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Nature's Wonder Drug Curbed by Illuminati


Andinismo Hierbatero
itisme, in all honesty, I do not buy the whole "rothchild" or "rockefeller" conspiracy non-sense.

there's simply no way any single group of people is able to control the world and all that happens; it simply is not possible; mathematically speaking, the variables are so huge, that it escapes the reach of anyone even trying, and that is a fact, end of discussion.



I do not know much at all about those conspiracies except the basic

I do not agree with you, I believe that even small actions can have worldwide consequences


Andinismo Hierbatero
I believe that even small actions can have worldwide consequences

the issue is that you do not understand mathematics, if you did, you'd know that your above quoted statement proves my point.

since a small action can have worldwide consequences: how the hell does a group of humans who need to eat and defecate and clean their asses like everyone else, do to make their actions have specific consequences over the actions of everyone else?

not possible, as simple as that.

no human being or group of stinky humans can control the world, never has happened and never will.

you have millions of people manifesting millions of actions that carry millions of consequences, and most of those consequences are unpredictable.

the creators of Pinky and the Brain have it right lol


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
bombadil, youve obviously tripped and come into the wrong discussion here,
because you ask nearly any person in this post, and they will tell you the world is currently i guess you ca say "owned" by very few of the elite families of the world, through the federal reserve banking monopoly and the Bank of international Settlements, The world bank, the IMF,

It is probable and very possible for such a small group too have so much, its not just the rothschilds and rocefellers the reach extends much further, to a possible 13 dynastic bloodline of families, but i think it extends even further than the 13 personally,

Take a look at the big picture, and open your mind and you will see the truth be set free, its not about simple mathematics here its about how long this master plan has been in the works, and its not exactly a hard plan to pull off if you understand their mind set,
The rothschilds single handedly took over great britain in one way with word of mouth that napoleon had won the battle over the english when he didn;t,
Thus stock prices fell and nathan rothschild bought all of the stocks back at a fraction of the original price.

Think a little dont come into this post and try takling mathematics it wont get you anywhere,

Peace, Love and Light to all.

Guest 26753

since a small action can have worldwide consequences: how the hell does a group of humans who need to eat and defecate and clean their asses like everyone else, do to make their actions have specific consequences over the actions of everyone else?

not possible, as simple as that.

Let me remind you of Julian Assange and his impact on the world. Yes, one man can influence the world.

Guest 26753

British broadcaster Channel 4 picked up an International Emmy® Award for best documentary for historian Niall Ferguson’s series THE ASCENT OF MONEY. The series charts the financial history of the world, demonstrating the effect that finance had on some of the most momentous historic events.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
the issue is that you do not understand mathematics
Mathematics? This coming from the guy who rudely blasted me claiming that the current credit crunch/banking crisis in the EU was a "conspiracy theory." :biglaugh: And you want to throw around the term mathematics.

Hilarious. Absolutely classic.


Active member
itisme, in all honesty, I do not buy the whole "rothchild" or "rockefeller" conspiracy non-sense.

there's simply no way any single group of people is able to control the world and all that happens; it simply is not possible; mathematically speaking, the variables are so huge, that it escapes the reach of anyone even trying, and that is a fact, end of discussion.

Mathmatics? Watch MONEY MASTER 3.5 hrs and tell me I am wrong then.
It goes much deeper than the surface or any mathematics.
There is a battle going on for every Soul on the planet, whether you know it or not.

Just youtube Rothchilds, Rockefellers, BUY a NWO book and read it.

I'll tell you like I told one of my best friends, nobody could have convinced me of it either.
However, I did about 40 -60 hours research on Ex Illuminati on Youtube, Google, Hollywood, NBA, all conected pawns of the Satanic devil worshippers.
I read "The World's Last Dictator." The Illuminati control all the media outlets and that is why Lebron and others openly do hand gestures to show who their allegiance it to and never get called out.

Youtube NICKI MANAJ, she talks about ROMAN like it is her best buddy.

Youtube: Council of 13 John TODD- Disappeared.

I am telling you most of America is under a spell thinking we need more Wars abroad, tougher laws and drones here, UN AGENDA 21 and the EPA are taking our property rights away. Some of those devices of suppression are Mainstrem Media, Hollywood, NBA, NFL, TV Shows, DEA, FDA, Corporations.

Harrassed or killed by Illuminati Youtube: Tupac 2 the Documentary, Biggie, Whitney Houston, Dave Chappelle, Michael Jackson and Illuminati. Until you do your own research you will contiinue to not see the light. These people were either killed or harrassed by the Illuminati in recent years. The are working for Satan and promote materialism and Devil worship to steal souls. Life is stranger than any fiction my friend and you are in the Matrix. Watch GOLDFINGER- Written by Ian Flemming, He was one head of M5- British Intellegence- The movie serves as a warning.

Current Sold Souls to Satan Youtube: Lebron James, Jay Z, Beyonce, Kanye West, Nick Manaj, Lil Wayne, Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, Rhianna and most say it themselves.



If all these nobodies or ex Satanist don't covince you then read a book on the NWO, http://www.youtube.com/results?sear...gs_sm=12&gs_upl=0l0l0l88l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0

WATCH MONEY MASTERS FULL on youtube and note and/or read the Bible.

Lucifer god of the Illuminati Part 7

When you start hearing about UFO's, please know that they are demons and decieving people to envoke fear and lower our frequencies, do not fear just know that if the Demons are real that God is real. Make sure you pick the right side and do the right thing, do not become scared or greedy.

Here is your sign. ROMAN born of RAGE
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Andinismo Hierbatero
Mathematics? This coming from the guy who rudely blasted me claiming that the current credit crunch/banking crisis in the EU was a "conspiracy theory." :biglaugh: And you want to throw around the term mathematics.

Hilarious. Absolutely classic.


I have spent time and energy these past months trying to share some light with you; obviously, it has all been a waste of icmag's bandwitdth.

you're still raging and raving on about "fiat money this" "dooms day" that, like an immature little fuck.

for example, how many of your predictions regarding OWS movement have come to pass? answer: none.

how many of my predictions regarding OWS have came to pass? answer: all.

conclusion: you don't understand mathematics. I do.

how many more rants from you will we see about Greece compared to the U.S in the comming future? my guess is: a lot.

how come you do not understand why Greece is where it is? answer: you're still too inmature to get it.

I'll throw a pearl to the swine:

what percentage of Greece's population was getting paid for "doing" bureocratic "jobs" ? aka jobs that do not produce any value at all?

please stop ranting about "fiat this, fiat that", grow up. see the facts for what they are: your country U.S.A is going down and the dollar is getting fucked not because of your ad-nauseum argument of "fiat this, evil bankers that", but because you morons are not producing any valuable shit, period.

grow the fuck up kid.

no more bandwidth waste with you, you are one of the bad-seeds.

over and out.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Mathmatics? Watch MONEY MASTER 3.5 hrs and tell me I am wrong then.
It goes much deeper than the surface or any mathematics.
There is a battle going on for every Soul on the planet, whether you know it or not.

Just youtube Rothchilds, Rockefellers, BUY a NWO book and read it.

I'll tell you like I told one of my best friends, nobody could have convinced me of it either.
However, I did about 40 -60 hours research on Ex Illuminati on Youtube, Google, Hollywood, NBA, all conected pawns of the Satanic devil worshippers.
I read "The World's Last Dictator." The Illuminati control all the media outlets and that is why Lebron and others openly do hand gestures to show who their allegiance it to and never get called out.

Youtube NICKI MANAJ, she talks about ROMAN like it is her best buddy.

Youtube: Council of 13 John TODD- Disappeared.

I am telling you most of America is under a spell thinking we need more Wars abroad, tougher laws and drones here, UN AGENDA 21 and the EPA are taking our property rights away. Some of those devices of suppression are Mainstrem Media, Hollywood, NBA, NFL, TV Shows, DEA, FDA, Corporations.

Harrassed or killed by Illuminati Youtube: Tupac 2 the Documentary, Biggie, Whitney Houston, Dave Chappelle, Michael Jackson and Illuminati. Until you do your own research you will contiinue to not see the light. These people were either killed or harrassed by the Illuminati in recent years. The are working for Satan and promote materialism and Devil worship to steal souls. Life is stranger than any fiction my friend and you are in the Matrix. Watch GOLDFINGER- Written by Ian Flemming, He was one head of M5- British Intellegence- The movie serves as a warning.

Current Sold Souls to Satan Youtube: Lebron James, Jay Z, Beyonce, Kanye West, Nick Manaj, Lil Wayne, Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga, Rhianna and most say it themselves.



If all these nobodies or ex Satanist don't covince you then read a book on the NWO, http://www.youtube.com/results?sear...gs_sm=12&gs_upl=0l0l0l88l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0

WATCH MONEY MASTERS FULL on youtube and note and/or read the Bible.

Lucifer god of the Illuminati Part 7

When you start hearing about UFO's, please know that they are demons and decieving people to envoke fear and lower our frequencies, do not fear just know that if the Demons are real that God is real. Make sure you pick the right side and do the right thing, do not become scared or greedy.

Here is your sign. ROMAN born of RAGE

don't give me youtube bullshit, use your own head please, I have no time to watch 3 hours of alex jones' influenced idiocy.

have you tackled my mathetical question? no, you have not; so let me ask it agaiin:

since any action can have any sort of consequence, out of all the second by second actions performed by every living being alive at this very moment; how the fuck are certain individuals doing to make their actions count more than the rest?

if you want, I'll construct a mathetical equation for this question; but I doubt you'll get it; I even doubt you're proficient in bagic algebra.

stop fronting, please.

go do what you guys are good at: growing good herb.

and leave this kind of talk to people who understand what the fuck is up.

stop making stoners look like fucking morons, please.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
don't give me youtube bullshit, use your own head please, I have no time to watch 3 hours of alex jones' influenced idiocy.

have you tackled my mathetical question? no, you have not; so let me ask it agaiin:

since any action can have any sort of consequence, out of all the second by second actions performed by every living being alive at this very moment; how the fuck are certain individuals doing to make their actions count more than the rest?

if you want, I'll construct a mathetical equation for this question; but I doubt you'll get it; I even doubt you're proficient in bagic algebra.

stop fronting, please.

go do what you guys are good at: growing good herb.

and leave this kind of talk to people who understand what the fuck is up.

stop making stoners look like fucking morons, please.

You think the Rothschild Scum owning the world is bullshit????

Man I wouldnt go around bragging about being good at math when your stupid as fuck about reallity ... :wave:

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Definition of Zionism:
an organization of Jews whose goal is to create a nation for Jews.
Definition of Judaism:
Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud.

The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be.
The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.
You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.
So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this, every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews.
The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9, states the following which would appear to be about these Ashkenazi Jews:
"I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."​
The most wealthy bloodline in the world bar none and the leader of the Ashkenazi Jews in the world today is the Rothschild family. As you will see in the timeline, the Rothschilds have obtained this position through lies, manipulation and murder. Their bloodline also extends into the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn.
However, these are not the only bloodlines to worry about. You are probably aware of the centuries old pratice undertaken by many Ashkenazi Jews whereby they would change their name, in order for them to appear part of the dominant race of the country in which they lived, so as they could obtain influential positions in that country, which they would then exploit to serve their real masters elsewhere. There is plenty of evidence to prove the Rothschilds continue that deceptive tradition.
Furthermore the Rothschilds are known to sire many children secretly that they can put into positions of power when required. This started with the very first man who took the name Rothschild, who had a secret sixth son. Finally, remember the world is a diverse place, I could if I wanted change my name to Rothschild, or any of the names listed above, and that would not make me part of this family anymore than converting to Judaism in 740 A.D. will make these Ashkenazis Jewish.
Please, therefore, do not automatically assume someone you see with the name Rothschild or any of the names listed above are part of the Rothschild criminal network. Furthermore and most importantly, the majority of Ashkenazi Jews are innocent and not part of this network. Check the facts out for yourself first, this article is designed to inform people who the enemy is, not single out people of a particular race or people with a particular surname, who may have nothing to do with this Rothschild criminal network.


Active member
don't give me youtube bullshit, use your own head please, I have no time to watch 3 hours of alex jones' influenced idiocy.

have you tackled my mathetical question? no, you have not; so let me ask it agaiin:

since any action can have any sort of consequence, out of all the second by second actions performed by every living being alive at this very moment; how the fuck are certain individuals doing to make their actions count more than the rest?

if you want, I'll construct a mathetical equation for this question; but I doubt you'll get it; I even doubt you're proficient in bagic algebra.

stop fronting, please.

go do what you guys are good at: growing good herb.

and leave this kind of talk to people who understand what the fuck is up.

stop making stoners look like fucking morons, please.

Youtube for now is more trustworthy that MSM but your probably on the payroll or just happy to be "blissfully ingnorant"
! You

I have footage of people presenting historical facts, HOURS OF THEM. You got squat.
I posted footage of actual people admitting selling their souls. You got squat
I/Spastic G have posted items showing how they are inducing inflation on us all. You got squat.
I posted an actual book for you to read... You posted squat.

Your best responses were nothing but closed minded idoiticity wrapped up in moronism and posted above.

You can't dispute the evidence without supporting your points of view.

What did you post?


I am using my head so you better WAKE UP and get saved, thank God for all he has done for you in your time of ignorance.

Open mind
Check the facts out for yourself first, this article is designed to inform people who the enemy is, not single out people of a particular race or people with a particular surname, who may have nothing to do with this Rothschild criminal network.

Closed mind
Storm Shadow, I am a Zionist, and I live in Jerusalem; booo!!! go hide in your closet, kid

Proof he is just spouting off his mouth and not reading or trying to get informed. You can be mad, just don't be mad at us for being informed while you go through life blissfully ignorant. Somebody has to act like a grown up.
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Andinismo Hierbatero

please tell us the difference between being an ignorant fool going blissfully through life and being the super informed super enlightened being such as yourself?


When I'm deliberately trolling, I can't even come up with stuff as wacky as what certain posters actually seem to believe is literally true.

I want to hear more about Justin Beiber's connections to the Illuminati, for starters.


Andinismo Hierbatero
I want to hear more about Justin Beiber's connections to the Illuminati, for starters.

me 2.

Justin Beiber's is prolly one of Monster Buds' favorite singers too. I need to upgrade that thread of his anyway lol

I love you zymos, I know you from way back.


Active member

Boy that's a relief. For a while there I thought we might be in for a bit of rough sledding, what with all the banks that can't meet bond roll-overs and whole countries defaulting and trillions of dollars in worthless derivatives hovering in the ethereal mists.
I guess as long as the central banks keep the printing presses rolling we should be fine, right? Just keep paying that debt with fresh money. As long as the banksters keep issuing and buying debt and keep adding it to the taxpayers tab, what could go wrong?

I mean, it's not like we'll ever run out of money to pay em off...

Like Greece.