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My WATER Cure....

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs.

The stealth and smooth smoke of water cured buds attracts botanicals ninjas like myself and FB..meanwhile some will not compromise on smell and taste, and perfer the air cure.

Neither is right, neither is wrong....just different. Once we accept the differences we can moves on amicably.

Cheers folks, :wave:


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clowntown said:
If you take the water from the water cure (of unflushed buds) and let it evaporate on glass, will you see salt residue?

You can even measure the runoff with a TDS meter, I bet you'll be pretty surprised. I know one thread here has some runoff numbers.


Hey , i swung back by this thread to first apologize for the way I posted by last comment..it seemed very ill-spirited and ignorant. Which it essentially was.

I have since done some research on water curing and my mind was quickly swayed in favor of this method after reading through more of this and other W/cure threads around.

All the stories of smoking withing arms reach of unknowing others while puffing away on your stealth stash has got to be the most liberating feeling.

Which is why I definetely plan on W/curing a portion of my next harvest. Told a friend about it and he wants to sample/witness my odor-free example before trying on his own.

when I told him we'd be able to blaze on our smoke break at work , he told me I was full of shit. Hopefully I prove him wrong.

I plan on using mason jars, swapping RO water everyday for a week, then hanging for however long it takes.

My question is; do I need to flush before Chopping my watercure-destined girl , or do I just keep nutes full strength right up until the end?

Jersey Cretin

New member
"check out my toilet water cure thread"
No wonder your Breath Stink like SH## !

Jersey Cretin

New member
Good ..Bad...Don't Care.
I like the taste. Very mellow.
Living conditions here...tell me this is what I have to do and it has worked out great.
Serious buzz tho'.
Hate to get up....walk around forgot what I got up for. HaHa, GOOD BUZZ
No Hackin lungs, no ash...very cool!
~~~Milk Cure~~~ Maybe this next grow..LMAO
Jersey Cretin


wth? i dont understand, submerging buds into water for a week and then you hang dry? is it ready to smoke? after the water you hang dry like you would usually do? and then its ready to smoke? i would think that soaking in water and drying would add weight not make you lose more, im not disagreeing with you guys i just never heard of anything like this before. it kinda seems like it would make mold inevitable.

i have plants ready to cut here in a week and i would like to try curing just like a half an ounce like this to see whats up with it, but im scared of ruining my precious pot.

im going to search this topic more. i cant believe that people do this regularly and never heard of it? i learn sumthing new every day here on icmag.

we growers are some ingenious fellows, eh?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
No, don't hang dry.

Check the link in my sig or my post earlier in this thread, I went through the steps there.

Jersey Cretin

New member
wth? i dont understand, submerging buds into water for a week and then you hang dry? is it ready to smoke? after the water you hang dry like you would usually do? and then its ready to smoke? i would think that soaking in water and drying would add weight not make you lose more, im not disagreeing with you guys i just never heard of anything like this before. it kinda seems like it would make mold inevitable.

i have plants ready to cut here in a week and i would like to try curing just like a half an ounce like this to see whats up with it, but im scared of ruining my precious pot.

im going to search this topic more. i cant believe that people do this regularly and never heard of it? i learn sumthing new every day here on icmag.

we growers are some ingenious fellows, eh?
No mold.....run a light powered fan over the strems.
A few days....squeeze it, make sure it is dry.
The water weight evaporites.
Just try a few budds. A week in a jar or good container.
Poked holes on the top to help drain water. Drain it once a day only.
Slowly refill with warm water.
The water draws out any nasty crap that is left on the trichs'.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Water cured buds should be fan dried (some use food dehydrators on low) You don't want the dry to take more than a day or two or mold can become an issue. Buds will be reduced in size and weight but, THC is non soluble in water so it remains the same. This gives the impression of greater potencey. What's usually happening is people still fill their bongs to the same level as before so now they have 10% more THC per hit.


the tank not the bowl clown, my breath stinks from lickin your mamas snatch, sorry


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Why am I not surprised the only action you're getting is from a corpse, dead and buried for 39 years? This thread is about water cures. Take your necrophillac scat fantasies elsewhere.

Jersey Cretin

New member
What a WEAK ass. Talkin about my "dead momma".
Guess they still do that in High School??? Or did your boyfriend help you write that ?
***All about water curein' here. Proper way to do it-pros and cons.***
Not in a DAM Toilet. :beat-dead
But anyway MO, u have a nice day! :rasta:
haha thats hilarious. but know what, the toilet theory might even work cuz it gets emptied and refilled at least once a day. pretty funny tho. wouldnt the bowl ur pissing in smell like buds?


New member
This method is very relevant to my intrests. I pretty much smoke my dope as soon as its dry enough to burn. Yes you cough and its rough, but just like fb said, its my weed. I also dont flush and use both chems and naturals heavily. You rage ? :nanana:

Quick question - Can you harvest plants and put them directly into a water cure?
You sir, are correct.


i gotta be honest guys i'm very skeptical about this water cure, but i am interested so i plan on trying it on some fresh buds next harvest.

the stealth factor is what intrigues me the most. i have never encountered weed that could be smoked in public without ppl realizing it wasn't tobacco. even a joint that was half tobacco is noticed immediately around theses parts. i will definitely have to check it out for myself considering the enthusiasm in this thread.

i am very concerned about the water cure's impact on potency. i was taught that things like light, air, heat, etc all decrease potency when the bud is exposed to it, easpecially for long periods of time or intense conditions. to submerge marijuana in water just seems ludicrous. isn't high quality hash made similarly. although the water is not thc-soluble, i would expect the water to wash away some of the trichomes and resin effectively decreasing potency. i actually thought this was a trick irreputable dealers used, kinda like shaking down the buds to collect crystal before selling them.

maybe i just baby my buds too much. i am very interested and would like to make a direct comparison of the same harvest. anyways i sitll have to agree with many on here that looks, smell, and taste are important. but to each their own.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
to submerge marijuana in water just seems ludicrous. isn't high quality hash made similarly. although the water is not thc-soluble, i would expect the water to wash away some of the trichomes and resin effectively decreasing potency.

As you noted THC is not water soluble. It has no effect on potency. A water cure causes nothing near the abuse of moving buds in and out of paper bags and jars for weeks or months. If smell taste and appearance are important to you, forget water curing. But, if hanging on to every trich is your goal, throw your jars away.

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