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My Wife Hates That I Still Smoke ... W.T.F.


Active member
[FONT=&quot]From the day I was brought home from The [FONT=&quot]UCLA Neurology[/FONT] Department at age 9. Having been diagnosed as hyperactive, and prescribed Ritalin, my mother... very ahead of her time, said "fuck that"... and gave me my first hit, of what would be a life long recommendation from her, "Dr. Mom". So that no matter what anyone said, I knew, I was right with the one person that mattered.... mom.

Now at 47, the wife of 15 years...(by the way I use to grow when we first meet in Big Sur Ca.) FUCKING HATES WEED!. So that sense of "no harm" has been replaced with guilt for "needing" to "self medicate" Shit... meanwhile she pumps down Xanax by the fist full while chasing them with a "glass" (or two) of red "whine".

Fucking shoot me! I'm an idiot...:puke:

Got a better story than that ... please share and cheer me up
Time to trade her in for 2 23 year olds..

mgk :hide:


to be fair, most people who are in their 30's, 40's, and older who still smoke pot regularly are burn-outs and fuckups :tiphat: sorry to offend, but that's the truth

lol yeah keep blaming the weed i'm sure that's why you are a fuck up.


stone fool
Fuck that bitch, she broke, trade in for new.

And fuck you kid without a vowel, I may be a fuckup, but I got a vowel.


St. Elsewhere
I can't think of any drug I dislike more than Xanax. It kills your personality once it's taken routinely. It turns people into ignorant, self-serving babies.

A woman on Xanax is a woman I cannot STAND to be around. (Not to say it effects either sex differently, just I've known several times more women caught up in it than men.)

Seriously, fuck Xanax. It's so unbelievably popular amongst otherwise "straight" people. My mother is one of those types. She practically disowned me over pot, and now she abuses Xanax and victimizes my younger half-siblings. Worst drug ever.

(Wellbutrin is up there too)


to be fair, most people who are in their 30's, 40's, and older who still smoke pot regularly are burn-outs and fuckups :tiphat: sorry to offend, but that's the truth

if you were not hanging out at the trailer park so much you would see that we are not burn- outs.

Sorry to offend? Sorry to offend??
How about this : dont be sorry, be aware!

And most inportant DONT BE A DICK

and all those pills dudes wife is taking are the mother fucking devil! My step mom was a pill addict and it just stoped her heart in her sleep one day,(@ 43) so maby thats a day that you could look foward to. LoL
just kidding but that bitch will die from those, ur heart is not made to handle those pills over time. And i dont even suggest them for a short time.


She's projecting her displeasure of her own substance abuse on to you. Dont let her bring you down into her dark place, you need to bring her out of that place instead of joining her. Get her on the right track it will only help you, be selfish about it do it for your well being. Get her smokin pot stat! lol You shouldnt even smoke until your thirty you little turd!! lol


you are a fucking idiot.....why?? cuz you married her thats why your an idiot.....obviously shes a huuuuge hypocrate for dispise-ing your cannbis use while being intoxicated from alprazolam/alcohol!!! i fucking hate people that r hooked on xanax.....if they dont have it they turn into nervous FUCKING wrecks! very very verrrrry easily aggitated, can have a fucking life breakdown over a glass of spilled milk...they r very very touchy regarding anything emotional wise.....not my idea of fun chilling with a person who abuses alprazolam.....and when they do dose up, the way your wife does...it ends up with them being an intoxicated IDIOT who cant even talk correctly nor complete a simple task like pouring a glass of milk....your wife sucks bro get her a detox program IMMEDIATELY!

and the reason that she dislikes your cannabis use is because she is greatly ill-informed about its effects and medical uses....even if you used it for the sole purpose of getting ripped it doesnt really matter in her eyes....she obviously isnt a user and just doesnt understand the reality of things because shes been given propagandized information. this thinking cannot easily be remedied...... 1st what you need to do is get that bitch off the fucking xanax, which will be EXTREMELY difficult for her and you.....once shes off you should somehow promote cannabis use for one of her (many) im sure, ailements. perhaps using it to treat the withdraws she'll have from coming off huge doses of xanax.....

mannnn im sorry about your wife sounds like the whole situation blows.....

My last roomate fits that explanation perfectly! I'm with you on how annoying a pill head can be. I asked his cuban bitch girlfriend (also a pill head) to keep her dog out of the kitchen because we were transplanting that day I used my pleases and thank you's and was very nice about the whole thing. About a minute later he came raging into my room yelling about how i can't talk to his girl like that and making absolutely no sense. He ended his rampage by saying "I ran out of xanax, you know i get angry when i don't have my pills"...........fucking pill heads :whee:
Had that problem. Wife dead set against it. Solved by setting up an appointment to look at an apartment. She relented as I was about to go meet the prospective landlord. No problems with her since. They usually get over it pretty quick.

One hint - don't consider it a threat, but a promise, and plan on it happening in your own mind. Time is too valuable and finite to waste pleasing others at your own expense.

To the guy that said people in their 40's who still smoke are losers. I'm the sole breadwinner. Have been for quite a long time, and live quite comfortably.


New member
to be fair, most people who are in their 30's, 40's, and older who still smoke pot regularly are burn-outs and fuckups :tiphat: sorry to offend, but that's the truth

Not much truth in your statement bro. You might want to learn to think before opening your mouth or in this case typing. And the only offense taken is by your parents for not being celibate or practicing masturbation. Now THAT'S the truth.
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Active member
Originally Posted by jd4083
to be fair, most people who are in their 30's, 40's, and older who still smoke pot regularly are burn-outs and fuckups sorry to offend, but that's the truth
Dude Ted Turner is the anti-thesis to that statement. MULTI-Billionaire media mogul who wakes and bakes almost everyday. You must be getting that statement misconstrued with xanex. Around here we call xanex the plague because it spreads like wild fire and makes you inept to the world. I know young people who become clepto's on that shit. Stealing to get that fix... Needless to say I distant myself from those "associates". I feel like pharma company's purposely put addictive substances into that shit like big tobacco and cigarettes. I knew a sweet girl who turned 24/7 menstrual bitch when she didn't get the xanxy fix. I guess you can only offer an altimatum, "I quit when you quit" type of thing. She will be better off but thanx for sharring. I have something else to add to my pre-nup in progress.


Active member
Funny how offended some people get when someone expresses an opinion opposite to their own. :laughing:

To be fair, yes, this is my own experience with older friends still clinging to their hippie years (I'm in my 20's, we're talking 40's and up here) and that might not mesh with all of your worldviews, nor should it...

I've climbed the ladder a long way in a short time but I'm not so arrogant or ignorant as to think that pot has not always been a positive influence in my life.

just my opinion, as always, sorry if it's harsher than necessary from time to time...honesty's always the best policy right?


Active member
yi fucking hate people that r hooked on xanax.....if they dont have it they turn into nervous FUCKING wrecks! ..

Damn bro. How do you really feel?

The bias is so bad, I had a 27 year old intelligent college girl tell me that everybody was drinking but they didn't do any drugs.

I said, You are aware that alcohol is a drug right? It is just a legal drug!

Some smart people can be really stupid! I really laugh at the pill poppers that call us stupid. Weed is the better than any of those pills for a large number of issues. Stress can easily be concurred with a fatty.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

have you tried telling your wife that weed
is the only thing that allows you to tolerate
her ugly moods and lousy attitudes?

Originally Posted by jd4083
to be fair, most people who are in their 30's, 40's, and older who still smoke pot regularly are burn-outs and fuckups sorry to offend, but that's the truth
Hee Hee. Just wait until you reach your 30 or 40's, not to mention your 50's.
You need to find a woman who is more like your Mom.......

Originally Posted by jd4083
"to be fair, most people who are in their 30's, 40's, and older who still smoke pot regularly are burn-outs and fuckups sorry to offend, but that's the truth"

From a 54 year old with a 40 year relationship with the plant, all I can say is that your statement is just f**king ignorant.


Active member
Had that problem. Wife dead set against it. Solved by setting up an appointment to look at an apartment. Just curious, WR, not sure what you meant by this. Who was the apt for? Your grow? You and your grow? Her? She relented as I was about to go meet the prospective landlord. No problems with her since. They usually get over it pretty quick.

One hint - don't consider it a threat, but a promise, and plan on it happening in your own mind. What is "it" that you're referring to? I didn't see anything in the OP about making threats or plans...? Time is too valuable and finite to waste pleasing others at your own expense.
Inquiring minds want to know!



Active member
Seems that your wife has some seriuos issues with anxiety/depression but that is her problem as long as she doesn´t share.
My wife used to make me feel guilty for smoking (chronic pain, joint and neurological) but I just told her the alternatives: back on opioids and a sick pension or weed, work and a (semi)balanced life.
She chose the weed and only looks a bit tired when I start having "stoney rants" :blowbubbles:

We respect each other and that was how we could work around the issue. If you guys want to stay together seek some counseling, if not just hit the road.