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my wife wants to know every single little thing i do online


Game Bred
Clearly you are an expert on relationships. What better way to start a relationship than with an insult...

You have your head in the clouds mate. Wake up to reality. Go to a nursing home and ask all the old people close to death who have experienced life about trust.

The truth is you could be with someone for 30 years and not really know them.

This guys wife has displayed distrust with her hubbys online activities. Does she have good reason? Has he done something previously to loose her trust?

If yes then continue as medicalgreen suggests with love and understanding.

If no then you have some problems. Why Why Why... Why is she over your shoulder watching what you do? Is she scared you will find something? Why does she not trust you? Is she herself guilty of something and knows what people are capable of?

Why Why Why...

Save yourself the trouble of finding out at 40 that one of the kids is not yours. Save yourself the trouble of asking the doctor what these spots on your dick are.

Dont be a sucker. Dont be a fool. Harden the f up, be a man and find out before you waste your life with the wrong person.

Put the keylogger on the computer. If she is doing nothing then you will have more trust in her and the relationship will be stronger for it.

Ask her the hard questions. She doubts and question you. Why? So doubt and question her. See how she likes it.

Whats the worst that can happen? You find out something you didnt want to?

Just dont be a pussy. Dont be afraid of the truth. You get one life and it goes fast. Dont waste it.

obviously has some issues with women...
somebody fucked you up real good 'eh?
they arent all like whoever she was.


Active member
Dude, this sounds horrible. My girl dont care what I look at. I look at porn from time to time(way less that most). She will watch porn with me as well. No biggie.

However if you have deep seeded doubts about her or she has them about you, you are either being crazy or you are right.


Active member
obviously has some issues with women...
somebody fucked you up real good 'eh?
they arent all like whoever she was.


kinda like me complaining about all the crazy bitches I sleep with....it's not like I slipped and fell into their vaginas, we could all take some personal responsibility here and realize that they're not all whores :laughing:


I bet you don't do anything either...
just let her peruse your machine once- and never again. Then be done with it.


I have a woman that suspects everything I do online is a form of social networking. Last night we got a pizza and the delivery boy was a girl. She said I flirted with her. I have no idea what I did and asked her for details, but she just stonewalled me and said I was flirting and always am. I have a personality that invites trouble apparently. But what is funny is this girl always makes sure her phone is all cleaned of any text or voice messages before she comes so maybe she is guilty of some stuff herself. We sure have a good time in bed though so maybe it's worth it.

For the record I do not social network on this site. I don't know anyone and nobody knows me. It is my goal here to keep everything personal to myself.

I do belong to a cam site though. People project their feelings with their face and it is a fun thing to do. I can tell when someone is cheating or whatever by the look on their face.

Green lung

Active member
For the record I do not social network on this site. I don't know anyone and nobody knows me. It is my goal here to keep everything personal to myself.


Whoa Whoa ......you sound a little defensive there buddy........sure your not up to any shenanigans?



I had my laugh for the day. lol

That's a good case of selective editing. Thanks for leaving out the point of the statement altogether. The fact that your wife, doing something behind your back, could be as innocent as buying you a birthday present. If you want to select quotes for value, regardless of context, then go right ahead, but don't try to fool people into believing your honest. :thank you:
Clearly you are an expert on relationships. What better way to start a relationship than with an insult...

You have your head in the clouds mate. Wake up to reality. Go to a nursing home and ask all the old people close to death who have experienced life about trust.

The truth is you could be with someone for 30 years and not really know them.

This guys wife has displayed distrust with her hubbys online activities. Does she have good reason? Has he done something previously to loose her trust?

If yes then continue as medicalgreen suggests with love and understanding.

If no then you have some problems. Why Why Why... Why is she over your shoulder watching what you do? Is she scared you will find something? Why does she not trust you? Is she herself guilty of something and knows what people are capable of?

Why Why Why...

Save yourself the trouble of finding out at 40 that one of the kids is not yours. Save yourself the trouble of asking the doctor what these spots on your dick are.

Dont be a sucker. Dont be a fool. Harden the f up, be a man and find out before you waste your life with the wrong person.

Put the keylogger on the computer. If she is doing nothing then you will have more trust in her and the relationship will be stronger for it.

Ask her the hard questions. She doubts and question you. Why? So doubt and question her. See how she likes it.

Whats the worst that can happen? You find out something you didnt want to?

Just dont be a pussy. Dont be afraid of the truth. You get one life and it goes fast. Dont waste it.

Requote : You are a serious mental case, JWP. You obviously have only been in sick relationships that promote sickness. Your mind is unhealthy, your thoughts are unhealthy and your actions are worthy of being in a relationship with a garbage can or a rock.

If anyone follows JWP's advice, and loses the one they love, then don't blame the stupidity of JWP, just blame yourself for listening to a retard.

And BTW, sorry to hear about the children you have that are not yours. Better luck next time! Or next time, don't be such an ass and she won't cheat on you.


weed fiend
I'd only consider gaming a gamer. If she's honest with you, she deserves honesty in return. If it wound down to curtailing e-activity, you wouldn't be the first.

Some wives never care to set foot in the garage or other man space.. IMO, this involves a degree of trust more than the lack of object interest.

If you were caught in the act of whatever you do privately, ask yourself if it compromises you or her.

If the answer is yes, the positive solution may be with you. If the answer is no, try letting her know that privacy isn't shutting her out. Besides, you're not into all her stuff.

I understand that privacy isn't necessarily something that has to be hidden. Sometimes it's nothing more than being one with self and thoughts. To some, privacy is a command of space more than substance.

Maybe your wife needs less personal time than you're accustomed. IMO, it wouldn't hurt to demonstrate that privacy is exactly that and nothing more. She may be intruding. Stuff like that is hard to say but I'm sure you know her well enough to communicate w/o hurt feelings.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
i'd probably show her this thread.

'see honey, i'm not THAT big of a douche that one sentence is worth 3 pages of moralizing, in depth analysis, and arm chair psychology - it could be worse!'


weed fiend
I don't think she'd like the snuff references.

Some of us fail to absorb broad social understanding in the formative years. What you consider psychobabble (my word) is either afterthought from broad understanding or less than understanding itself.

Here's one for those who may find reading of the understanding of others boring...

We can pick our friends and we can pick our nose. But we can't wipe the wife on the bottom of the couch.

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