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NASA has Released Info on Brown Dwarf Star/Dwarf Planet Between Jupiter and Mars



I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but all of the links you've posted up are accompanied by scary music and DRAWINGS of what the comet supposedly looks like.

All of mine have NO MUSIC, just facts and instead of drawings, they take actual telescope images and computer models of things in the real world.

Yet you are putting your faith in the ones that don't offer a shred of evidence. Why?

Besides the music which is not so scary to me, is it in your mind not odd that the head of NASA launched a video about to be prepared about something i don't know.Your're talking about evidence, but you show vids for 1st class students with exciting Star Wars music with small clips of South Park, well there you have your evidence.

Just i said before if you wanna believe in today's science especially from NASA, that's your choice, but since they can't explain the increase of volcanic eruptions, sinkholes all over the world, extreme weather especially this year etc.

If you love history like i do


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Besides the music which is not so scary to me, is it in your mind not odd that the head of NASA launched a video about to be prepared about something i don't know.

He launched that video? It's in space now? I thought they just uploaded it to youtube.

He talks about disaster preparedness. If NASA is in on the whole conspiracy, he'd have no need to release that video publicly, right? Everybody worth a damn at NASA would already be in on the conspiracy and have no need of a "cryptic" warning about disaster preparedness.

You're talking about evidence, but you show vids for 1st class students with exciting Star Wars music with small clips of South Park, well there you have your evidence.
Your discussing one link from one post (by a non-NASA employee!) What about all the other links and posts that I've put in this thread on the subject?

Why do all of your videos show the same drawing of a comet instead of showing actual footage of the comet? (I'll answer for you: because the actual footage is not very exciting, unlike these graphics that look very impressive.)

Just i said before if you wanna believe in today's science especially from NASA, that's your choice, but since they can't explain the increase of volcanic eruptions, sinkholes all over the world, extreme weather especially this year etc.
The earth is not at some new level of volcanic activity. There are dormant volcanoes all over the world that attest to the fact that in the past, there were many, many active volcanoes.

There have been earthquakes and tsunamis since before there were people. And here's a prediction for next year. There will be earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, rain, sleet, snow, ice, hail.

Show one bit of credible evidence that comet elenin (or a brown dwarf, or a rouge planet) are causing any of these things.

Not a video with a Halloween soundtrack and a bunch of artistic imaginings.

I'm completely willing to sit through even the most boring video as long as there is some kind of real explanation being offered.

I'm tired of sitting through suspenseful music and fear-mongering with layer upon layer of bullshit and NO CITATIONS, NO FACTS, NO EVIDENCE.


February, 17 2010

Rajasthan Times
A group of anthropologists working with hill tribes in a remote area of India have made a startling discovery: Intricate prehistoric cave paintings depicting aliens and UFO type craft.
The images were found in the Hoshangabad district of the state of Madhya Pradesh only 70 kilometers from the local administrative centre of Raisen. The caves are hidden deep within dense jungle. A clear image of what might be an alien or ET in a space suit can be seen in one cave painting along with a classical flying saucer shaped UFO that appears to be either beaming something down or beaming something up, in what might be an ancient UFO abduction scenario. A force-field or trail of some sort is seen at the rear of the UFO.
Also visible is another object that might depict a wormhole, explaining how aliens were able to reach Earth. This image may lead UFO enthusiasts to conclude that the images might have been drawn with the involvement of aliens themselves.
Local Archaeologist, Mr Wassim Khan, has personally seen the images. He claims that the objects and creatures seen in them are totally anomalous and out of character when compared to other, already discovered, examples of prehistoric cave art depicting ancient life in the area. As such he believes that they might suggest beings from other planets have been interacting with humans since prehistoric times: Adding weight to the 'ancient astronaut theory' which postulates that human civilization was established with the assistance of benevolent space-faring aliens.
only 70 kilometers from the local administrative centre of Raisen. The caves are hidden deep within dense jungle. A clear image of what might be an alien or ET in a space suit can be seen in one cave painting along with a classical flying saucer shaped UFO that appears to be either beaming something down or beaming something up, in what might be an ancient UFO abduction scenario. A force-field or trail of some sort is seen at the rear of the UFO.
Also visible is another object that might depict a wormhole, explaining how aliens were able to reach Earth. This image may lead UFO enthusiasts to conclude that the images might have been drawn with the involvement of aliens themselves.
Local Archaeologist, Mr Wassim Khan, has personally seen the images. He claims that the objects and creatures seen in them are totally anomalous and out of character when compared to other, already discovered, examples of prehistoric cave art depicting ancient life in the area. As such he believes that they might suggest beings from other planets have been interacting with humans since prehistoric times: Adding weight to the 'ancient astronaut theory' which postulates that human civilization was established with the assistance of benevolent space-faring aliens.
Ok. So we've got some unexplained cave paintings that are "totally anomalous and out of character when compared to other.... examples of prehistoric cave art."

Everything after that is supposition. There is no evidence that the things in the picture are aliens, ufos, wormholes, tractor beams, etc. It's a cave painting. Just look at all the words I have bolded and consider the possibility that you are seeing what you WANT to see.

The following image is not one of my own, but there's an interesting mystery within.


Ok. Image above is to a video that was released in 2007 called "Secret Space, Volume 2 - Alien Invasion."


If you go to about 7 minutes into the link above, you'll see this guy talking about how this is a reproduction of an aboriginal AUSTRALIAN cave painting that was discovered in the 1800s by a guy named Bradshaw.

Here's the rub:

Your article is from 2010 in India. How could this painting have been discovered in a cave in India in 2010 but this guy features the artwork in his video from 2007?

You need to look carefully at anything that claims to be evidence of the extraordinary. You'll find that it generally falls apart with only a small amount of research.

Once again, this took me a few minutes searching different terms on google related to the "discovery" in order to find evidence that directly contradicts your story.

As a history buff, I'm sure you're happy I was able to debunk this for you.


Active member
you were talking about school earlier and the problems with it.

i dont think the teachers or money are the problem.

basically you go to school and learn a few useful things.

but the majority of the time its basically

"copy this shit"

(what the fuck am i, a copy machine?)

talk about a fucking waste of your time... all day every day..

then you learn that most of the shit you learn, even in college, is absolutely pointless to learn, Unless your interests coincide with it, and Even then, you´d do far better studying that shit at home.

school has become in many ways obsolete.

its not enough interest based.. many kids spend a vast portion of their lives , learning shit that will in no way be of any use to them in the rest of their lives..

ive talked to a few "business runners" lol,, oh forget the name in english, but you needed a college degree to get a job there.

even though they told me, that all the college years were actually a waste of time in all but getting that paper..

since nothing they learned in college was of actual use in the job, all the real learning started on the job..lol

college was just bit useful in "getting only people dedicated to the job" (or something along those lines) but mostly because it was the law :)

so i think schools are just faulty from the start..

but i read they were basically founded to get able factory workers :)

sit down, be quiet, do what you are told.

make a copy of that shit :)

(and if you fail at it, you will never amount to anything :))


you were talking about school earlier and the problems with it.

i dont think the teachers or money are the problem.

basically you go to school and learn a few useful things.

but the majority of the time its basically

"copy this shit"

(what the fuck am i, a copy machine?)

talk about a fucking waste of your time... all day every day..

then you learn that most of the shit you learn, even in college, is absolutely pointless to learn, Unless your interests coincide with it, and Even then, you´d do far better studying that shit at home.

school has become in many ways obsolete.

its not enough interest based.. many kids spend a vast portion of their lives , learning shit that will in no way be of any use to them in the rest of their lives..

ive talked to a few "business runners" lol,, oh forget the name in english, but you needed a college degree to get a job there.

even though they told me, that all the college years were actually a waste of time in all but getting that paper..

since nothing they learned in college was of actual use in the job, all the real learning started on the job..lol

college was just bit useful in "getting only people dedicated to the job" (or something along those lines) but mostly because it was the law :)

so i think schools are just faulty from the start..

but i read they were basically founded to get able factory workers :)

sit down, be quiet, do what you are told.

make a copy of that shit :)

(and if you fail at it, you will never amount to anything :))

Joke post right? Do you think the technology you use was learned through home schooling? Do you think your parents have time to teach you everything and also put food on your plate?


Active member
I think he is kind of right on. Schools teach some set of what our society wants at this point in time. That curriculum is not necessarilly based on what would best benefit the student but rather what would best benefit a whole slew of other players in the situation. Teachers want to teach this... governments want to teach... religious leaders want to teach.... This leads to hypocrisy at the end of the day. Not saying you are wrong about everybody having the time to homeschool but if things were set up differently in our society (as they were in certain human pasts) many more people would "homeschool" or do versions of. Things have been and will be very different from how we are living now. We don't completely understand yet where we are as a species.


My chemistry teacher told me two memorable things.

#1, its not important what you know, only that youve developed the cognitive processes to obtain the information.

#2, if youre ever asked a chemistry question, and you dont know the answer, make sure you tell them you went to <insert HS rival school name>.


Sorcerer's Apprentice

For any of you "space buffs" here, you might wanna check that link. I just downloaded the app and it models the solar system and has details on the trajectories and movement (from historical data and astrophysics theory) of all natural and man-made satellites. You can even zoom way out and see where Voyager and the Pioneers currently are.

I've only been playing with it for a few minutes but it's pretty damn cool.

(And yes, Comet Elenin is on there, somewhere between mercury and the sun at the moment, and not in any danger of suddenly blossoming into a brown dwarf.)


The link reminds me of the program How it is made from Discovery Channel, but how accurate is the information in this program.At this moment still no news from NASA about the disintegration of Elenin and why must the crew get back to earth in November from ISS space station.

There is no evidence that the things in the picture are aliens, ufos, wormholes, tractor beams, etc. It's a cave painting. Just look at all the words I have bolded and consider the possibility that you are seeing what you WANT to see.

Well that convince me you're still in a stage of denial, but with acid it is perhaps possible to see normal things in this cave painting, but there is nothing wrong with my eyes when i look to this painting with or without Cannabis.:blowbubbles:

Science today is also still in denial when someone finds a fact which the scientists can't explain it, because they never learned at the university.Great example is when they found in Germany cocaine in Egyptian mummies.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:
Last edited:

Guest 88950

... but since they can't explain the increase of volcanic eruptions, sinkholes all over the world, extreme weather especially this year etc.

could the volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and such be related to our solar systems position in orbit around the galaxy's center?

im not sure about the rest of the world but in florida the sink holes are a result of too much h20 pumpud out of the aquifer leaving a void causing the ground to cave in.

i also wouldnt credit science for having all the answers to what we observe nor would i discredit it for not being able to explain what we observe.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
The link reminds me of the program How it is made from Discovery Channel, but how accurate is the information in this program.At this moment still no news from NASA about the disintegration of Elenin and why must the crew get back to earth in November from ISS space station.

If the world is gonna end in October, it won't really help to bring the ISS space station members home in November, will it? October is the closest approach of Elenin, and according to one of your videos, the end of the world.

Well that convince me you're still in a stage of denial, but with acid it is perhaps possible to see normal things in this cave painting, but there is nothing wrong with my eyes when i look to this painting with or without Cannabis.

There must be something wrong with your eyes, because you apparently glazed over the part where the cave painting you are discussing was discovered in the 1800s in Australia, yet the article you posted as credible evidence claims it is a 2010 discovery from India.

It can't be both. I showed evidence of another kook who was using this same image back in 2007.

So please tell me why your eyes cannot see that anything that is in a video that was released in 2007, wherein the guy in the video claims the painting was discovered in the 1800s cannot also have been found only recently on a completely different continent by a completely different discoverer?

Once again, if you have INCREDIBLE CLAIMS, they require INCREDIBLE EVIDENCE. If the most basic facts about your evidence (where it was discovered, when it was discovered, by whom, etc.) can easily be disproved (see my earlier post) how can you believe any part of it? Don't you have to say, "Wow, ok. Maybe I got that one wrong." As a history buff, shouldn't you be very interested to know that historical data (such as a video that you can watch for free on google that was clearly uploaded in 2007) is contradicting this new "evidence" you've found?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
At this moment still no news from NASA about the disintegration of Elenin


Article Linked Above said:
On his site, Leonid Elenin has left some comments where he confirms that comet elenin has indeed broken up and that the debris of the comet will not be a danger to the Earth as it will be too far out.

Leonid tells us that the breakup of Elenin is similar to the breakup of comet C/1999 S4.
C/1999 S4 is a comet which broke up in July 2000.
Leonid Elenin will make an announcment on what is happening with Comet Elenin on his site soon.

Please note that the above information does not come from NASA, but from the comet's discoverer, Leonid Elenin. You might be inclined to believe it, since he's not a part of the evil conspiracy.


Active member
Second... how much sense does it make to have a guard guard a guard? Why not just have the second guard burn the pictures himself? Was there a third guard guarding the guard who was guarding the first guard? (If so, who was guarding him?)

You're talking about the govt here. LOL There's no "Sense" involved.

Have you watched an interesting little video called "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon"??

It's apparent that NASA wasn't even aware of what was going on. Talk about a "Need to know" basis. LOL

Whatever the hell is coming, I don't care. The U.S. is currently collapsing and the rest of the world seems to be following or leading the pack.

I, like most of the world, am woefully under-prepared for what is happening so my focus is on my family.

Stay safe! :blowbubbles:


Sorcerer's Apprentice

In this link, you can see Ian Musgrove (the Australian amateur astronomer I mentioned in an earlier post) say the following:

“We’ve been following it in the STEREO spacecraft images and a number of amateurs have been following it in their telescopes,” said Australian amateur astronomer Ian Musgrave, author of the Astroblog website. “Shortly after the coronal mass ejection the comet flared up and you could see some beautiful details in the tail, with the tail was twisting about in the solar wind. But shortly
after that Earth- bound amateurs reported a huge decrease in the intensity of the comet. We think it may presage a falling apart of the comet.”

(Musgrove goes on to say that it's a shame that the comet has been overshadowed by a bunch of doomsayers.)


Overshadowed or not we will see if the doomsayers are right or not.NASA never had a good explanation why this comet is coming from an area in space where you would not expect any comets from.

The Germans were pretty far with their technology in WWII, that's why the Americans took some of them like von Braun to the US to start the space program, but was the invention of rockets their own invention or .....Von Braun said they had the info of the rocket technology from above.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


New member
Did you know there is always a end of the world crisis? The doomsayers will always find some new way to scare people that want to be scared.