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Nationwide flu outbreak?


What were we talking about?
the flu with no-name?

gonna need a name: bird flu...swine flu...spanish flu...something the media can spread? :moon:

The Yuck Flu . . .


Green lung

Active member

You retarded conspiracy theorists never the leave house and don't interact with other humans how would you get the flu. lol

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Active member
I had the Flu this season also and it was really bad like someone else said thought I was gonna die. I did not get a flu shot yet this season. I have not been this sick for 15+ year's it fucking kicked my ass...


Game Bred
a flu jab of course :)

i thought he referred to the frequency of use recently anyway.. lol im sure im probably responsible for alot of those search results :biglaugh:..

i was thinking "the mars flu" sounds scary,,Al qaeda flu ?

not easy enough for the masses to spell or say...

muslim flu rolls off the tongue nicely "mooslam" flu :woohoo:

that right there would be a hot seller!
bred when sadam was banging a goat in his spiderhole with OBL...




Please stop coming to get your flu shots.

Makes my job a lot more demanding at the pharmacy.

Feel free to fight the flu all ya want.

I get the flu inhalation mist yearly, never had it. Never had an ill effect from the thing either.

This comes from someone who took 4 years of pharmacology courses at a top 10 pharmaceutical university in the US. Not sure what your formal background is, but I've taken many microbiology and physiology courses. Even classes specifically about the humoral response. I think it is pretty commonly accepted that the vaccine is more helpful then not.

But seriously, the flu shot is totally worth it. Depending on your insurance, it could very well be free.


Active member
Never have and never will take a flu shot. Some years I get the flu, some years I don't. My mom and dad get the flu shot every year since I can remember. Some years they get the flu, other years they don't. I am about to have a new born daughter, will I give her flu shots? Not sure yet. Does that make me a conspiracy theorist?

I think both sides of this argument are funny. The total conspiracy theorist that believes mind control comes from the flu shot. On the other hand, people that just call conspiracy theorist nuts, without researching anything for themselves. This is something I have researched a fair amount, and let me tell you, an argument could be made for either side.

Sorry to interrupt, carry on with your name calling boys.


Active member
not sure what your point is here, but i got the flu this year. it was the sickest i've ever been, and i've had the flu on 4 other occasions throughout my life.
Gee... only 5 times. :woohoo: Lucky bastard. I'm 40+ and have had the flu at least a dozen times, a few quite severe. *shrug*
it got bad enough that i thought i was going to die at one point. i've never had a flu vaccination in my life. the shit is seriously bad this year. hydro soil, what the fuck is your point?
so you don't eat processed foods and you don't get flu shots...good for you... go get the flu and come back and tell me that you don't wish that you would have gotten the flu shot instead of being deathly ill.
The flu is nothing to sneeze at, especially if your immune system is not fully functioning for some reason.

I've had ONE flu shot... was deathly sick for almost 3 weeks. That was 10 years ago. Been sick with the flu since and nearly as bad... but not quite like the flue shot sick. Never Again! Anyone comes at you with a needle, treat it like an attack.

These days? LOL I'll gladly work/hang-out around people who are sick, deathly sick... strengthens my immune system. Folks have a wicked nasty cough for 2 weeks and I get a sore throat for 45-60 minutes. *shrug*

Yeah... changing my diet had SIGNIFICANT changes on my health. Used to be sick 3-6 times a year without fail.

What's my point? I'm surrounded by people with polluted bodies from the food they eat and now there's an 'epidemic' going on that doesn't follow standard disease spread models. What's your explanation? I don't have any. *shrug*

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Freedom Fighter
This is the first year I have had the flu shot-- I was diagnosed with COPD, and my Dr told me I needed the shot for flu and also for pneumonia-- My lungs are damaged to the point that either one might kill me-- My wife and daughter have had the flu for the last 5 days, and I am still good--:tiphat:

lost in a sea

for combating influenza during flu seasons a few simple steps will make it infinitely harder for a virus to proliferate..

the first is probably partly why the "outbreaks" are getting worse in america, i know they are in the uk but they are very different to say the least, and that is to eat more vegitables, namely salad greens and brassicas.. during colder winter months and the seasonal affective disorder that afflict those in the north due to decreasing light hours humans comfort eat more which means more meals consisting mainly of fats/carbos and protein..

the second is colloidal silver in the ionic form which is completely safe unless you drink an ounce+ of silver worth (which is technically almost impossible)..

the charge of silver ions creates a field around it that not just inhibits growth of but denatures and destroys both most bacteria but also most viruses, the list is longer than your arm guaranteed.. in tests even 70% of aids variants are destroyed in 10ppm colloidal silver.. the science is proven and knowledge ancient.. they (our ancients of antiquity) used to make wine vessels out of silver and put silver coins in barrels to stop the contents from going off, extending storage times by four to five times.. the amount of companies patenting colloidal products are vast and the action it uses means it will easily be better than all disinfectants currently used because it doesnt promote "super bugs" like mrsa..

smokers can damage the mucous membrane of their throats and mouths so they can also be susceptible to infections,, if put in a small 200ml sprayer you can use it whenever needed like public transport or say down the shopping mall effectively creating a terrible environment for foreign microorganisms before they land..

and along with colloidal silver in a small sprayer that fits in your handbag or pocket by adding 1 or 2 drops of a distilled essential oil like one of the mint family (spearmint is my favourite) or eucalyptus (the globulus variety being the best) or tea tree etc each one has a variety of pluses by inhibition directly through healing specifically mucous membranes but sterilisation and physical protection so they are worth adding..

the reason silver in a high quality colloidal form is quite so efficient once consumed is actually because your white blood cells (mostly phagocytes) see the silver as foreign so they gobble it up by phagocytosis and go on their merry way gobbling up all other foreign bodies, thus bringing the silver into direct contact with microorganisms.. most of the silver you consume at any one time will leave your system in urine after 2 days so you have to consume small amounts regulary.. its also natural because the better the diet the more you consume through vegitables which bioaccumulate silver from the soil.. the average daily intake is 90 micro grams if you eat anything from the ground..

if you have r/o water you can make your own high quality colloidal silver for $50 easily and distilled essential oils like those listed above cost $5-10 for 10ml-100ml which last years used in this way,, and 200ml glass spray bottles cost little..

any electromagnetic creation will cause colloidal silver to paticulate, with time, from the electromagnetic field created from your heart, largely the sinoatrial node, which can even be detected 10 feet away, to any electrical device so you have to store it away from where people walk regularly or obviously electricity.. temperature and humidity don't affect it..

people would be amazed about the electromagnetic communication that their bodies use, but its forbidden knowledge from the masses im afraid..

i guarantee the "blue bloods" that own us have been extending their lives with this forever but have suppressed its use by the masses because it empowers the common people and makes them more formidable and resistant..

they want you eating terrible food and ingesting all the pharmaceutical drugs you will swallow to destroy your liver which has the unenviable task of cleaning peoples blood for 70 years, they want people to have the resulting heart disease and kidney failure from cigarettes and alcohol precisely so that microorganisms can cut people down 40 years before they should..

humans should make 110+ plus but in this environment the generations coming through will be lucky to see their 65th birthday..
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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
A little over 30 years ago, I got the flu so badly that I was hoping I wouldn't make it. I didn't move out of bed for 8 days. For about the following four or five years, I was sick frequently, had diarrhea without a break for literally years, and never felt quite right. I was in my mid - late '20's, in great shape, and my wife was an extremely healthy cook, took vitamins, exercised, etc. I got treated for giardia 3 successive times because they said that the test didn't always detect it, etc, etc. Finally, my doc said that the only thing that he had left was......a flu shot. He gave me the shot and in a couple of weeks the diarrhea had stopped and I started feeling like a human again. I'll take the shot, thanks.

lost in a sea

thats a pretty unusual case to say the least, for one thing the flu doesnt stay with you for that long no matter what you believe, just doesnt..


you know giardia is a protozoa ??? the flu jab wont stop that, it cant, so either you had genes that had been inactivated by a previous infection that the flu jab switched on or your recovery like i said was psychosomatic. both are quite possible..

so that really isnt an advertisement for the shot imo.. what isnt unusual is the power of psychosomatic healing which is well well documented through a multitude of placebo experiments.. sometimes with sugar pills actually out performing vaccinations and antibiotics depending on the species and epigenetics..


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I didn't say that the jab took care of giardia - I said that I was treated for it several times because of the symptoms, to no avail. I have doubts about a psychosomatic origin because I thought that he was a witch doctor when he suggested it. I think that it just kicked my immune system in the ass.....

Regardless, I've been getting the shots ever since and thus far have avoided another case of the flu including years when my co-workers were dropping like flies.

lost in a sea

sounds to me like you could have had encaphalitis to an extent,, it often causes exactly what you describe and lasts for years confusing host and physicians with relapse periods, the causes arent well enough documented to pin down any one cause,, but quite a few viruses and bacteria are implicated as well as health/genetic caused predispositions..

protozoa are almost always wrongly diagnosed for the symptoms of encephalitis..

i dont think you caused it psychosomatically though you might be amazed how much harm something like depression for example can cause on the body through the mind, which is probably what they were curious about, however the healing could easily have been in a few ways.. often starts initially just after the january-february flu season as well..
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lost in a sea

not easy enough for the masses to spell or say...

muslim flu rolls off the tongue nicely "mooslam" flu :woohoo:

that right there would be a hot seller!
bred when sadam was banging a goat in his spiderhole with OBL...

:laughing: your right that's just brilliant!!

my hats off to you sir :tiphat:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

can't remember the last time I got the flu, I get a flu shot on average once every 8-10 years, got one last week as it was offered free even though I'd already heard it was ineffective on some current influenza strains.


lost in a sea

and that is happening exactly because of people using vaccines which is one of main points against it..

you see we are in an evolutionary arms race with these microorganisms..we dance together in a deathly embrace .. we try to break that fine tuned waltz with a grenade but the dance partner comes back with a bazooka..

they dont want to kill you, if you die they die, they need you to spread them, but if you break the rules you open pandoras box,, which is what we are doing,, fucking nature and its going to fuck us if we arent careful..

death is the next most natural thing to birth and in running from it like we are i think we will play into the hands of a select few germs, both humanoid paracites and the microscopic kind..

just think how fast we have propelled ourselves to this point in what 100 years (arguably less than because the world is almost completely different to then), its barely a blip in the timescale of everything, and we stand on top of the afrontment to "god" we have built with our foolhardy arrogance and dare to say we can control all and run from anything but its just an illusion, over confidence and the power of denial, as a species we have gone all starry eyed for a while now and that is bad news.. a brilliant man called it "mankind in amnesia"..
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, The Ghost of
The shot always makes me feel sick - just like having the flu.

Im not saying the shot gives me the flu... Just that my bodies response to the shot is every bit as bad.

Havent had it in years - the shot or the flu.

I believe you need to give your body a chance at fighting off its attackers. I turn to pharmacuticals only when absolutely necessary.

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