain to explore but the only satisfactory answer I seem to find is simply...
Because they can.
When you have more money than anyone could possibly spend, what's left?
Power to not only shape countries to your vision but the entire world because you hold the purse strings that indebted nations must dance to.

Google the Bank of International Settlements or BIS.
Nothing crazy, just hard cold cash to crash.

It's all about the Benjamins.


Active member
Well Ol' Woody should know...
He's the bastard that signed the Federal Reserve Act into being and created a central bank full of debt writing cocks8ckers.

He ackknowledged such and that he has messed up too.

You don't need a freakshow of scary boogymen trying to take over the world. The central banks of the world will fill that bill nicely.
They are one and the same...
They Rothchilds communicate directly with the evil of which the bible speaks.
Jesus' interaction with the money changers is the only time he actaully used force.

Money Masters Full, They touch on it and many many other Monetary policy items.


Active member
Lauryn Hill I Get Out (Lauryn Hill exposes the Industry)

Great great song...Exposing the Illuminati

[quote]"9" represents 3 threes and an upside-down 6. The number 9 was sacred to Pythagoreans and thus Freemasonry, because it represented the perfect square (9) of the perfect number (3). Nine interestingly enough, is also the number of Satan, in Satanism.

"11" is considered to be the most magical of numbers: it represents the 11 horns of the final beast that arises
in biblical prophecy ( Daniel 7:7-8/Revelation 17:12 ), it mocks the final "11" disciples ( Judas Iscariot had already perished by the time of the Ascension ), Genesis "11" is the story of the "Tower of Babel", and to astrologers "11" marks the Age of Aquarius "; the number 11 is the Aquarian number since Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac.


George H Bush Sr. New World Order Live Speech Sept 11 1991

George Bush on September 11th 2001
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Andinismo Hierbatero
mrcreosote, u can always pay debt with more fiat money, so what's so scary about debt?

the stability of the dollar is not in bad shape because of fiat but because of lack of national productive value; keep out sourcing shit and do nothing and this happens.

illuminati and fiat are not as scary as that


Active member
illuminati and fiat are not as scary as that

Watch the MONEY MASTERS FULL. Any currency can be maniupulated and has been. The control the FED/ Illuminati have is the real issue. We need the CONTROL of the currency back in our hands, not the Rothchilds and gangs.