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Nationwide raids on neo-nazis in Germany !


Well-known member
But I can turn a blind eye for a really nice line of Peruvian yellow flake over 90% pure
we used to get it here in what looked like red aquarium gravel form. this was when kerosene was being restricted, and they were using JP-4 jet fuel (the US supplied the govt with) to keep it in solution before crystalizing it out. we had to cut it to about 50% with mannitol or baby laxative before you could comfortably snort it. fluffy pink, lol...

St. Phatty

Active member
But the Wall Streeters have some of the best coke. I mean, they can't be all bad, can they? OK, maybe most of them...

But I can turn a blind eye for a really nice line of Peruvian yellow flake over 90% pure. Maybe turn both blind eyes..

The easiest way to gain access to Cocaine in some locations is to
A/ have a good knowledge of chemistry and
B/ gain access to the sewer pipes. Just extract the Coke from the sewage.

This technique might work in New York City and London. Probably wouldn't work in Arkansas.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Laws in UK and Germany are bullshit. You see the "right leaning music festival" involvement thing? What crap. Freedom of speech! USA! USA! I noticed eBay cracking down on Nazi paraphernalia in France about 10 years ago. Such horse crap. Should be able to do whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy. There's no freedom of speech in Germany and UK! I own Nazi paraphernalia but not much...silver boullion collar device and maybe coin somewhere. I live in USA USA USA
I had a water pipe with a Nazi stamp on the bottom, Berlin 1939. Was more like a hookah I guess. I smoked out of it was back in 1995 but I brought it back to the little store after I got bad vibes of mixing Nazi murders with cannabis. I felt like I was sinning when I smoked out of it. Anyway I brought it back. Years later, last year actually, I found it on an auction site...think it went for lots of cash. But man, it was like the poltergeist bong. I've since become more appreciative of the USA and freedom FROM Nazis. But I still think paraphernalia is cool and should not be banned. You can't ban history.

moose eater

Well-known member
Laws in UK and Germany are bullshit. You see the "right leaning music festival" involvement thing? What crap. Freedom of speech! USA! USA! I noticed eBay cracking down on Nazi paraphernalia in France about 10 years ago. Such horse crap. Should be able to do whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy. There's no freedom of speech in Germany and UK! I own Nazi paraphernalia but not much...silver boullion collar device and maybe coin somewhere. I live in USA USA USA
I had a water pipe with a Nazi stamp on the bottom, Berlin 1939. Was more like a hookah I guess. I smoked out of it was back in 1995 but I brought it back to the little store after I got bad vibes of mixing Nazi murders with cannabis. I felt like I was sinning when I smoked out of it. Anyway I brought it back. Years later, last year actually, I found it on an auction site...think it went for lots of cash. But man, it was like the poltergeist bong. I've since become more appreciative of the USA and freedom FROM Nazis. But I still think paraphernalia is cool and should not be banned. You can't ban history.
There's been enforcement of laws and suppression of/toward Nazis/Nazi groups in Gemany for MANY years. When we were there in 1991, visiting my wife's friends and touring a bit, the very subject of WWII and current or historical Naziism, brought with it some strong reactions from the average German citizen, not to mention the perceived insult and uproar when telling the average Dutch citizen how similar their language is/was, depite the truth of it..

Shame, humility, among the German folks we knew or met, and the very few who were 'believers' (nut bars) but suppressed. Which, unfortunately, in many ways, (the suppression of the Nazis) in my opinion, helped to lend itself to their continued existence and resurgence.

Would've been much more effective, imo, to have simply allowed the airwaves/tv/radio, and the majority of the public to openly laugh at the bastards.

Some wounds heal much more slowly, as they should sometimes..

In my opinion, fuck the Nazis. Hard. Again, unfortunately, suppressing them made it more attractive for some, for a variety of reasons. And the influx of folks from the Middle East, courtesy of our helping to turn it into a pile of waste, didn't help matters, fueling the ethnocentricism Nazis are well known for.

But again, fuck the Nazis.
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Well-known member
There's been enforcement of laws and suppression of/toward Nazis/Nazi groups in Gemany for MANY years. When we were there in 1991, visiting my wife's friends and touring a bit, the very subject of WWII and current or historical Naziism, brought with it some strong reactions from the average German citizen, not to mention the perceived insult and uproar when telling the average Dutch citizen how similar their language is/was, depite the truth of it..

Shame, humility, among the German folks we knew or met, and the very few who were 'believers' (nut bars) but suppressed. Which, unfortunately, in many ways, (the suppression of the Nazis) in my opinion, helped to lend itself to their continued existence and resurgence.

Would've been much more effective, imo, to have simply allowed the airwaves/tv/radio, and the majority of the public to openly laugh at the bastards.

Some wounds heal much more slowly, as they should sometimes..

In my opinion, fuck the Nazis. Hard. Again, unfortunately, suppressing them made it more attractive for some, for a variety of reasons. And the influx of folks from the Middle East, courtesy of our helping to turn it into a pile of waste, didn't help matters, fueling the ethnocentricism Nazis are well known for.

But again, fuck the Nazis
Thank and bless you for this post.


Well-known member
I find myself impressed by what you have posted cuddles.
I believe we are seeing a global resurgence of right wing fascism, which is not at all new, but rather which has
continued to be financed by the very same families which
had opposed the US entry into WWII from the inception.
Those of us who grow up on fifties and sixties TV, will
recall that Hollywood delivered the message that we
had a real unified country when it came to WWII.
This country opposed the Nazis far more effectively
in Hollywood than in reality.
While Henry Ford did finance Hitler, he was
not at all alone in having done so, he was enjoined
by a sizable group of this country's best and brightest.
Prior to financing Hitler, they had financed both Mussolini
and the Spanish Revolution.
The Dulles Brothers were at the Treaty of Versailles in a dual
capacity. They were there on behalf of the State Dept, but
they were also there on behalf of a private investment group.
It would be more than generous to say they each put class
and personal concerns far above those of the nation
they did serve. It become more difficult with each passing
day to describe them each as other than disgustingly selfish men
who did on a very regular basis put their own needs above
those of the those of the country.
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Well-known member
I find myself impressed by what you have posted cuddles.
I believe we are seeing a global resurgence of right wing fascism, which is not at all new, but rather which has
continued to be financed by the very same families which
had opposed the US entry into WWII from the inception.
Those of us who grow up on fifties and sixties TV, will
recall that Hollywood delivered the message that we
had a real unified country when it came to WWII.
This country opposed the Nazis far more effectively
in Hollywood than in reality.
While Henry Ford did finance Hitler, he was
not at all alone in having done so, he was enjoined
by a sizable group of this country's best and brightest.
Prior to financing Hitler, they had financed both Mussolini
and the Spanish Revolution.
The Dulles Brothers were at the Treaty of Versailles in a dual
capacity. They were there on behalf of the State Dept, but
they were also there on behalf of a private investment group.
It would be more than generous to say they each put class
and personal concerns far above those of the nation
they did serve. It become more difficult with each passing
day to describe them each as disgustingly selfish men
who did on a very regular basis put their own needs above
those of the those of the country.
this is what caused Brexit and many more political upsets throughout the years, decades, centuries,I´m sure.
Unlike wildlife, the w*nkers just never die out :(

I´ve read one or two news articles which revealed that the german police force has lots of far right extremists, neo-nazis even, and so does the military. These strange-minded people have all sorts of backgrounds and professions. Trouble is that they continue to brain wash young kids with their non-ideal ideas - just like it happend in germany during the Hitler years.
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Well-known member
This was quite programmed.
The sacrifice of the EU was expected as a result of deliberate
forced movement of populations
One can anticipate seeing a global resurgence of extreme right
Sorry if these are disjointed, have the flu and things are
sort of elastic for me at the moment.
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Well-known member
This was quite programmed.
The sacrifice of the EU was expected as a result of deliberate
forced movement of populations
One can anticipate seeing a global resurgence of extreme right
Sorry if these are disjointed, have the flu and things are
sort of elastic for me at the moment.
I´m sorry you´re sick and at christmas time too :( Hope you feel better by saturday and sunday ! ;)
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St. Phatty

Active member
The raids are not on Neo-Nazi's.

That's the Story that the Jew-controlled media has to tell.

People who are smart enough to expel the non-Democratic Germany government are simply Smart.

If they know an ounce of History, they know that Germany was much better served by Ebert & Hindenburg than it was by Hitler. i.e. they don't revere the Nazi's. They know that the Nazi's destroyed the strongest industrial economy in the World - the German economy as it existed BEFORE Hitler & the Nazi's came to power.


Well-known member
The raids are not on Neo-Nazi's.

That's the Story that the Jew-controlled media has to tell.

People who are smart enough to expel the non-Democratic Germany government are simply Smart.

If they know an ounce of History, they know that Germany was much better served by Ebert & Hindenburg than it was by Hitler. i.e. they don't revere the Nazi's. They know that the Nazi's destroyed the strongest industrial economy in the World - the German economy as it existed BEFORE Hitler & the Nazi's came to power.
but it´s wise to remember that germany was pretty f*cked after WW1.

Not sure why you think that the german government isn´t democratic ...?
Better than being ruled by yet another unstable person, just because he´s some aristocrat, nobody cares about, imo

Everybody wants to rule the world. Trouble is that nobody is actually good at it.

St. Phatty

Active member
but it´s wise to remember that germany was pretty f*cked after WW1.

And by the early 30's, they had completely recovered.

While the US went through a decade of Depression.

How did Germany go from Pretty F*cked Weimar hyperinflation, to the world's most powerful industrial economy, in the early 1930's ?

2 things -
* the time in history of technology, fit the German skill-set. They were good at making cars, and everything machine shop.
* one significant social change - the "Soft Expel" of the Jews.

i.e. not by Edict, by the will of the General Public.

For example, in Southern Oregon, both Diamond Cannabis and Diamond Home Improvement are owned by Jewish Families.

An example of a Soft Expel would be if people AVOIDED them - for reasons of simple Gentile Self Defense.

That version of Germany, that existed in the early 1930's, greatly upset the Criminal Sect of Judaism.

That's why they pushed Hitler into power (he only got 49.6% of the vote) - and that's why Wall Street financed Hitler.

They couldn't allow the Germany that existed under Hindenburg to continue, even though Germany obviously Flourished in the late 1920's & early 1930's.

I say the German government isn't Democratic because it isn't.

There were only 3.5 million Jewish people in Europe at the beginning of World War 2 - and they were leaving Europe at the rate of 3300 a day. 3000 to the US and 300 to Israel.

But Germany doesn't have a First Amendment.

Any German person that reads a simple history book such as census Historian Walter Sanning's book, aloud in public, like in a book reading club at a bookstore, is accused of a crime.

In other words, the book-burning continues in Germany.

Published in 1983.

Within a few years, the sign at the Auschwitz Memorial was revised from "in Memory of the 4 million" to "in memory of the 1.5 Million".

Mr. Sanning simply caught the Criminal Sect of Judaism in a Lie. They made a minor accomodation by changing the sign at Auschwitz, because it implied that Europe imported 1/2 a million Jewish people so they could be exterminated at Auschwitz.

The Criminal Sect of Judaism wants the Holocaust to be a religion for the Gentiles, when in reality 100 Million Gentiles died fighting the Wars that the Criminal Sect of Judaism wanted.

70 Million in World War 2, and 30 Million, or more, in World War 1.

The Destruction of Germany, and the Destruction of Japan.

Both had Powerful Gentiles leading them, and they had to be destroyed.

Just as the Ottoman Empire - and the Russian Tsar family - had to be destroyed in World War 1.

Germans don't live in a Democracy because they are not allowed to discuss the Facts of their own History.
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Well-known member
I´ve read one or two news articles which revealed that the german police force has lots of far right extremists
i think there is an unhealthy attraction by those poor fellows for the black leather and chains associated with that profession and the past. they'll take any excuse to dress up as a stormtrooper...:shucks:
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