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Nationwide raids on neo-nazis in Germany !


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I´m pretty shocked to be honest! They actually had detailed plans to overthrow the government, re-do the borders, loadsa weapons and so on.
I´m sure we´ll all be hearing more about this in the coming days and weeks, when more details will be revealed.
They have said that far-right politicians are involved....

Germany carries out nationwide raids on neo-Nazi groups​

Alex Berry
04/06/2022April 6, 2022
Four suspected right-wing extremists have been arrested after police conducted early morning raids. Banned neo-Nazi groups were the focus of the operation.

Almost 800 police officers in 11 of Germany's 16 federal states took part in raids on far-right extremist groups on Wednesday, German media reported.

Authorities said they searched the residences of 50 suspected right-wing extremists. Some 11 other locations were also searched.

The raids began in the early morning and the neo-Nazi groups "Atomwaffen Division" (AWD), "Combat 18" (C18) and "Knockout 51" (K51) were the main focus.

A spokesperson for the state prosecutor's office said four suspects were arrested, German magazine Der Spiegel reported. The suspects are believed to be leaders of K51, one of whom is also being investigated in connection with AWD.

Some of the suspects face charges of being members of terrorist groups, others of being part of a criminal organization, according to Der Spiegel.

What is Atomwaffen Division?​

AWD is a neo-Nazi terror organization that started out in the US and is made up of leaderless terror cells. Members of the US group have been linked to at least five murders.

A splinter group was set up in Germany in 2018. Their flyers were spotted around Berlin as well as in a neighborhood in Cologne that was targeted by the neo-Nazi terror group National Socialist Underground (NSU) more than a decade prior.

People claiming to be members of the organization also sent death threats to German Green politicians Cem Özdemir and Claudia Roth in October 2019.

The state prosecutor's office is investigating 10 suspected members of the group, five of whom were targeted by Wednesday's raids. The office said investigations had begun in September 2019.

According to Der Spiegel, one of the suspected members of AWD is a former military officer cadet. He had been under observation by the German military counter-intelligence organization (MAD) that keeps tabs on neo-Nazi activity in the Bundeswehr, but they were unable to cut off his access to weapons and munitions.

Combat 18 and Knockout 51​

C18 first appeared in the UK in the 1990s as the street-fighting wing of the far-right British National Party (BNP).

Authorities were aware of the group's presence in Germany by the end of the decade. They were involved in neo-Nazi events and far-right music festivals.

A suspected C18 member shot dead a Tunisian man in a supermarket in 2007. The assailant spent eight years in prison during which time he sparked up a relationship with the only surviving member of the NSU, Beate Zschäpe.

According to German public broadcaster ARD, he was also targeted by Wednesday's raids. Investigators believe C18 had other connections with the NSU, who murdered ten people between 2000 and 2007.

Combat 18 was eventually declared illegal in 2020, a move that was heavily criticized as being too little too late, German broadcaster Tagesschau reported.
The other group under fire, K51, were targeted after they tried to set up a "Nazi hood" in the town of Eisenach in the eastern German state of Thuringia. Germany's attorney general named the group a criminal organization and ordered the arrest of four suspected members.
The federal prosecutor's office said that members of the group were involved in protests against hygiene measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 in cities such as Leipzig and Kassel that resulted in violent clashes with police and counter-protesters.
Edited by: Sean Sinico



Well-known member
here´s an article from the BBC website:

Germany arrests 25 accused of plotting coup​

    • Published
    • 11 minutes ago

Among the 25 detained was a minor aristocrat called Heinrich XIII
Image source, DPA Picture Alliance
Image caption,
Among the 25 detained was a minor aristocrat called Heinrich XIII
By Paul Kirby
BBC News

Twenty-five people have been arrested in raids across Germany on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government.
The group of far-right and ex-military figures are said to have prepared for a "Day X" to storm the Reichstag parliament building and seize power.
A man named as Heinrich XIII, from an old aristocratic family, is alleged to have been central to their plans.
According to federal prosecutors, he is one of two alleged ringleaders among those arrested across 11 German states.
The plotters are said to include members of the extremist Reichsbürger [Citizens of the Reich] movement, which has long been in the sights of German police over violent attacks and racist and antisemitic conspiracy theories. They also refuse to recognise the modern German state.
Other suspects came from the QAnon movement who believe their country is in the hands of a mythical "deep state" involving secret powers pulling the political strings.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser assured Germans that authorities would respond with the full force of the law "against the enemies of democracy".

Plotters prepared to kill for their ends​

An estimated 50 men and women are alleged to have been part of the group, said to have plotted to overthrow the republic and replace it with a new state modelled on the Germany of 1871 - an empire called the Second Reich.
"We don't yet have a name for this group," said a spokeswoman for the federal prosecutor's office. The interior minister said it was apparently made up of an organisation "council" and a military arm.
Wednesday's dawn raids are being described as one of the biggest anti-extremism operations in modern German history. Three thousand officers took part in 150 operations in 11 of Germany's 16 states, with two people arrested in Austria and Italy.
Almost half of arrests took place in southern states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. More than one in five Reichsbürger are thought to be based in the south-western state of Baden-Württemberg alone.
More than 3,000 police took part in the raids on 130 properties across Germany (file pic)
Image source, Reuters
Image caption,
Police carried out raids across 11 of Germany's 16 states
Justice Minister Marco Buschmann tweeted that a suspected "armed attack on constitutional bodies was planned". Ms Faeser said later that the investigation would peer into the "abyss of a terrorist threat from the Reichsbürger scene".


Who are the Reichsbürger?​

  • So-called Citizens of the Reich reject Germany's modern democracy and refuse to pay taxes
  • Once seen as harmless cranks, they are very active and pose a high level of danger, says BfV intelligence chief Thomas Haldenwang
  • Last year they numbered some 21,000, but they have since grown significantly
  • 10% are thought to be violent, and antisemitism and conspiracy theories are widespread


The federal prosecutor's office said the group had been plotting a violent coup since November 2021 and members of its central "Rat" (council) had since held regular meetings.
They had already established plans to rule Germany with departments covering health, justice and foreign affairs, the prosecutor said. Members understood they could only realise their goals by "military means and violence against state representatives", which included carrying out killings.
Investigators are thought to have got wind of the group when they uncovered a kidnap plot last April involving a gang who called themselves United Patriots.
They too were part of the Reichsbürger scene and had allegedly planned to abduct Health Minister Karl Lauterbach while also creating "civil war conditions" to bring about an end to Germany's democracy.
A former far-right AfD member of the lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, is suspected of being part of the plot, and of being lined up as the group's justice minister. Birgit Malsack-Winkemann, who was among the 25 people arrested, returned to her role as judge last year and a court has since turned down attempts to dislodge her.
Nancy Faeser

The suspected terrorist group uncovered today is - according to the current status of the inquiry - driven by fantasies of violent overthrow and conspiracy ideologies
Nancy Faeser
German Interior Minister
1px transparent line

A prominent lawyer was pencilled in to handle the group's foreign affairs, with 71-year-old Heinrich XIII as leader.

Public Prosecutor General Peter Frank said Heinrich was among the suspects whom investigating judges had asked to be held in custody.

'Fuelled by conspiracy theories'​

Heinrich XIII styles himself as a prince and comes from an old noble family known as the House of Reuss, which ruled over parts of the modern eastern state of Thuringia until 1918. All the male members of the family were given the name Heinrich as well as a number.
Descendants still own a few castles and Heinrich himself is said to have a hunting lodge at Bad Lobenstein in Thuringia.
The rest of the family have long distanced themselves from the minor aristocrat, with one spokesman telling local broadcaster MDR during the summer that Heinrich was an "at times confused" man who had fallen for "misconceptions fuelled by conspiracy theories".

'Crackpot' movement turns radical​

Reichsbürger members have demonstrated alongside anti-vaxxers and Covid-deniers (indeed some share those positions) as well as QAnon supporters during mass street protests in the last few years.
They were there when a mob from a Covid demonstration tried to storm the Bundestag in August 2020.
Many have been surprised at the depth to which conspiracy theories in general have permeated German society - particularly during the pandemic.
I've experienced it myself while reporting on various demonstrations over the last few years.

As well as a shadow government, the plotters allegedly had plans for a military arm run by a second ringleader identified as Rüdiger von P.
They were made up of active and former members of the military, officials believe, and included ex-elite soldiers from special units. The aim of the military arm was to eliminate democratic bodies at local level, prosecutors said.
Rüdiger von P is suspected of trying to recruit police officers in northern Germany and of having an eye on army barracks too. Bases in the states of Hesse, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria were all inspected for possible use after the government was overthrown, officials said.
One of those under investigation had been a member of the Special Commando Forces, and police searched his home and his room at the Graf-Zeppelin military base in Calw, south-west of Stuttgart.
Another suspect has been identified as Vitalia B, a Russian woman who was asked to approach Moscow on Heinrich's behalf. The Russian embassy in Berlin said in a statement that it did not "maintain contacts with representatives of terrorist groups and other illegal entities".
Several violent attacks have been linked to Germany's far-right in recent years. In 2020, a 43-year-old man shot dead nine people of foreign origin in the western town of Hanau, and a Reichsbürger member was jailed for killing a policeman in 2016.
The Reichsbürger movement is estimated to have as many as 21,000 followers, of whom around 5% are considered to belong to the extreme right.


St. Phatty

Active member
Anybody with 1/2 a brain knows that Hitler DESTROYED Germany. That was his job. That's why Wall Street financed him.

In the years after World 1, to 1934 - before Hitler that is - Germany grew to be the most powerful industrial economy in the World.

That was with a "Soft Expel" of Jewish people in place.

Not the "Hard Expel" that Hitler instituted.

At the same time, Ford - one of the most powerful men in the US - was publishing "The International Jew" in the US.

The militant sect of Judaism was FREAKING OUT. They were on the Outs in Europe AND the US.

Hitler was part of the solution.

Any German with a medium knowledge of History absolutely does NOT worship Hitler. I suspect that applies to the Patriotic Germans in the article.

Therefore, they are not "Neo Nazi's". They have no interest in adopting the policies that were in place in Germany from 1934 to 1941.

But the News Media has to Paint them as being Bad People. So they trot out the somewhat over-used term Neo-Nazi.

I've never met a Nazi, Neo or otherwise.

It seems to be a creation of Sons of Anarchy type fiction - where most of the bad guys are Iranian or "Nazi" - or of US gov. approved media.

For people that actually want to understand history, I also recommend Edwin Black's book "The Transfer Agreement".

It's about EXTENSIVE collaboration that occurred between WW2 Germany and Israel Supporters.
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Well-known member
I've never met a Nazi, Neo or otherwise.
sure you have. they don't goose-step everywhere they go, nor wear arm bands with swastikas. but they are damn sure nazis. Wall St. plays both sides in every conflict. they give not one little fuck WHOSE money they bank, so long as they are stacking it up.
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St. Phatty

Active member
sure you have. they don't goose-step everywhere they go, nor wear arm bands with swastikas. but they are damn sure nazis. Wall St. plays both sides in every conflict. they give not one little fuck WHOSE money they bank, so long as they are stacking it up.

It's not useful to be vague.

Wall Street is 100% controlled by the Criminal Sect of Judaism, even if they let in the occasional Gentile investment banker.

Are you talking about the Ashkenazi's - or are you just going to be politically correct ?


Well-known member
It's not useful to be vague.

Wall Street is 100% controlled by the Criminal Sect of Judaism, even if they let in the occasional Gentile investment banker.

Are you talking about the Ashkenazi's - or are you just going to be politically correct ?
Definitely not 100% controlled by Jews, you can buy stock, short sell stock, trade put and call options, hell if you live in the UK you can even use up to 20x margin I believe, inside the US they only allow 4x and you need $25k, I believe to do pattern day trading (US only). Really it's definitely a little bit of a disadvantage to US citizens in the US stock market, but in no way do Jews have any advantage, the British and Australians definitely have an advantage. Of course you use 20x leverage you can go bankrupt really fucking quick, 5% more in the wrong direction 100% loss, 10% 200% loss, now you owe serious money.

Sure maybe some really rich Jews get some insider trading tips, but Christians have been arrested for that too.

As for the last post you claim neo-nazi's don't exist, I have to call bullshit. They definitely exist I've seen swastikas tattooed on several people and they got those from prison gangs. I personally don't think they're anywhere near as big as the left wingers claim, but they do exist, just the Bloods alone would probably destroy them all, if a gang war took place.

Not sure if Germany has too many or not. They can watch Hitler's speeches though. I've tried reading his speeches to get an idea of what he was actually about, but it definitely didn't have the energy and anger of the Fuhrer himself, a German might take him more seriously.


Well-known member
All about the fatherland...

Read his book.
Yeah he probably wasn't as bad as we made him out to be, he probably wouldn't have gassed the Jews without the war, but his own people where starving and gassing the Jews was probably more humane than starving them to death. But it's not good.

He definitely did blame Churchill for a lot of bullshit before the war in a speech, which was probably legitimate. Genocide definitely fucks it all up though. Definitely not worth reading his books though don't matter how much good he was about, he still killed the Jews. Now Gandhi I might be able to get behind. Lol


Well-known member
gassing the Jews was probably more humane than starving them
he COULD have just let them leave the country, but that would have cheated his thug followers out of all the destruction and violence they were primed for. but, he didn't do that, did he? nope, and he had Jewish folk (among others) brought to the camps as slave labor. "probably more humane" :chin: uh, no.
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Well-known member
he COULD have just let them leave the country, but that would have cheated his thug followers out of all the destruction and violence they were primed for. but, he didn't do that, did he? nope, and he had Jewish folk (among others) brought to the camps as slave labor. "probably more humane" :chin: uh, no.
Not like I was justifying it, but that's probably why he did it. Hell he could have rationed them some food, of course every available resource was going towards the war and a Jew probably fucked his girlfriend.


Well-known member
Jew probably fucked his girlfriend
his father was allegedly half-jewish or something, and abandoned the family when Adolf was but a wee goosestepper. some accounts point to this as why he hated Jewish folks so bad. some say he only had one testicle & may not have been fucking anyone himself...that would have pissed me off too, but i doubt i would have started a war and killed millions over it.


Well-known member
his father was allegedly half-jewish or something, and abandoned the family when Adolf was but a wee goosestepper. some accounts point to this as why he hated Jewish folks so bad. some say he only had one testicle & may not have been fucking anyone himself...that would have pissed me off too, but i doubt i would have started a war and killed millions over it.
All that meth and barbiturates definitely ain't going to help either. I don't know about everyone else but I can't perform very good on amphetamines. Probably the biggest reason I never got into them, that plus while it gives you a little more energy I don't really get as much work done and I really don't like the feeling.


Well-known member
his father was allegedly half-jewish or something, and abandoned the family when Adolf was but a wee goosestepper. some accounts point to this as why he hated Jewish folks so bad. some say he only had one testicle & may not have been fucking anyone himself...that would have pissed me off too, but i doubt i would have started a war and killed millions over it.
he grew up with his father but the guy was, from what I gathered, from the docu I once watched, a real -know-it-all type (or thereabouts).
the docu also that Eva, was totally frustrated because she didn´t get any sex from him. This suggests to me that he was most probably impotent, which may explain (but not excuse) a few things, huh?
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moose eater

Well-known member
It's not useful to be vague.

Wall Street is 100% controlled by the Criminal Sect of Judaism, even if they let in the occasional Gentile investment banker.

Are you talking about the Ashkenazi's - or are you just going to be politically correct ?
But the Wall Streeters have some of the best coke. I mean, they can't be all bad, can they? OK, maybe most of them...

But I can turn a blind eye for a really nice line of Peruvian yellow flake over 90% pure. Maybe turn both blind eyes..

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