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Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was ‘eating’ face off victim


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
These "Bath salts" and "Plant food" legal highs, are yet another reason why all drugs need to be legalised. Most of these legal highs, is formulated to be an alternative to/ similar to Speed, Ecstacy or Acid basically, and some of them are actually more dangerous than the drug they are supposed to be alternative to.

man great point, I've thought that too.

and if the actual drugs, most created using plants besides speed and MDMA, were legal then there would be absolutely no demand for these piece of shit things.... who in there right mind would smoke K2 or spice if they could go buy some actual cannabis legally?



Active member
Liveleak has the aftermath pics of the man who was eaten and the two of them at the scene.

Horrible doesn't even begin to describe it.
Liveleak has the aftermath pics of the man who was eaten and the two of them at the scene.

Horrible doesn't even begin to describe it.

Yeah well, I'd imagine there is no real faint-of-heart way to go about it...kind of like eating crabs...you gotta go full on.


ICMag Donor
MDMA is processed from sassafras oil ... which is extract from a tree...

I'd say it was salts for sure. Some crazy stuff there...



my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
MDMA is processed from sassafras oil ... which is extract from a tree...

I'd say it was salts for sure. Some crazy stuff there...


neat.. is MDMA present in the sassafras oil? or must it be processed in some way?

what about amphetamines? i don't know to much about these substances


Freedom Fighter
EDIT-- I took the pic down, for those who find it ok to joke about it, but are too pussified to face reality!!
Last edited:


Active member
i gotta disagree with all the folks saying "why did cops shoot an unarmed man"....

really? if someone was eating YOUR face, bet your ass would want to shoot him too!

he was armed with teeth lol...at lunch today me and my brother were going nonstop with the adlibs...

cop- "excuse me sir, please stop eating his face or i will be forced to shoot you"
"POLICE! hands up and PUT THE TEETH DOWN!!"
"POLICE!! do you need some wet wipes to go with that face?"

man getting face eaten- "no officers dont murder him, hes only eating my face off, its cool"
"officers its okay, hes hungry and i have lots of face to spare.."
"hhmm...this guy is kinda like eating my face...maybe i should try to stop him"
"duuuude...i said just a little off the nose! you got the munchies again dont you!!"

face eater "hmm your so good looking i could eat you....yum yum yum"
"hey you got some ketchup on your face there, let me get it for you CHOMP"

arnold sschwarzenegger face eater "dennys is still 2 blocks away and i mussstt eat NOWWWW!"


Well-known member
UnFucking believeable. Don't know whether I want to know about this kind of shit really.

Dark days when things like this happening.

The planet needs a cleanse of the bad souls, wouldn't be many left.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
"no its cool, hes hungry and i have lots of face to spare.."

not anymore he doesn't

where's Nicolas Cage and John Tavolta when you actually need them.

id say the face eater got off easier than faceless... don't feel sympathy for the dead guy feel bad of the guy who may have to live with no face. anyone eating someone alive, is less than human anyways... not that he should eat his face if he's already dead... but i don't blame the donner party for going cannibal


i gotta disagree with all the folks saying "why did cops shoot an unarmed man"....

really? if someone was eating YOUR face, bet your ass would want to shoot him too!

he was armed with teeth lol...at lunch today me and my brother were going nonstop with the adlibs...

cop- "excuse me sir, please stop eating his face or i will be forced to shoot you"
"POLICE! hands up and PUT THE TEETH DOWN!!"
"POLICE!! do you need some wet wipes to go with that face?"

man getting face eaten- "no officers dont murder him, hes only eating my face off, its cool"
"officers its okay, hes hungry and i have lots of face to spare.."
"hhmm...this guy is kinda like eating my face...maybe i should try to stop him"
"duuuude...i said just a little off the nose! you got the munchies again dont you!!"

face eater "hmm your so good looking i could eat you....yum yum yum"
"hey you got some ketchup on your face there, let me get it for you CHOMP"

arnold sschwarzenegger face eater "dennys is still 2 blocks away and i mussstt eat NOWWWW!"

I agree!
They said when the cop shot him, he looked up and growled!

At that point, I can't imagine anyone looking for a peaceful resolution.


i thought it was craven posting a picture of a pizza ...... wokka, wokka, wokka!!!!

you just have to do the bath salts in moderation


Active member
kmk420kali -

Really? You just went ahead and posted that picture with no warning?
Asshole move.

Yeah, I was trying to have a bit of decorum by telling folks where to see it. Silly me to assume some jackass wouldn't go and post it unannounced anyway.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Cocaine... it'll make you sing the blues... er...it'll make your friends face taste like cake du du

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