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Myths about growing that you've proven false?


High country cat herder
I didn't get good results with the LED panel,.... well not "GREAT" results, sure worked nice, lots of light for little wattage. I'd really like to put it on a mover in my flower room and have it move along next to my 600 and 400 HPS's :D

As for any myths that I've busted? None really.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Okay....... Don't want a pissin' match but, I have to say it...... They myth that LED lighting can compete with higher wattage HID! Sorry, just not there yet. May be in about 20yrs.

WTF? You haven't been staying current on how fast leds are developing- right up there with computer memory

Pic of my Xmas day harvest

This with ~ 80 watts. 25gms dry weight. Probably need 125-135 led watts to fatten it up, but it was an experiment. This is top cola. There was also 5 nice low side branches all with tight dense nuggz

Attached photo was from 400w HOT5 using aquarium bulbs. Flowered under 2 UVL Red Lifes, one UVL 660 + one Wave Point Coral Wave. Close call HOT5 maybe 20% more weight, but had I used ~ 125 led watts it probably would have been a draw

View attachment 200778


Well-known member
Lumens per Watt ?? PPF from LED will not get to where it needs to be anytime soon and PPF is what matters. Especially when you consider spectrum coverage. For a very small space where temp control is an issue than I could see doing the LED thing. I even would give credit to the option of supplimenting with them to spike a certain nm or two, but really, they are not there yet and are far from touching HID and plasma. Not comparing them to flouros (which can produce some nice herb).

Now, I said I didn't want to start a pizzn' match and I think I may have so you know where I stand and that is probably enough. Not looking to dirty up this thread or highjack it.

Darth Fader

I wanted to see if anyone has ever experienced the busting of myths when it comes to growing? There are a lot old folk tales out there that are based on older methods that are just outdated now, and I would be interested in hearing any thoughts on the subject.

I can start I guess... I just setup a small 2x2 grow tent (dr60) that has a 400w mh/hps in there. I'd been reading a lot about this specific combination for many weeks prior to making the purchase, and the overwhelming response all over the Web was that it couldn't be done easily. That a 400w would create too much heat.

Oh, there's more... Also, I didn't want to spend a whole lot of money on an exhaust fan, because I didn't need a carbon filter in the tent, so I figured I could give one of those duct booster fans a try, see how they do. I researched this for weeks and the overwhelming responses from people everywhere were that those fans are pieces of shit, they are a waste of money, they are ONLY good for boosting long duct runs. Long story short, I bought one, and it is working just beautifully!

So, in one go, I've busted 2 myths... 400 watt HIDs actually DO work with 2x2 tents, and they can even be air-cooled by a twenty dollar booster fan! I keep my house temperature at 77 degrees all of the time, whether by air conditioning or opening windows, and the tent so far has stayed at 79.5 degrees, right where the plants are.

Anyone else ever bust any growing myths?

I used to run a 400w CMH in 3x3 tent with a 4" fan/scrubber. Tent temps were around 10 degrees over ambient.


Active member
Lumens per Watt ?? PPF from LED will not get to where it needs to be anytime soon and PPF is what matters. Especially when you consider spectrum coverage. For a very small space where temp control is an issue than I could see doing the LED thing. I even would give credit to the option of supplimenting with them to spike a certain nm or two, but really, they are not there yet and are far from touching HID and plasma. Not comparing them to flouros (which can produce some nice herb).

Now, I said I didn't want to start a pizzn' match and I think I may have so you know where I stand and that is probably enough. Not looking to dirty up this thread or highjack it.

Given the perception created by your profile, Im going to take it you are a fellow abstract thinker, as only a particular cognitive blend would use sheldon as an avi.. that being said..

Have you seen recent developments with l.e.d. grow lights?

I think a bit of research would lend itself to some great reading material.. Start with BlackDog led's for example..

I think perhaps you would agree, some of these lights are comparable, however the price negates the point, for now. lol


Okay....... Don't want a pissin' match but, I have to say it...... They myth that LED lighting can compete with higher wattage HID! Sorry, just not there yet. May be in about 20yrs.

Is that a myth you personally have debunked, or is it your opinion? I ask specifically because, while I personally haven't invested in LEDs, I know many, many reefkeepers who have. In my opinion, if those things can push enough light to literally burn corals through water, then they're competing with HIDs, easily. I've seen the burned corals, so I know that isn't a myth. Not starting a pissing match, I am asking, upon what are you basing your assertion?
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Active member
Biggest Myth was realizing most grow experts/authors are goofs who's had less plants than many of us have had grows.


Active member
^VERY true. I have tried a lot of "expert" advice only to find it total bs. And I'll never figure that out, why people do that, maybe some ego thing, or commercial growers thinking they are protecting their wallets, or what. But it IS nuts. And I agree THAT is probably the biggest myth. The facts I have found work best, almost always, don't take any "expert" advice and just. keep. it. simple. stupid.


Active member
Myth: Cloning gels and bubble cloners are superior forms of cloning.

Fact: If you have 15 bucks, congratulations.. You can clone faster than anyone you know.
Rooting powder, peat pucks and a plastic bin from home depot, correct RH, temps, and bam, roots in 5 days....